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[filter tracking] strapdown inertial navigation pure inertial navigation solution matlab implementation

2022-07-07 11:50:00 Matlab scientific research studio

1 brief introduction

Strapdown navigation system is a kind of inertial navigation system , Compared with platform navigation system, it has small volume 、 Light weight 、 Low cost features , It is the development direction of inertial navigation system in the future . This paper first introduces the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) The principle of navigation , The algorithm of initial alignment and navigation solution of strapdown inertial navigation system is discussed 、 Flight path data generation algorithm , And then use it MATLAB/Simulink Simulation software , The navigation process of strapdown inertial navigation system is simulated . As the error of navigation parameters of inertial navigation system accumulates with time , Pure strapdown inertial navigation system can not meet the long-term 、 Long distance navigation requirements . It is often used in practice GPS/SINS Integrated navigation technology to improve the accuracy and reliability of the system , In this paper, Kalman filter method is used to simulate it . The experimental results show that the simulation system works stably and reliably , The simulation result achieves the expected effect . Initial alignment is one of the key technologies of strapdown inertial navigation system , It directly affects the navigation performance of strapdown inertial navigation system . Considering the low accuracy of strapdown inertial navigation system , Its gyro accuracy is low , The estimation accuracy of azimuth misalignment angle during initial alignment is often not high ; in addition , The common method of initial alignment is to use Kalman filter technology , But in practice , Its robustness is not high , Therefore, there is an urgent need for an initial alignment method that can improve the estimation accuracy of azimuth misalignment angle of low precision strapdown inertial navigation system and has robustness .

2 Part of the code

function [Cbn]=QuaternionToDCM(qbn)% Attitude quaternion direction cosine matrix Cbn(1,1)=qbn(1)*qbn(1)+qbn(2)*qbn(2)-qbn(3)*qbn(3)-qbn(4)*qbn(4);Cbn(1,2)=2*(qbn(2)*qbn(3)-qbn(1)*qbn(4));Cbn(1,3)=2*(qbn(2)*qbn(4)+qbn(1)*qbn(3));Cbn(2,1)=2*(qbn(2)*qbn(3)+qbn(1)*qbn(4));Cbn(2,2)=qbn(1)*qbn(1)-qbn(2)*qbn(2)+qbn(3)*qbn(3)-qbn(4)*qbn(4);Cbn(2,3)=2*(qbn(3)*qbn(4)-qbn(1)*qbn(2));Cbn(3,1)=2*(qbn(2)*qbn(4)-qbn(1)*qbn(3));Cbn(3,2)=2*(qbn(3)*qbn(4)+qbn(1)*qbn(2));Cbn(3,3)=qbn(1)*qbn(1)-qbn(2)*qbn(2)-qbn(3)*qbn(3)+qbn(4)*qbn(4);end

3 Simulation results

4 reference

[1] Zhang Yan . Algorithm research and Simulation Implementation of strapdown inertial navigation system . Diss. Dalian University of Technology , 2008.​

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