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Jedis source code analysis (II): jediscluster module source code analysis
2022-07-03 05:55:00 【Sloppy wandering swordsman】
3、 ... and 、JedisCluster Module source code analysis
1、JedisCluster Class structure
- because Jedis It's not thread safe by itself , So choose to use object pool JedisPool To ensure thread safety
- stay JedisClusterInfoCache in , The one-to-one correspondence between nodes and slots is saved , Create an object for each node JedisPool, And keep it in map in . This class is mainly used to save the configuration information of the cluster
2、JedisCluster The initialization
public class JedisCluster extends BinaryJedisCluster implements JedisClusterCommands,
MultiKeyJedisClusterCommands, JedisClusterScriptingCommands {
public JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> nodes) {
this(nodes, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
public JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> nodes, int timeout) {
this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS);
public JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> nodes, int timeout, int maxAttempts) {
this(nodes, timeout, maxAttempts, new GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis>());
public JedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxAttempts,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis> poolConfig) {
super(jedisClusterNode, timeout, maxAttempts, poolConfig);
JedisCluster The constructor of will call the parent class BinaryJedisCluster Constructor for
public class BinaryJedisCluster implements BinaryJedisClusterCommands,
MultiKeyBinaryJedisClusterCommands, JedisClusterBinaryScriptingCommands, Closeable {
// Connection timeout or read timeout , Default 2 second
public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
// When JedisCluster Number of retries when connection failed , Default 5 Time
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5;
protected JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler;
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxAttempts,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis> poolConfig) {
this(jedisClusterNode, timeout, timeout, maxAttempts, poolConfig);
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout,
int soTimeout, int maxAttempts, String user, String password, String clientName,
GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis> poolConfig) {
this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
connectionTimeout, soTimeout, user, password, clientName);
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
this.maxTotalRetriesDuration = Duration.ofMillis((long) soTimeout * maxAttempts);
BinaryJedisCluster Would call JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler Constructor initialization for JedisClusterConnectionHandler
public class JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler extends JedisClusterConnectionHandler {
public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set<HostAndPort> nodes,
GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis> poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout, String user,
String password, String clientName) {
super(nodes, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, user, password, clientName);
JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler The constructor of will call the parent class JedisClusterConnectionHandler Constructor for
public abstract class JedisClusterConnectionHandler implements Closeable {
protected final JedisClusterInfoCache cache;
public JedisClusterConnectionHandler(Set<HostAndPort> nodes,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis> poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
String user, String password, String clientName) {
this(nodes, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, 0, user, password, clientName);
public JedisClusterConnectionHandler(Set<HostAndPort> nodes,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig<Jedis> poolConfig, final JedisClientConfig clientConfig) {
this.cache = new JedisClusterInfoCache(poolConfig, clientConfig);
// Save the node information and corresponding slot information of the cluster
initializeSlotsCache(nodes, clientConfig);
private void initializeSlotsCache(Set<HostAndPort> startNodes, JedisClientConfig clientConfig) {
ArrayList<HostAndPort> startNodeList = new ArrayList<>(startNodes);
for (HostAndPort hostAndPort : startNodeList) {
try (Jedis jedis = new Jedis(hostAndPort, clientConfig)) {
// Save the cluster information to JedisClusterInfoCache
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
// try next nodes
JedisClusterConnectionHandler In the constructor of initializeSlotsCache()
Method to save the node information and the corresponding slot information of the cluster , The final call JedisClusterInfoCache Of discoverClusterNodesAndSlots()
Method to save the cluster information to JedisClusterInfoCache
public class JedisClusterInfoCache {
// The number of nodes in the cluster IP The address and the corresponding Pool
private final Map<String, JedisPool> nodes = new HashMap<>();
// Each slot and corresponding node
private final Map<Integer, JedisPool> slots = new HashMap<>();
public void discoverClusterNodesAndSlots(Jedis jedis) {
try {
// Empty two map
// 1) adopt cluster slots Command to obtain the information of all nodes of the cluster
List<Object> slots = jedis.clusterSlots();
// Record the information of each node one by one
for (Object slotInfoObj : slots) {
List<Object> slotInfo = (List<Object>) slotInfoObj;
if (slotInfo.size() <= MASTER_NODE_INDEX) {
// Record the slot information of the current node , Returns the... Of the recording slot List
List<Integer> slotNums = getAssignedSlotArray(slotInfo);
// hostInfos
int size = slotInfo.size();
for (int i = MASTER_NODE_INDEX; i < size; i++) {
// Check the current node master/slave Whether the information of is complete
List<Object> hostInfos = (List<Object>) slotInfo.get(i);
if (hostInfos.isEmpty()) {
// Get the... Of the current node HostAndPort
HostAndPort targetNode = generateHostAndPort(hostInfos);
// Create... For this node Pool, Insert nodes Map
// take master Insert node and slot information slots Map
assignSlotsToNode(slotNums, targetNode);
} finally {
Code 1) Through cluster slots Command to obtain the information of all nodes of the cluster ,cluster slots An example command is as follows :
redis> cluster slots
1) 1) (integer) 0 // Slot start bit
2) (integer) 4095 // Slot end bit
3) 1) "" // Master node IP
2) (integer) 7000 // Primary node port number
4) 1) "" // From the node IP
2) (integer) 7004 // From node port number
2) 1) (integer) 12288
2) (integer) 16383
3) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7003
4) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7007
3) 1) (integer) 4096
2) (integer) 8191
3) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7001
4) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7005
4) 1) (integer) 8192
2) (integer) 12287
3) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7002
4) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7006
JedisCluster On initialization , From... Through one of the nodes Redis The server gets the information of the whole cluster , Including slot correspondence 、 Information of master and slave nodes , Save in JedisClusterInfoCache in
3、MOVED Mistakes and ASK error
In the interpretation of the JedisCluster Before invoking the process , Let's start with Redis cluster-mode MOVED Mistakes and ASK error ,JedisCluster These two errors will be handled accordingly
1)、MOVED error
When the node discovers that the slot in which the key resides is not its own responsibility , The node returns one to the client MOVED error , Direct the client to the node in charge of the slot
MOVED The wrong format is :
MOVED <slot> <ip>:<port>
among slot Is the slot where the key is located , and ip and port Is responsible for processing slots slot The node of IP Address and port number . For example, mistakes :
MOVED 10086
It means groove 10086 By IP The address is, port 7002 Is responsible for
2)、ASK error
During the reshard , During the migration of a slot from the source node to the target node , There may be such a situation : The key value pairs belonging to the migrated slot are saved in the source node , The other key value pairs are saved in the target node
When the client sends a command related to the database key to the source node , And the database key to be processed by the command belongs to the slot being migrated :
- The source node will first find the specified key in its own database , If you find it , Just execute the command sent by the client directly
- If the source node fails to find the specified key in its own database , Then this key may have been migrated to the target node , The source node will return one to the client ASK error , Directs the client to the destination node where the slot is being imported , And again send the command that you wanted to execute before
for instance , Suppose at the node 7002 To the node 7003 Migration trough 16198 period , There is a client to the node 7002 dispatch orders :GET "love"
Because the key "love" It just belongs to the slot 16198, So node 7002 Will first find the key in your own database "love", But I didn't find , node 7002 Find yourself in the groove 16198 Migrate to node 7003, So it returns an error to the client :ASK 16198
This error indicates that the client can try IP by, The port number is 7003 Node to execute and slot 16198 Related operations
Receive ASK Incorrectly, the client will follow the error prompt IP Address and port number , Turn to the target node that is importing the slot , Then first send a message to the target node ASKING command , Then resend the original command you want to execute
3)、ASKING command
ASKING The only thing the command has to do is open the client that sent the command REDIS_ASKING identification
If the client sends a message about the slot to the node i The order of , And groove i Whether it is assigned to this node , Then the node will send back a MOVED error ; however , If the node is importing slots i, And the client sending the command has REDIS_ASKING identification , Then the node will make an exception to this about the slot i Your order once
When the client receives ASK Error and turn to the node that is importing the slot , The client will send a message to the node first ASKING command , Then resend the command you want to execute , This is because if the client does not send ASKING command , And directly send the command you want to execute , Then the command sent by the client will be rejected by the node , And back to MOVED error
4)、MOVED Mistakes and ASK False distinction
MOVED Mistakes and ASK Errors can cause client redirection , The difference is :
- MOVED The error indicates that the responsibility of the slot has shifted from one node to another : Received on the client side about slots i Of MOVED After the mistake , Each time the client encounters a slot i Command when requested , You can send command requests directly to MOVED The node to which the error points , Because that node is currently responsible for the slot i The node of
- ASK The error is only a temporary measure used by the two nodes in the process of migrating slots : Received on the client side about slots i Of ASK After the mistake , The client will only change the slot in the next command request i The command request for is sent to ASK The node indicated by the error , But this kind of turn will not send about the slot to the client in the future i The command request has any effect , The client will still be about the slot i The command request of is sent to the current processing slot i The node of , Unless ASK Error reappears
4、JedisCluster The invocation flow of
public class JedisCluster extends BinaryJedisCluster implements JedisClusterCommands,
MultiKeyJedisClusterCommands, JedisClusterScriptingCommands {
public String get(final String key) {
return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxAttempts, maxTotalRetriesDuration) {
// Template pattern , For different commands , There are different implementations
public String execute(Jedis connection) {
return connection.get(key);
JedisClusterCommand Using the template pattern , Subclass rewriting execute()
Method , And then call run()
public abstract class JedisClusterCommand<T> {
private final JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler;
public abstract T execute(Jedis connection);
public T run(String key) {
// Calculate the key Corresponding slot
return runWithRetries(JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(key));
private T runWithRetries(final int slot) {
Instant deadline = Instant.now().plus(maxTotalRetriesDuration);
JedisRedirectionException redirect = null;
int consecutiveConnectionFailures = 0;
Exception lastException = null;
// Again up maxAttempts Time , The number of retries has run out , Throw an exception
for (int attemptsLeft = this.maxAttempts; attemptsLeft > 0; attemptsLeft--) {
Jedis connection = null;
try {
if (redirect != null) {
// Rebuild the connection according to the reply
connection = connectionHandler.getConnectionFromNode(redirect.getTargetNode());
if (redirect instanceof JedisAskDataException) {
// If it is ASK error , send out ASKING command
} else {
// Calculate this key Corresponding slot , Get the corresponding connection according to the slot
connection = connectionHandler.getConnectionFromSlot(slot);
// call jedis The node executes specific commands
return execute(connection);
} catch (JedisConnectionException jce) {
lastException = jce;
LOG.debug("Failed connecting to Redis: {}", connection, jce);
// Reset cluster information
boolean reset = handleConnectionProblem(attemptsLeft - 1, consecutiveConnectionFailures, deadline);
if (reset) {
consecutiveConnectionFailures = 0;
redirect = null;
} catch (JedisRedirectionException jre) {
if (lastException == null || lastException instanceof JedisRedirectionException) {
lastException = jre;
LOG.debug("Redirected by server to {}", jre.getTargetNode());
consecutiveConnectionFailures = 0;
// Yes JedisRedirectionException Assign a value , Try to visit again next time jre.getTargetNode()
redirect = jre;
// If you find that MOVED ERR, explain cache There is an error in the saved cluster information , You need to reset the cluster information
if (jre instanceof JedisMovedDataException) {
} finally {
// Whether the request is sent successfully or failed , Release the connection
if (Instant.now().isAfter(deadline)) {
throw new JedisClusterOperationException("Cluster retry deadline exceeded.");
JedisClusterMaxAttemptsException maxAttemptsException
= new JedisClusterMaxAttemptsException("No more cluster attempts left.");
throw maxAttemptsException;
JedisClusterCommand Of run()
The execution process is as follows :
Calculate the key Corresponding slot , And then call
There is a cycle in , Again up maxAttempts Time , The number of retries has run out , Throw an exceptionJudge in the loop JedisRedirectionException Is it empty , On first execution JedisRedirectionException It's empty , Therefore, the corresponding connection is obtained according to the slot position , Call the corresponding node to execute specific commands
If you throw JedisConnectionException, Will reset the cluster information
If you throw JedisRedirectionException,JedisRedirectionException There are two subclasses JedisAskDataException and JedisMovedDataException, Corresponding to the above explanation ASK Mistakes and MOVED error , Both of these errors will cause the client's request to turn to another node , So here will be right JedisRedirectionException Assign a value , The node corresponding to the slot will not be accessed next time you retry the access , And direct access
The nodes in thein the light of JedisMovedDataException, explain cache There is an error in the saved cluster information , You need to reset the cluster information
in the light of JedisAskDataException, When retrying, it will send ASKING command
Finally, whether the request is sent successfully or fails , Release the connection
Reference resources :
Jedis Source code analysis ( 3、 ... and )-JedisCluster Internal implementation
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