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Knowledge points are very detailed (code is annotated) number structure (C language) -- Chapter 3, stack and queue
2022-07-02 09:12:00 【Qigui】
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List of articles
- One 、 Stack
- Two 、 Order of the stack
- 3、 ... and 、 Chain stack
- Four 、 queue
- 5、 ... and 、 Sequential implementation of queues
- 6、 ... and 、 Chained implementation of queues
- 7、 ... and 、 deque
- 8、 ... and 、 The linear table 、 Stack 、 The similarities and differences of the team
- Nine 、 The application of the stack
Three elements of data structure : Logical structure 、 The operation of data 、 Storage structure ( Physical structure ). The storage structure is different , The operation is implemented in different ways .
One 、 Stack
( One )、 Definition ——“ Logical structure ”
The stack is Insertion or deletion is only allowed at one end The linear table . The logical structure is the same as that of ordinary linear table . It is a linear table with limited operation , You can only insert... At the top of the stack 、 Delete
Important terms :
To the top of the stack ( Tail ): The side that allows insertion and deletion
At the bottom of the stack ( Header ): Insertion and deletion of one end are not allowed
Empty stack : An empty table without any elements Top element of stack
Into the stack / Push : Insertion of stack
Out of the stack / Backstack : Stack delete operation
characteristic : Last in, first out (LIFO) Or in and out (FILO)
( Two )、 Basic operation ——“ operation ”
Initialization stack . Construct an empty stack S, Allocate memory space .
Destroy the stack , And release the stack S Memory space occupied .
Into the stack , Ruozhan S under , Will x Add to make it the top of the new stack .
Out of the stack , Ruozhan S Non empty , Then pop up the top element of the stack , And use x return . Delete stack top element
Get the stack top element , Do not delete stack top elements . Ruozhan S Non empty , Then use x Back to top of stack element .
amount to check : In the usage scenario of stack, most of them only access the top element of stack
Judge a stack S Is it empty . if S It's empty , Then return to true, Otherwise return to false.
Two 、 Order of the stack
Stack realized by sequential storage structure , That is, a group of storage units with continuous addresses are used to store the data elements from the bottom of the stack to the top of the stack in turn , At the same time, due to the particularity of stack operation , There must also be one ** Position pointer top( Top pointer of stack )** To dynamically indicate the position of the top element of the stack in the sequential stack
( One )、 Stack realized by sequential storage
// Definition of sequential stack
#define MaxSize 10 // Define the maximum number of elements in the stack
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct
ElemType data[MaxSize]; // Static arrays hold the elements in the stack
int top; // Top pointer of stack
}SqStack; // Sequential stack type
( Two )、 Basic operation
Two ways of implementation :
First of all 、 initialization top=-1
second 、 initialization top=0
Top pointer of stack :S.top, Initially set S.top=-1, Top element of stack :S.data[S.top]
1、 gen ( initialization )
// Initialization operation
void InitStack(SqStack *&S)
S.top=-1; // Initialize the stack top pointer
2、 Destroy the stack
void DestroyStack(SqQueue *&S)
3、 increase ( Into the stack )
The operation of inserting elements into the top of the stack , be called Push
Pithy formula for entering the stack : Top pointer of stack top“ Pressure after pressure ”:S.data[++S.top]=x; //top=-1
Stack in operation : When the stack is not full , The stack top pointer first adds 1, The new element goes to the top of the stack
// New elements into the stack
bool Push(SqStack *&S,ElemType x)
if(S.top==MaxSize-1) // Stack full
return false;
S.top=S.top+1; //1- The pointer first adds 1, Or written as :S.top++;
S.data[S.top]=x; //2- New elements into the stack
//1 and 2 Statements can be combined into one statement
//S.data[++S.top]=x; //top=-1
//S.data[S.top++]=x; //top=0
return true;
4、 Delete ( Out of the stack )
Delete the last element from the top of the stack , be called Out of the stack
Out of the stack pithy : Top pointer of stack top“ Play first and then subtract ”://x=S.data[S.top–]; //top=-1
The stack, : When the stack is not empty , Take the value of the top element of the stack first , Then subtract the pointer at the top of the stack 1
// The stack,
bool Pop(SqStack *&S,ElemType &x)
if(S.top==-1) // The stack is empty
return false;
x=S.data[S.top]; //1- The top element of the stack goes out of the stack first
S.top=S.top-1; //2- The pointer subtracts 1, Or written as :S.top--;
//1 and 2 Statements can be combined into one statement
//x=S.data[S.top--]; //top=-1
//x=S.data[--S.top]; //top=0
return true;
5、 check ( Get stack top element )
// Get the stack top element
bool GetTop(SqStack *&S,ElemType &x)
if(S.top==-1) // The stack is empty
return false;
x=S.data[S.top]; //top=-1——x Record top of stack elements
x=S.data[S.top-1]; //top=0
return true;
6、 Sentenced to empty 、 Full sentence
- The stack is empty :S.top==-1
- Stack full :S.top==MaxSize-1
- Stack leader :S.top+1
// Judge stack empty
bool EmptyStack(SqStack *S)
if(S.top==-1) //top=-1
return true; // The stack is empty
else // Not empty
return false;
//return (S.top==0); //top=0
// Judge that the stack is full
bool FULL(SqStack *S)
if(S.top==MaxSize-1) //top=-1
return true; // Stack full
else // under
return false;
//return (S.top==MaxSize); //top=0
( 3、 ... and )、 Shared stack ( Double stack )
Take advantage of “ The position at the bottom of the stack remains unchanged , The stack top position changes dynamically ” Characteristics of , First, apply for a shared one-dimensional array space for the two stacks S[MaxSize], Put the bottom of the two stacks at both ends of the array , Namely 0、MaxSize-1.
Two stacks share the same memory space , Two stacks grow from both sides to the middle .
Be careful :
- 1、 The operation needs to indicate the specific stack (top0 still top1)
- 2、 Stack empty judgment : Stack S0——top0=-1; Stack S1——top1=MaxSize
- 3、 Stack full judgment : When two stacks meet head-on, they overflow , namely top0+1=top1
1、 Structure definition
#define MaxSize 10 // Define the maximum number of elements in the stack
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct
ElemType data[MaxSize]; // Static arrays hold the elements in the stack
int top0; //0 No. stack top pointer
int top1; //1 No. stack top pointer
2、 gen ( initialization )
// Initialization operation
void InitStack(SqStack *&S)
S.top0=-1; // initialization 0 No. stack top pointer
S.top1=MaxSize; // initialization 1 No. stack top pointer
3、 increase ( Into the stack )
int Push(SqStack *&S,int i,ElemType x)
return false;
case 0:
case 1:
return false;
return true;
4、 Delete ( Out of the stack )
int Pop(SqStack *&S,int i,ElemType &x)
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return false;
return false;
return true;
3、 ... and 、 Chain stack
Advantages of chain stack : It is convenient for multiple stacks to share storage space and improve its efficiency without stack overflow .
( One )、 Stack realized by chained storage
// Definition of sequential stack
#define MaxSize 10 // Define the maximum number of elements in the stack
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LinkNode
ElemType data; // Data fields
struct LinkNode *next; // Pointer to the domain
}LinkStack; // Stack type definition —— Chain stack node type
( Two )、 Important basic operations ( Leading node )
1、 gen ( initialization )
void InitStack(LinkStack *&s)
s=(LinkStack *)malloc(sizeof(LinkStack)); // Create chain stack head node
s->next=NULL; // take next Set as NULL
2、 Destroy the stack
void DestroyStack(LinkStack *&s)
LinkStack *pre=s,*p=s->next; //pre Point to the head node ,p Point to the head node
while(p!=NULL) // Loop to p It's empty
free(pre); // Release pre node
pre=p; //pre、p Synchronous backward shift
free(pre); // here pre Point to the tail node , Free up its space
3、 increase ( Into the stack )
// Insert p node
void Push(LinkStack *&s,ElemType e)
LinkStack *p;
p=(LinkStack *)malloc(sizeof(LinkStack)); // The new node
p->data=e; // Store elements e
p->next=s->next; // take p The node is inserted as the first node
4、 Delete ( Out of the stack )
bool Pop(LinkStack *&s,ElemType &e)
LinkStack *p;
if(s->next==NULL) // Stack empty
return false;
p=s->next; //p Point to the head node
e=p->data; // Get the value of the first node
s->next=p->nexxt; // Delete the first node
free(p); // Release the storage space of the deleted node
return true; // Delete successful
5、 check ( Get stack top element )
bool GetTop(LinkStack *s,ElemType &e)
if(s->next==NULL) // Stack empty
reutrn false;
e=s->next->data; // Get the value of the first node
return true;
6、 Sentenced to empty 、 Full sentence
Stack full condition : Because the stack is full only when the memory overflows , Such a situation is usually not considered , So in the chain stack, it can be seen that there is no stack full .
// Judge whether the stack is empty
bool EmptyStack(LinkStack *&s)
return (s->next==NULL);
Four 、 queue
( One )、 Definition
The queue is ** Insertion is only allowed at one end ( The team ), Delete at the other end ( Out of the team )** The linear table . It is a linear table with limited operation , You can only insert... At the end of the team 、 Delete at the head of the team
Important terms :
Team head : The end that allows deletion , Also known as team leader
A party : The end allowed to be inserted
Empty queue : There are no elements in the queue
Team leader element
Team tail element
The team ( Enter the team ): The insert
Out of the team ( Leave the team ): Delete operation
characteristic : fifo (FIFO) Or back in and back out (LILO)
( Two )、 Basic operation
Initialize queue . Construct an empty queue , Allocate memory space .
Destroy queue , And release the queue Q Memory space occupied .
The team , If queue Q under , Will x Join to make it a new tail .
Out of the team , If queue Q Non empty , Then delete the team head element , And use x return .
Get the team leader element , Do not delete the header element . If queue Q Non empty , Then assign the team head element to x.
amount to check : Most of the usage scenarios of queues only access the queue header element
Judge a queue Q Is it empty . If queue Q It's empty , Then return to true, Otherwise return to false.
5、 ... and 、 Sequential implementation of queues
( One )、 Implement queue with sequential storage
Number of queue elements :(Q.rear-Q.front+MaxSize)%MaxSize
Using static arrays to store data elements , Set the team head (front)、 A party (rear) The pointer
Sequential storage of queues
- The first way :
- 1、 The queue header pointer points to the previous position of the queue header element
- 2、 The tail pointer points to the position of the tail element in the queue
- The second way :
- 1、 The queue header pointer points to the position of the queue header element
- 2、 The tail pointer points to the next position of the tail element in the queue
#define MaxSize 10 // Defines the maximum number of elements in the queue
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct
ElemType data[MaxSize]; // Use a static array to store queue elements
int front,rear; // Team head pointer and team tail pointer
( Two )、 Basic operation ( Sequential queue )
1、 gen ( initialization )
void InitQueue(SqQueue *&Q)
Q=(SqQueue *)malloc(sizeof(SqQueue));
2、 Destroy queue
void DestroyQueue(SqQueue *&Q)
3、 increase ( The team )
Team operation : When the team is dissatisfied , New elements are advanced to the end of the team , Add... To the tail pointer 1
// Joining operation ( You can only enter the team from the end of the team and insert )
bool EnQueue(SqQueue *&Q,ElemType e)
if(Q.rear==MaxSize-1) // The team is full
return false;
Q.rear]++; // Team tail plus 1
Q.data[Q.rear]=e; //rear Position insert element e
return true;
4、 Delete ( Out of the team )
Out of line operation : When the team is not empty , Take the value of the team head element first , Then add the team head pointer 1
// Out of line operation ( The elements can only get out of the team )—— Delete a team head element , And use x return
bool DeQueue(SqQueue *&Q,ElemType &x)
// Team air condition :Q.rear==Q.front
if(Q.rear==Q.front) // Judge team empty
return false;
return true;
5、 check ( Get team leader elements )
// Get the value of the team head element , use x return
bool GetHead(SqQueue *Q,ElemType &x)
if(Q.rear==Q.front) // Judge team empty
return false;
return true;
6、 Sentenced to empty 、 Full sentence ( Make necessary judgments before adding, deleting and querying )
// Determines if the queue is empty
bool EmptyQueue(SqQueue *Q)
return true;
return false;
Out-of-service Q.rear==MaxSize As a condition for the team to be full
// Determine if the queue is full
bool FULLQueue(SqQueue *Q)
return (Q.rear-Q.front=MaxSize);
7、“ False spillover ” Concept and solution of
In a sequential queue , When the tail pointer has reached the upper bound of the array , You can't join the team again , But in fact, there are still empty positions in the array , This is it. “ False spillover ”. The way to solve the false overflow —— Using circular queues .
( 3、 ... and )、 Basic operation ( Circular queue )
Circular queue : Modular operation ( Remainder ) Logically change the storage space to “ annular ”. The table storing queue elements is logically regarded as a ring , be called Circular queue .
When the head of the team Q.front=MaxSize-1 Then move forward one position and you will automatically arrive at 0, You can use the division and remainder operation (%) To achieve .
determine front、rear Pointer pointing :
- The first way :
- 1、 Team head pointer front—— Point to the previous position of the queue header element
- 2、 Pointer to a party rear—— Point to the position of the tail element in the queue
- The second way :
- 1、 Team head pointer front—— Point to the position of the queue header element
- 2、 Pointer to a party rear—— Point to the next position of the tail element in the queue
Be careful : Team head 、 The initial value of the tail pointer is different , The following two statements are in different order
If Q.front=Q.rear=0( The first way )
Then the tail pointer goes 1( Joining operation —— Insert ):
Team leader pointer advance 1( Out of line operation —— Delete ):
If Q.front=Q.rear=-1( The second way )
Then the tail pointer goes 1( Joining operation —— Insert ):
Team leader pointer advance 1( Out of line operation —— Delete ):
1、 gen ( initialization )
void InitQueue(SqQueue *&Q)
Q=(SqQueue *)malloc(sizeof(SqQueue));
2、 Destroy queue
void DestroyQueue(SqQueue *&Q)
3、 increase ( The team )
// Joining operation ( You can only enter the team from the end of the team and insert )
bool EnQueue(SqQueue *&Q,ElemType e)
// Queue full condition : The next position of the tail pointer is the head of the team
// namely (Q.rear+1)%MaxSize==Q.front
if((Q.rear+1)%MaxSize==Q.front) // The team is full
return false;
Q.rear=(Q.rear+1)%MaxSize; // Move the pointer back at the end of the line —— End of line pointer plus 1 modulus
Q.data[Q.rear]=x; // The new element x Insert the line
return true;
4、 Delete ( Out of the team )
// Out of line operation ( The elements can only get out of the team )—— Delete a team head element , And use x return
bool DeQueue(SqQueue *&Q,ElemType &x)
// Team air condition :Q.rear==Q.front
if(Q.rear==Q.front) // Judge team empty
return false;
Q.front=(Q.front+1)%MaxSize; // The head of the team moves back
return true;
5、 check ( Get team leader elements )
// Get the value of the team head element , use x return
bool GetHead(SqQueue *Q,ElemType &x)
if(Q.rear==Q.front) // Judge team empty
return false;
return true;
6、 Sentenced to empty 、 Full sentence ( Make necessary judgments before adding, deleting and querying )
Empty in circular queue 、 The method of full judgment :
- First of all 、 Sacrifice a storage unit ( Use one less storage unit )
- Team air condition :Q.rear=Q.front
- Team full conditions :(Q.rear+1)%MaxSize=Q.front
- The queue length :L=(Q.rear-Q.front+MaxSize)%MaxSize
- second 、 increase count Variable record queue length ( Set a counter )
- Team air condition :count=0
- Team full conditions :count=MaxSize
- Third 、 increase tag=0/1 Used to mark that the last operation is to join the team / Out of the team ( Set a flag )
- Team air condition :Q.rear=Q.front&&tag=0
- Team full conditions :Q.rear=Q.front&&tag=1
// Determines if the queue is empty
bool EmptyQueue(SqQueue *Q)
return true;
return false;
6、 ... and 、 Chained implementation of queues
The chain representation of a queue is called a chain , In fact, it is a single linked list with both team head pointer and team tail pointer . The head pointer points to the team head node , The tail pointer points to the tail node , That is, the last node of the single linked list .
( One )、 Use chain storage to realize queue
1、 Leading node
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LinkNode // Chained queue node
ElemType data; // Store elements
struct LinkNode *next; // Next node pointer
}LinkNode; // The type of data node in the chain
typedef struct // Chain queues
LinkNode *front,*rear; // Pointer to the head and tail of the team
}LinkQueue; // The type of the head node of the chain
2、 No leading node
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct LinkNode // Chained queue node
ElemType data; // Store elements
struct LinkNode *next; // Next node pointer
}LinkNode; // The type of data node in the chain
( Two )、 Basic operation
1、 gen ( initialization )
// Initialize queue ( Leading node )
void InitQueue(LinkQueue *&Q)
// On initialization front、rear All point to the head node
Q.front=Q.rear=(LinkQueue *)malloc(sizeof(LinkQueue));
// Initialize queue ( No leading node )
void InitQueue(LinkQueue *&Q)
// On initialization front、rear All point to NULL
2、 Destruction chain team
void Destory(LinkQueue *&Q)
LinkNode *pre=Q->front,*p; //pre Point to the team leader node
p=pre->next; //p Point to the node pre Successor node
while(p!=NULL) // Loop to p It's empty
free(pre); // Release pre The storage space of the node
pre=p; //pre、p Synchronous move
free(pre); // Release the last data node
free(Q); // Release the chain queue node
3、 increase ( The team )
Be careful : The first element to join the team ( Tail insertion )
// New elements in the team ( Leading node )
void EnQueue(LinkQueue *&Q,ElemType x)
LinkNode *s=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode)); // Create a new node
Q.rear->next=s; // New node s Insert into rear after , And will rear Pointing to it
Q.rear=s; // Modify the tail pointer
// New elements in the team ( No leading node )
void EnQueue(LinkQueue *&Q,ElemType x)
LinkNode *s=(LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
if(Q.front==NULL) // Insert the first element in the empty queue
Q.front=s; // Modify the head and tail pointer
Q.rear->next=s; // The new node is inserted into rear After the pointer
Q.rear=s; // modify rear The pointer
4、 Delete ( Out of the team )
Be careful : The last element out of the team ( Head delete )
// Team leader element out of the team ( Leading node )
bool DeQueue(LinkQueue *&Q,ElemType &x)
if(Q.front==Q.rear) // Chain team is empty
return false;
LinkNode *p=Q.front->next; //p Point to the head node
if(Q.front==Q.rear) // There is only one data node in the chain
else // There are two or more nodes in the chain
Q.front=Q.front->next; // Delete node
x=p->data; // With variable x Return to team leader element
free(p); // Free up node space
return true;
// Team leader element out of the team ( Leading node )
bool DeQueue(LinkQueue *&Q,ElemType &x)
if(Q.front==Q.rear) // Air force
return false;
LinkNode *p=Q.front->next;
x=p->data; // With variable x Return to team leader element
Q.front->next=p->next; // Delete —— Modify the header node next The pointer
if(Q.rear==p) // This is the last node out of the team
Q.rear==Q.front; // modify rear The pointer
free(p); // Free up node space
return true;
// Team leader element out of the team ( No leading node )
bool DeQueue(LinkQueue *&Q,ElemType &x)
if(Q.front==Q.rear) // Air force
return false;
LinkNode *p=Q.front; //p Point to the node out of the queue
x=p->data; // With variable x Return to team leader element
Q.front=p->next; // Delete —— Modify the header node next The pointer
if(Q.rear==p) // This is the last node out of the team
Q.front==NULL; //front Point to NULL
Q.rear==NULL; //rear Point to NULL
free(p); // Free up node space
return true;
5、 check ( Get team leader elements )
6、 Sentenced to empty 、 Full sentence ( Make necessary judgments before adding, deleting and querying )
Characteristics of the air chain team :front=rear. Don't consider the situation that the chain is full , Because when deleting free action , Unless there's not enough memory .
// Determines if the queue is empty ( Leading node )
bool EmptyQueue(LinkQueue *Q)
if(Q.front==NULL) //Q.rear==NULL
return true;
return false;
//return (Q.front==Q.rear);
// Determines if the queue is empty ( No leading node )
bool EmptyQueue(LinkQueue *Q)
if(Q.front==NULL) //Q.rear==NULL
return true;
return false;
7、 ... and 、 deque
- deque : Only from Insert both ends 、 Both ends delete The linear table , It refers to a queue that can be queued in and out at both ends .
- Input restricted double ended queue : Only from Insert at one end 、 Both ends delete The linear table
- Output limited two terminal queue : Only from Insert both ends 、 Delete at one end The linear table
( One )、 Delete from the end of the team
bool DeQueue(SqQueue *&Q,ElemType &x)
if(Q.front==Q.rear) Team space
return false;
x=Q.data[Q.rear]; // Get team end element
Q.rear=(Q.rear-1+MaxSize)%MaxSize; // Modify the tail pointer
return true;
( Two )、 Insert... From the head of the team
bool EnQueue(SqQueue *&Q,ElemType x)
if((Q.rear+1)%MaxSize==Q.front) // The team is full
return false;
Q.data[Q.front]=x; // Elements x The team
Q->front=(Q.front-1+MaxSize)%MaxSize; // Modify the header pointer
return true;
8、 ... and 、 The linear table 、 Stack 、 The similarities and differences of the team
( One )、 The same thing
The logical structure is the same , It's all linear ; Can be stored in sequence or chain ; The queue of the stack is two special linear tables , That is, limited linear table ( Just team insertion 、 Delete operations to limit ).
( Two )、 Difference
1、 The operation rules are different
Linear tables are random access ; The stack only allows inserting and deleting operations at one end , So it's a LIFO table LIFO; A queue is one that allows insertion only at one end 、 Delete at the other end , Therefore, it is a first in, first out table FIFO.
2、 Different uses
Linear tables are more general ; Stack is used for function calls 、 Recursion and simplified design ; Queues are used for discrete event simulation 、OS Job scheduling and simplified design .
Nine 、 The application of the stack
( One )、 Parentheses matching
- law : The last left parenthesis matches first ( Last in, first out ——LIFO)
- Ideas : Scan all characters in sequence , Encountered left parenthesis in stack ; If you encounter a closing parenthesis “ Consume ” A left bracket , That is, pop up the top element of the stack to check whether it matches .
- 1、 Where there are left parentheses , Then enter the stack ;
- 2、 Where there is a right parenthesis ,⾸ First check whether the stack is empty ;
If the stack is empty , It indicates that “ Right bracket ” redundant , Otherwise, compare with the top element of the stack ;
If it matches , be “ Left bracket out of stack ” , Otherwise, it indicates a mismatch ; - 3、 At the end of the expression validation , If the stack is empty , It indicates that the match in the expression is correct , Otherwise, it means “ Left parenthesis ” Surplus ;
- Match the failure case :
- 1、 It is scanned that there are still right parentheses and the stack is empty —— Right parenthesis
- 2、 After processing all parentheses , The stack is not empty —— The left bracket is single
- 3、 The left and right parentheses do not match
#define MaxSize 10 // Define the maximum number of elements in the stack
typedef struct
char data[MaxSize]; // The specific array stores the elements in the stack
int top; // Top pointer of stack
bool bracketCheck(char str[],int length)
SqStack S;
InitStack(S); // Initialize a stack
Push(S,str[i]); // Scanned left parenthesis , Push
if(EmptyStack(S)) // The scanned right parenthesis and the current stack is empty
return false; // Matching failure
char topElem;
Pop(S,topElem); // Stack top element out of stack
return false;
return false;
return false;
return EmptyStack(S); // After retrieving all parentheses , Stack empty description matched successfully
( Two )、 Expression evaluation
Identification of expression ⽅ Law :Exp = S1 + OP + S2
It's made up of three parts : Operands 、 Operator 、 Boundary sign
1、 Three arithmetic expressions
(1)、 Infix expression :
S1+OP+S2[ Left operand Operator Right operands ]—— Operator between two operands
Such as :a+b;a+b-c;a+b-c*d
(2)、 Postfix expression :
S1+S2+OP[ Left operand Right operands Operator ]—— Operator after two operands
Such as :ab+;ab+c-;ab+cd*-
(3)、 Prefix expression :
OP+S1+S2[ Operator Left operand Right operands ]—— Operator precedes two operands
Such as :+ab;-+abc;-+ab*cd
2、 Infix expression
(1)、 Infix to suffix
Process elements from left to right , Till the end .
Three special cases :
- 1、 Encountered operand , Add suffix expression directly .
- 2、 Delimiter encountered , encounter ‘(’ Direct stack ; encounter ‘)’ Then pop up the operators in the stack in turn and add the suffix expression , Until it pops up ‘(’ until . Be careful :‘(’ Do not add suffix expression .
- 3、 Operator encountered , And if the priority of the operator is higher than or equal to the top of the stack, the operator will enter the stack ; If you encounter ‘(’ Or if the stack is empty, stop . otherwise , Pop up two operands from the operand stack and pop up the top operator of the operator stack , After calculation, the result is pushed into the operand stack .
(2)、 Infix expression evaluation
Initialize two stacks , Operand stack and operator stack
- 1、 If the operand is scanned , Push in the operand stack
- 2、 If operator or delimiter is scanned , According to “ Infix to suffix ” The same logic is pushed into the operator stack ( Whenever an operator pops up , You need to pop up the top elements of the two operand stacks and perform the corresponding operations , The operation result is pushed back to the operand stack )
- Take a chestnut :
3、 Suffix expression evaluation
Scanning from left to right , Every operator encountered , Let the last two operands in front of the operator perform the corresponding operation , The combination is an operand . Be careful : Left and right order of two operands
- Step one : From left to right Scan the next element , Until all the elements are processed
- Step two : If the operand is scanned, it is pushed onto the stack , And return to step one ; Otherwise, proceed to step 3
- Step three : If operator is scanned , Then two stack top elements pop up ( Be careful : First out of the stack is “ Right operands ”), Perform the corresponding operation , The operation result is pushed back to the top of the stack , Go back to step one .
4、 Prefix expression evaluation
- Step one : From right to left Scan the next element , Until all the elements are processed
- Step two : If the operand is scanned, it is pushed onto the stack , And return to step one ; Otherwise, proceed to step 3
- Step three : If operator is scanned , Then two stack top elements pop up ( Be careful : First out of the stack is “ Left operand ”), Perform the corresponding operation , The operation result is pushed back to the top of the stack , Go back to step one .
( 3、 ... and )、 The application of the stack —— recursive
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Function calls need to be stored on a stack :
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- 2、 Actual parameters
- 3、 local variable
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