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Introduction to the basic concept of queue and typical application examples
2022-07-02 08:47:00 【Programmers on the road】
One 、 Introduction to the concept of queue
Mention the word queue , Maybe you won't feel strange , In our lives , There are many scenarios that apply to the concept of queues . We usually queue up to buy food , Always the first person to arrive at the window buys it first and then leaves , Later people always leave later ; There's more , Go to the hospital to register and line up , Also always follow the general principle of first come, first served . Design of queue data structure in computer , It is also to better solve this kind of first come first serve problem .( Better reading experience , Please visit Programmers are on the road )
Queue is a first come first serve (First in First Out,FIFO) Abstract data structure of thought . Like the stack , It is also a restricted linear table . Queues are only allowed to insert at one end , A linear table with deletion at the other end . The end allowed to be inserted is called the end of the queue , The end allowed to be deleted is called the team leader . The insertion operation of the queue is called entering the queue or entering the queue , The deletion of a queue is called dequeue or dequeue . When there are no elements in the linear table, it is called an empty queue . The schematic diagram is as follows :
The basic operations on the queue are :① Queue initialization ② Judge team empty ③ Joining operation ④ Out of line operation ⑤ Read the team head element ⑥ Destroy queue . According to the difference in physical implementation , It is divided into sequential queue and chain queue , The queue of sequential storage based on array implementation is called sequential queue , The queue based on linked list is called chain queue .
Two 、 The operation implementation of sequential queue
The queue with sequential storage is called sequential queue , Before using the queue , Allocate a continuous storage space to store the elements in the queue . Because the head and tail of the queue will change and move , therefore , There are two indicator variables at the head and tail of the team , Point to the beginning and end of the queue . The types of sequential queues are defined as follows :
#define MAXSIZE 100
typedef struct{
ElementType data[MAXSIZE];
int front,rear;
}SeqQuene,* PSeqQueue;
Define a pointer to the queue :
PSeqQueue queue = (PSeqQueue)malloc(sizeof(SeqQuene));
You can see from the type definition of the queue , The data area of the queue is queue->data[0] ~ queue->data[MAXSIZE-1]. Team leader variable queue->front Value range (0<= queue->front <=MAXSIZE-1), Tail variable queue->rear Value range (0<= queue->rear <=MAXSIZE-1).
Queues are the storage of elements using arrays , It is static in memory allocation , Once initialized , The size of memory space is determined . Queue operation is a dynamic process , With the progress of joining the team ,queue->rear The value of will exceed MAXSIZE, As the team goes on ,queue->front And it will gradually increase , As a result, there is actually free space in the array space , But you can't join the team of elements , Thus, the phenomenon of false overflow appears . In order to solve the problem of false overflow , A method called " Circular queue " A special queue for , Circular queue is the data area of the queue data[0…MAXSIZE-1] See it as a cyclic structure with head and tail connected , The leading and trailing indicator variables front、rear The relationship is the same . The schematic diagram of the circular queue is as follows :
For this kind of cyclic queue structure connected end to end , There will be some minor modifications to the operation of entering and leaving the team , To meet the needs of the cycle .
The team : queue->rear = (queue->rear + 1) % MAXSIZE;
Out of the team : queue->front = (queue->front +1) % MAXSIZE;
Understand the operation of entering and leaving the team , We need to judge , When is the queue full , When the queue is empty . Empty situation is easy to judge , as long as queue->front = queue->rear You can think that the queue is empty . Discussion on the situation of full team , As the number of elements in the queue increases ,queue->rear Will eventually catch up queue->front Of , At this time, the two are equal , But at this time, the queue is not empty , On the contrary, the team is full , In order to make it easy to judge whether the queue is full or empty , You can use one less element space , bring rear Never catch up with front, That is to say queue->front The position indicated does not need , When (rear+1)%MAXSIZE = front When , The queue is full .
2.1 Queue initialization
The queue needs to be initialized before use . The initialization process includes allocating the memory space required by the queue , And assign initial values to the variables of team head and team tail .
// Initialize queue
PSeqQueue init_seqqueue(){
// Memory space required for application queue
PSeqQueue queue = (PSeqQueue)malloc(sizeof(SeqQueue));
queue->front = 0;
queue->rear = 0;
return queue;
2.2 Determines if the queue is empty
When leaving the team or getting the first element of the team , It is necessary to judge whether the queue is not empty
// Determines if the queue is empty .1 Representational space ,0 For non empty
int empty_seqqueue(PSeqQueue queue){
if(queue && (queue->front == queue->rear)){
return 1;
return 0;
2.3 Queue entry
int in_seqqueue(PSeqQueue queue , ElementType x){
// Determine if the queue is full
if((queue->rear+1)%MAXSIZE == queue->front){
printf(“ The queue is full ”);
return 0;
// Queue entry .
queue->rear = (queue->rear +1) % MAXSIZE;
queue->data[queue->rear] = x;
return 1;
2.4 Outgoing queue
int out_seqqueue(PSeqQueue queue , ElementType *x){
// When leaving the queue, you should judge whether the queue is empty
printf(“ The queue is empty , Do not leave the team ”);
return 0;
// Because it's a circular queue ,queue->front The element indicating the position does not , So we have to +1 Is the element that needs to be out of the team
queue->front = (queue->front + 1) % MAXSIZE;
*x = queue->data[queue->front];
return 1;
2.5 Read the team head element
int getFront_seqqueue(PSeqQueue queue , ElementType *x){
// When leaving the queue, you should judge whether the queue is empty
printf(“ The queue is empty , The team head element cannot be obtained ”);
return 0;
// Because it's a circular queue ,queue->front The element indicating the position does not , So we have to +1 Is the element of team leader
*x = queue->data[(queue->front+1)%MAXSIZE];
return 1;
2.6 Destroy queue
Due to the dynamic application space , therefore , After use , To release memory .
void destory_seqqueue(PSeqQueue *queue){
*queue = NULL;
3、 ... and 、 Chain queue operation implementation
Queue is a kind of linear structure , therefore , It can also be realized in a chain structure . also , A chained queue , Because the node space is dynamically applied when joining the team , therefore , When the computer has enough memory space , Generally, there is no need to consider the situation that the team is full , There will be no overflow , Therefore, there is no need to use circular chained queues to deal with false overflow . The schematic diagram of chain queue is as follows :
The structure of the chain node is the same as that of the single chain table , At the same time, for the convenience of operation , You can redefine the structure of a chain , Contains head and tail pointers to the head and tail of the queue . The structure of the chain team is described as follows :
// The node structure
typedef struct node{
ElementType data;
struct node *next;
// Chain stack structure
typedef struct {
PQnode front,rear;
Define a pointer to the chain team
PLinkqueue queue = (PLinkqueue)malloc(sizeof(LinkQueue));
When using linked lists to store queue data , Whether to take the lead depends entirely on our needs , If you need to use a header node in operation To facilitate unified operation , Is to use the head node , Otherwise, there is no need to add header nodes .
queue->front Point to the team head element of the chain team ,queue->rear Point to the tail element of the chain team . When leaving the queue, delete the first element node of the linked list , Let the subsequent node become the primary node , Then modify the queue head pointer to point to the new initial node , Joining the queue is to insert elements at the end of the linked list , Then modify the tail pointer to point to the new tail of the chain .
3.1 Initialize the chained queue
Queue initialization is to allocate memory space for the queue structure , At the same time front、rear The pointer is set to null , Prepare for the queue .
PLinkqueue init_linkqueue(){
PLinkqueue queue = (PLinkqueue)malloc(sizeof(LinkQueue));
queue->front = NULL;
queue->rear = NULL;
return queue;
3.2 Determines if the queue is empty
// Judge that the chain is empty ;1 Empty queue ,0 Non empty .
int empty_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue){
if(queue && (queue->front == NULL) && (queue->rear ==NULL)){
return 1;
return 0;
3.3 The team
Join the chain queue , Is to insert elements at the end of the chain list , Then let the tail pointer point to the tail element .
int in_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue, ElementType x){
PQnode p = (PQnode)malloc(sizeof(Qnode));
printf(“ out of memory , Cannot apply for new node space \n”);
return 0;
p->data = x;
p->next = NULL;
// First determine whether there are elements in the queue , There are some differences between the two teams
queue->rear = p;
queue->front = p;
// When you join the team , Insert elements at the end of the queue
queue->rear->next = p;
queue->rear = p;
return 1;
3.4 Out of the team
Out of the chain queue , Is to delete the first node of the linked list from the linked list , Let its successor node become the primary node , Then let the queue head pointer point to the node .
int out_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue, ElementType *x){
printf(“ Team space , Can't get out of the team \n”);
return 0;
// First element node out of the queue
*x = queue->front->data;
PQnode temp_front= queue->front;
// The next element of the team leader is the team leader
queue->front = temp_front->next;
// Release the queue node
// If the head of the team is empty , It indicates that there is no element node in the queue at this time , Then set the end of the queue to be empty .
queue->rear = NULL;
return 1;
3.5 Get team leader elements
That is to get front The node to which the pointer points .
int getFront_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue, ElementType *x){
printf(“ Team space , Unable to get team leader Elements \n”);
return 0;
*x = queue->front->data;
return 1;
3.6 Destroy queue
Due to dynamically allocated memory space , After using the queue , We should release the applied space in time . The specific method is to traverse the single linked list , Release each node .
// Destroy queue . Because it uses a linked list , therefore , To free up the space of each linked list node
void destory_linkqueue(PLinkqueue *queue){
PQnode p;
p = (*queue)->front;
(*queue)->front = (*queue)->front->next;
free(p );
*queue = NULL;
Four 、 Typical application examples
Yes n Elements are stored in an array A[n] in , Design an algorithm , Realize this n Elements cycle to the left k(0<k<n) position .
Thought analysis : The array of A[0] ~ A[k-1] The elements are put into a queue first , Then the array A[k] ~A[n-1] The elements move left in turn k position , Then the array elements saved in the queue A[0] ~ A[k-1] Out of the queue in sequence , In turn into A[n-k] ~A[n-1] The location of . The specific algorithm is as follows :
void array_leftcircle_move(int a[], int n, int k){
int i;
PLinkqueue queue = init_linkqueue();
a[i-k] = a[i];
i = n-k;
The complete program source code is as follows :
typedef int ElementType;
// The node structure
typedef struct node{
ElementType data;
struct node *next;
// Chain stack structure
typedef struct {
PQnode front, rear;
// Chain initialization
PLinkqueue init_linkqueue(){
PLinkqueue queue = (PLinkqueue)malloc(sizeof(LinkQueue));
queue->front = NULL;
queue->rear = NULL;
return queue;
// Judge that the chain is empty ;1 Empty queue ,0 Non empty
int empty_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue){
if(queue && (queue->front==NULL) && (queue->rear==NULL)){
return 1;
return 0;
// Queue entry
int in_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue, ElementType x){
PQnode p = (PQnode)malloc(sizeof(Qnode));
printf(" out of memory , Cannot apply for new node space \n");
return 0;
p->data = x;
p->next = NULL;
// First determine whether there are elements in the queue , There are some differences between the two teams
queue->rear = p;
queue->front = p;
// When you join the team , Insert elements at the end of the queue
queue->rear->next = p;
queue->rear = p;
return 1;
// Out of the team
int out_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue, ElementType *x){
printf(" Team space , Can't get out of the team \n");
return 0;
// First element node out of the queue
*x = queue->front->data;
PQnode temp_front= queue->front;
// The next element of the team leader is the team leader
queue->front = temp_front->next;
// Release the queue node
// If the head of the team is empty , It indicates that there is no element node in the queue at this time , Then set the end of the queue to be empty .
queue->rear = NULL;
return 1;
// Read the first element
int getFront_linkqueue(PLinkqueue queue, ElementType *x){
printf(" Team space , Unable to get team leader Elements \n");
return 0;
*x = queue->front->data;
return 1;
// Destroy queue . Because it uses a linked list , therefore , To free up the space of each linked list node
void destory_linkqueue(PLinkqueue *queue){
PQnode p;
p = (*queue)->front;
(*queue)->front = (*queue)->front->next;
*queue = NULL;
void array_leftcircle_move(int a[], int n, int k){
int i;
PLinkqueue queue = init_linkqueue();
a[i-k] = a[i];
i = n-k;
int main(){
int a[10], i, k = 3;
a[i] = i+1;
printf("%d ",a[i]);
return 0;
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