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Slow SQL fetching and analysis of MySQL database

2022-07-06 04:08:00 Spring breeze turns into autumn rain

1、 modify mysql Configure slow startup sql Inquire about

Modify the configuration file /etc/my.cnf


explain :long_query_time This time can be set as 1, Never let go of anything more than 1 Second query . 

2、 Check the settings

show VARIABLES like '%slow_query_log%';
show VARIABLES like '%long_query_time%';



 3、 Installation and installation pt_query_digest

wget percona.com/get/pt-query-digest
mv pt-query-digest /usr/bin/
chmod +x /usr/bin/pt-query-digest

Installation and Perl Related modules

yum  -y  install 'perl(Data::Dumper)'
yum  -y  install  perl-Digest-MD5
yum  -y  install  perl-DBI
yum  -y  install  perl-DBD-MySQL

4、 Analysis of the slow sql Log files

# All

pt-query-digest slow.log > pt_slow_sql_report.log

# near 30 Days of

pt-query-digest --since=30d mysql.log  > pt_slow_sql_report.rtf

  The following is an example of analysis result interception , The analysis result document will give each slow sql Details of .

# 570.6s user time, 47s system time, 88.15M rss, 252.14M vsz
# Current date: Wed Jun 29 17:33:45 2022
# Hostname: izzm08qanynb5doqrznbeyz
# Files: mysql.log
# Overall: 722.25k total, 212 unique, 0.28 QPS, 2.88x concurrency ________
# Time range: 2022-05-30T17:25:05 to 2022-06-29T09:20:58
# Attribute          total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
# ============     ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======
# Exec time        7376702s      5s    122s     10s     24s      7s      7s
# Lock time          3079s       0     56s     4ms   204us   437ms    84us
# Rows sent         15.08M       0  32.56k   21.89    0.99  517.96    0.99
# Rows examine       3.11T       0  32.05M   4.52M   6.94M   2.51M   5.99M
# Query size       542.74M      27   5.86k  787.96   2.27k  907.02  299.03


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