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Process communication - semaphore
2022-07-03 09:37:00 【zhyg_ three hundred and twenty-one】
- struct sem {
- short sempid; /* pid of last operation */
- ushort semval; /* current value */
- ushort semncnt; /* num procs awaiting increase in semval */
- ushort semzcnt; /* num procs awaiting semval = 0 */
- };
sem_pid The member saves the process of the last semaphore operation pid.
sem_semval Members store the count value of semaphores .
sem_semncnt The member holds the number of processes waiting to use resources .
sem_semzcnt Members save the number of processes waiting for resources to be completely idle .
semun The consortium is in senctl() Use in a function , Provide senctl() Information required for operation .
- union semun {
- int val; /* value for SETVAL */
- struct semid_ds *buf; /* buffer for IPC_STAT & IPC_SET */
- ushort *array; /* array for GETALL & SETALL */
- struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer for IPC_INFO */
- void *__pad;
- };
sembuf The structure is semop() Function is used to define basic operations on semaphore objects
- struct sembuf {
- unsigned short sem_num; /* semaphore index in array */
- short sem_op; /* semaphore operation */
- short sem_flg; /* operation flags */
- };
sem_num The member is the sequence number of the semaphore receiving the operation in the semaphore array ( The array subscript ).
sem_op Member defines the operation to be performed ( It can be positive 、 Negative and zero ).
sem_flg It is a sign of controlling operation behavior .
and msgqid_ds similar ,semid_qs Structure is used by the system to store information about each semaphore object .
- struct semid_ds {
- struct ipc_perm sem_perm; /* permissions .. see ipc.h */
- __kernel_time_t sem_otime; /* last semop time */
- __kernel_time_t sem_ctime; /* last change time */
- struct sem *sem_base; /* ptr to first semaphore in array */
- struct sem_queue *sem_pending; /* pending operations to be processed */
- struct sem_queue **sem_pending_last; /* last pending operation */
- struct sem_undo *undo; /* undo requests on this array */
- unsigned short sem_nsems; /* no. of semaphores in array */
- };
among ,
sem_perm Members store the access rights of semaphore objects and other information .
sem_otime Members saved the last semop() Time of operation .
sem_ctime The member saves the time when the semaphore object was last changed .
sem_base The pointer stores the starting address of the semaphore array .
sem_pending The pointer saves the operation that has not been carried out .
sem_pending_last The pointer holds the last operation that has not been performed .
sem_undo Members saved undo The number of requests .
sem_nsems Member holds the number of members of the semaphore array .
Related functions
Use semget() Function to create a new semaphore object or get the identifier of an existing object .
system call : semget()
Function declaration : int semget(key_t key,int nsems,int semflg);
Return value : semaphore set IPC identifier on success
- int open_semaphore_set(key_t keyval, int numsems)
- {
- int sid;
- if(!numsems) return(-1);
- if((sid=semget(keyval,numsems,IPC_CREAT|0660))==-1)
- {
- return(-1);
- }
- return(sid);
- }
Use this function to change the state of each semaphore in the semaphore object .
system call : semop()
Function declaration : int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, unsigned int nsops);
Return value : 0 on success (all operations performed)
The first parameter semid Is the identifier of the semaphore object to be operated .
The second parameter sops yes sembuf Array of , It defines the semop() The sequence of operations to be performed by the function .
The third parameter nsops preserved sops Length of array , That is to say semop() The number of operations that the function will perform .
And message queues msgctl() Function similar to ,semctl() Function is used to directly control the semaphore object
system call : semctl()
Function declaration : int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, union semun arg);
Return value : positive integer on success
Comparing the parameters of these two functions, we find some subtle differences . First , Because the semaphore object is actually a collection of multiple semaphores rather than a single individual , So when operating , It is not only necessary to specify the identifier of the object , You also need to use the sequence number of semaphores in the set to specify specific semaphore individuals .
Both functions have cmd Parameters , Specifies the specific operation of the function . however , and msgctl() Compared to the function , semctl() Functions can do much more :
IPC_STAT Get semaphore object semid_ds structural information , And store it in arg Parameters in buf The pointer returns .
IPC_SET use arg Parameters in buf To set the... Of the semaphore object semid_ds structural information . Just like the message queue object , Only a few parameters can be set by this function .
IPC_RMID Delete semaphore object from memory .
GETALL Get the values of all semaphores in the semaphore object , And store it arg In the parameter array Array returns .
GETNCNT Returns the number of processes waiting to use a semaphore controlled resource .
GETPID Returns the last call to a semaphore semop() The process of the function pid.
GETVAL Return the value of a semaphore of the object .
GETZCNT Returns the number of processes waiting for the resources controlled by a semaphore to be fully used .
SETALL use arg Parameters in array Array value to set the value of each semaphore in the object .
SETVAL use arg Parameters in val Member to set the value of a semaphore in the object .
- int get_sem_val(int sid, int semnum)
- {
- return(semctl(sid,semnum,GETVAL,0));
- }
- void init_semaphore(int sid, int semnum, int initval)
- {
- union semun semopts;
- semopts.val=initval;
- semctl(sid, semnum, SETVAL, semopts);
- }
In message queues and semaphore objects , There are IPC_STAT and IPC_SET The operation of . However, due to the different types of passed parameters , Caused the difference in their use . stay msgctl() Function ,IPC_STAT The operation is simply to put the kernel msgqid_ds junction
The address of the structure is given buf Parameters ( It's a pointer ). And in the semctl() Function , IPC_STAT The operation is to semid_ds Copy the contents of to arg Parametric buf In the memory indicated by the member pointer . therefore , The following code will generate errors , and msgctl() Functional
Similar code does not :
- void getmode(int sid)
- {
- int rc;
- union semun semopts;
- /* The following statement will produce errors */
- if((rc=semctl(sid, 0, IPC_STAT, semopts))==-1)
- {
- perror("semctl");
- }
- printf("Pemission Mode were %o/n", semopts.buf->sem_perm.mode);
- return;
- }
- void getmode(int sid)
- {
- int rc;
- union semun semopts;
- struct semid_ds mysemds;
- /* to buf The pointer prepares a piece of memory */
- semopts.buf=&mysemds;
- /* Now? OK 了 */
- if((rc=semctl(sid, 0, IPC_STAT, semopts))==-1)
- {
- perror("semctl");
- }
- printf("Pemission Mode were %o/n", semopts.buf->sem_perm.mode);
- return;
- }
example :
- semtool.c
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/ipc.h>
- #include <sys/sem.h>
- #define SEM_RESOURCE_MAX 1 /*Initial value of all semaphores*/
- void opensem(int *sid, key_t key);
- void createsem(int *sid, key_t key, int members);
- void locksem(int sid, int member);
- void unlocksem(int sid, int member);
- void removesem(int sid);
- unsigned short get_member_count(int sid);
- int getval(int sid, int member);
- void dispval(int sid,int member);
- void changemode(int sid, char *mode);
- void usage(void);
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- key_t key;
- int semset_id;
- if(argc == 1) usage();
- /*Create unique key via call to ftok()*/
- key=ftok(".",'s');
- switch(tolower(argv[1][0]))
- {
- case 'c':
- if(argc!=3)usage();
- createsem(&semset_id, key, atoi(argv[2]));
- break;
- case 'l':
- if(argc!=3) usage();
- opensem(&semset_id, key);
- locksem(semset_id, atoi(argv[2]));
- break;
- case 'u':
- if(argc!=3) usage();
- opensem(&semset_id, key);
- unlocksem(semset_id, atoi(argv[2]));
- break;
- case 'd':
- opensem(&semset_id,key);
- removesem(semset_id);
- break;
- case 'm':
- opensem(&semset_id, key);
- changemode(semset_id, argv[2]);
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void opensem(int *sid, key_t key)
- {
- /*Open the semaphore set ---do not creat!*/
- if((*sid=semget(key, 0 , 0666)==-1)
- {
- printf("Semaphore set does not exist!/n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- void createsem(int *sid, key_t key, int members)
- {
- int cntr;
- union semun semopts;
- if(members > SEMMSL){
- printf("Sorry,max number of semaphores in a set is %d/n",SEMMSL);
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Attempting to create new semaphore set with %d members/n",members);
- if((*sid=semget(key, members, IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|0666))==-1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Semaphore set already exist!/n");
- exit(1);
- }
- semopts.val= SEM_RESOURCE_MAX;
- /*Initialize all members(could be done with SETALL)*/
- for(cntr=0;cntr<members;cntr++)
- {
- semctl(*sid, cntr, SETVAL, semopts);
- }
- }
- void locksem(int sid, int member)
- {
- struct sembuf sem_lock={0, -1, IPC_NOWAIT};
- if(member <0 ||member>(get_member_count(sid) -1))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"semaphore member %d out of range/n", member);
- return;
- }
- /*Attempt to lock the semphore set*/
- if(!getval(sid, member))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Semaphore resources exhausted (no lock)/n")
- exit(1);
- }
- sem_lock.sem_num =member;
- if((semop(sid, &sem_lock, 1)==-1)
- {
- fprintf, "Lock faild/n");
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- printf("Semaphore resources decremented by one (locked)/n");
- dispval(sid ,member);
- }
- void unlocksem(int sid, int member)
- {
- struct sembuf sem_unlock={member, 1, IPC_NOWAIT};
- int semval;
- if(member<0 || member>(get_member_count(sid)-1))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Semaphore member %d out of range/n",member);
- return;
- }
- /*Is the semaphore set locked? */
- semval =getval(sid, member);
- if(semval==SEM_REOURSE_MAX){
- fprintf(stderr, "Semaphore not locked!/n");
- exit(1);
- }
- sem_unlock.sem_num = member;
- /*Attempt to lock the semaphore set*/
- if((semop(sid, &sem_unlock, 1))==-1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unlock failed/n");
- exit
- }
- else
- printf("Semaphore resources incremented by one(unlocked)/n");
- dispval(sid, member);
- }
- void removesem(int sid)
- {
- semctl(sid, 0, IPC_RMID,0);
- print("Semaphore removed/n");
- }
- unsigned short get_member_count(int sid)
- {
- union semum semopts;
- struct semid_ds mysemds;
- semopts.buf= &mysemds;
- /*Return number of member in the semaphore set*/
- int rc;
- if((rc=semctl(sid, 0, IPC_STAT, semopts))==-1)
- {
- perror("semctl");
- return(-1)
- }
- return(semopts.buf->sem_nsems);
- }
- int getval(int sid, int member)
- {
- int semval;
- semval= semctl(sid, member,GETVAL, 0)
- reval semval;
- }
- void changemode(int sid, char *mode)
- {
- int rc;
- union semun semopts;
- struct semid_ds mysemds;
- /*Get current values for internal data structure */
- semopts.buf=&mysemds;
- rc = semctl(sid, 0, IPC_STAT, semopts);
- if(rc ==-1)
- {
- perror("semctl");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Old permission were %o/n", semopts.buf->perm.mode);
- /* Change the permission on the semaphore */
- sscanf(mode,"%ho",&semopts.buf->sem_perm.mode);
- /*Update the internal data structure */
- semctl(sid,0, IPC_SET, semopts);
- printf("Updated....../n");
- }
- void dispval(int sid, int member)
- {
- int semval;
- semval= semctl(sid, member, GETVAL,0);
- printf("semval for member %d is %d/n", member ,semval);
- }
- void usage(void)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "semtool -Autility for thinking with semaphores/n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/nUSAGE: semtool (c)reate <semcount>/n");
- fprintf(stderr, " (l)ock <sem #>/n");
- fprintf(stderr, " (u)nlock <sem #>/n");
- fprintf(stderr, " (d)elete/n");
- fprintf(stderr, " (m)ode <mode>/n");
- exit(1);
- }
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