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[Remote Control Development Basic Tutorial 3] Crazy Shell Open Source Formation UAV-ADC (Joystick Control)
2022-08-02 03:16:00 【efans_Mike】
1.1Introduction to the joystick
Rocker thanks to ergonomics、操作简单,Widely used in all kinds of toys,Such as remote control aircraft、Remote control car, etc.The following figure shows the physical image of the joystick module.
1.2Rocker principle
The joystick is nothing more than two potentiometers,Also known as sliding rheostat,A potentiometer corresponds to the up and down direction of the joystick,The other potentiometer corresponds to the left and right direction.
One end of the rocker pin is connected to power、One end is connected to ground,The other end is responsible for collecting the change value of the voltage,Determine which direction the joystick is moved.
2.1ADC 简介
ADC(Analog-to-Digital Converter),模数转换器即 A/D 转换器,或简称ADC,通常是指一个将模拟信号转变为数字信号的电子元件.通常的模数转换器是将一个输入电压信号转换为一个输出的数字信号.由于数字信号本身不具有实际意义,仅仅表示一个相对大小.故任何一个模数转换器都需要一个参考模拟量作为转换的标准,比较常见的参考标准为最大的可转换信号大小.而输出的数字量则表示输入信号相对于参考信号的大小.
So what is an analog quantity、what about numbers??模拟量是指变量在一定范围连续变化的量; 数字量是物理量的一种,它们的变化在时间上是不连续的,Always happens in a series
Column discrete instants.This type of physical quantity is called 数字量.The figure below shows the comparison between digital and analog.
Then the process of converting an analog signal into a digital signal is called ADC 模数转换.
There are many types of analog-to-digital converters,Depending on the working principle,Can be divided into indirect ADC 和直接 ADC.间接 ADC It first converts the input analog voltage into time or frequency,Then convert these intermediate quantities into digital quantities,Commonly used are double integral type ADC.直接 ADC It is directly converted into a digital quantity,Commonly used are parallel comparison type ADC and successive approximation types ADC.
并联比较型 ADC:采用各量级同时并行比较,各位输出码也是同时并行产生,So the conversion speed is fast.并联比较型 ADC The disadvantage is the high cost、功耗大.
逐次逼近型 ADC:It produces a series of comparison voltages VR,But it generates comparative voltages one by one, 逐次与输入电压分别比较,以逐渐逼近的方式进行模数转换的.It is compared to the parallel comparison typeADC The conversion speed is slow,than the double integral type ADC 要快得多,属于中速 ADC 器件.
双积分型 ADC:It first integrates the input sample voltage and the reference voltage twice,Obtains a time interval proportional to the average value of the sampled voltage,At the same time, a counter is used to count the standard clock pulses.Its advantage is strong anti-interference ability,稳定性好;The main disadvantage is the low conversion speed.
ADC 常用的技术指标有:
(1)采样精度 :即分辨率,一般有 8 位、10 位、12 位、16 位等;
(2)转换时间 :That is, the time required for each sample,表征 ADC 的转换速度,与 ADC
的时钟频率、采样周期、conversion cycle;
(3)工作电压 :需要注意 ADC 的工作电压范围、Can the negative voltage be measured directly, etc;
(4)ADC 类型 :如上面所提到的,ADC 有多种类型,不同类型的 ADC There are different performance limits.
2.2STM32 的ADC
STM 32 拥有 1~3 个 ADC ,这些 ADC 可以独立使用,也可以使用双重模式
(提高采样率).STM 32 的 ADC 是 12 位逐次逼近型的模拟数字转换器.它有18 个通道,可测量 16 个外部和 2 个内部信号源.各通道的 A / D 转换可以单次、连续、扫描或间断模式执行.
ADC 的结果可以左对齐或右对齐方式存储在 16 位数据寄存器中.(因为在这里 ADC 是 12 位的,There are four left unused,So there is left/右对齐的方式).
STM32F103 系列的 ADC Corresponding relationship between external channels and pins,如下图所示.
2.3ADC 寄存器
STM32 的 ADC There are many related registers,Only a few more important registers are mentioned here.
(1)ADC_CR1:Analog-to-digital conversion control register 1,如下图所示:
其中 RES[1:0]Set bits for resolution,等于 00 时设置 ADC 为 12 位,等于 01 时设置 ADC 为 10 位,10 时设置 ADC 为 8 位,11 时设置 ADC 为 6 位.
(2)ADC_CR2:Analog-to-digital conversion control register 2,如下图所示:
其中 ALIGN Bits for data alignment,为 0 数据右对齐,为 1 数据左对齐;CONT Set bit for continuous conversion,为 0 单次转换,为 1 连续转换;ADON 为 ADC Conversion enable bit, 关闭 ADC 转换,为 1 开启 ADC 转换.
(3)ADC_DR:Analog-to-digital conversion data register,in the regular sequence register AD All conversion results will be stored in this register,And the result of the conversion injected into the register is stored in ADC_DR 中,如下图所示:
其中 DATA[15:0]The converted data is stored in .
2.4ADC Joystick control experiment
The content of this experiment is to use the left joystick on the remote controller to control the power indicator on the remote controller、
cocobit Programming mode indicator、Connect the drone indicator and emergency landing indicator.
Press the left joystick to turn on the power indicator、Dial down to light up cocobit programming indicator、Turn left to turn on the emergency landing indicator、Dial right to light up the connected drone indicator.这里采用了 ADC1 Multichannel rules DMA 采集的方式.Left stick ADC The wiring schematic is shown in the figure below.
实验中会用到 LED,Its configuration can refer to the remote control development basic tutorial《GPIO》一节.The overall idea of writing the code is shown in the following table:
ADC 的初始化代码如下.
ADC Processing is done in the main loop,其代码如下图所示.
如下图所示,Move the left joystick to the left,The emergency landing indicator lights up.
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