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Computer graduation design PHP animation information website

2022-07-06 01:44:00 q_ one billion thirty-nine million six hundred and ninety-two t

Project introduction

On the current Internet , As more and more media such as online animation and video are growing , Now the animation industry has set off a boom in the commercial field .
Whether teenagers or office workers , Many people are keen on the current animation industry . For this craze on the Internet , I hope to help netizens view and browse animation resources by making an online animation website , Provide comprehensive animation consulting and news information on the current network . such , Will gather a large number of animation lovers , And provide a platform for everyone to communicate . You can search your favorite animation materials through this animation website , You can also use the website as a medium to meet friends all over the country , Make the world smaller , Let common lovers talk about their views with each other
This animation website system adopts php Technology and mysql database , It mainly includes login module 、 Cartoon management module 、 Novel animation management module 、 Video animation management 、 Message management module 、 And exit module .

Brief introduction to functions :
Front desk module : homepage , System introduction , User registration , News on the site , The case shows , Professional nanny , Preschool education care , Cartoon animation , Novel animation , Video animation , Leave a message online .
Administrator functions include : Administrator account management , Registered user management , Change Password , Cartoon animation added , Cartoon animation query , Novel release , Novel query , Add video animation , Video animation query , Add news in the station , Friendship connection add , Friendship connection query , System introduction settings , Message board

1. message management : After the administrator posted a message , Ordinary administrators can query this message , The administrator selects a message , Query message , Or delete the message .
2. Novel animation Management : After the administrator releases the novel animation , Ordinary administrators can query the novel animation , The administrator selects a novel animation , Query novel animation , Or delete novel animation .
3. Cartoon management : After the administrator releases the cartoon , Ordinary administrators can query the cartoon , The administrator selects a cartoon , Query comics and animes , Or delete cartoon animation .
4. Video animation management : After the administrator releases the video animation , Ordinary administrators can query the video animation , The administrator selects a video animation , Query video animation , Or delete video animation .
5. Station news management : After the administrator releases the news on the website , Ordinary administrators can query the news in the station , The administrator selects a website news , Check the news on the website , Or delete the news on the website .

design sketch

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Objective record
pick want I
Objective record III
The first 1 Chapter The introduction 1
1.1 Development background 1
1.2 Development significance 1
1.3 research contents 1
The first 2 Chapter Introduction to main technologies and tools 1
2.1 php Scripting language 1
2.2 MySQL database 1
2.3 B/S Pattern 2
The first 3 Chapter Systems analysis 1
3.1 Feasibility analysis 1
3.1.1 Economic feasibility 1
3.1.2 Technical feasibility 1
3.1.3 Operational feasibility 1
3.2 Demand analysis 1
3.3 Business process analysis 2
3.4 Data flow analysis 3
The first 4 Chapter The system design 5
4.1 System structure design 5
4.2 Function module design 5
4.3 Database design 6
4.3.1 Database Design Overview 6
4.3.1 conceptual design 6
4.3.2 Table design 8
The first 5 Chapter system implementation 14
5.1 Basic tasks 14
5.2 The implementation of login module 14
5.3 Implementation of the foreground module 15
5.3.1 Implementation of registration module 15
5.3.2 Implementation of message module 17
5.4 Implementation of background login module 18
5.4.1 The realization of novel animation management module 20
5.4.2 The realization of cartoon management module 21
5.4.3 Implementation of video animation management module 22
The first 6 Chapter The system test 24
6.1 Test purpose 24
6.2 Summary of the test 24
6.3 unit testing 24
6.3.1 Log on to the test 24
6.3.2 Novel animation test 25
6.3.3 Cartoon animation management test 26
6.4 Integration testing 26
The first 7 Chapter summary 27
Cause thank 28
reference 28


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