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The "white paper on the panorama of the digital economy" has been released with great emphasis on the digitalization of insurance

2022-07-06 19:41:00 InfoQ

Analysis of Yi Guan :
《 Digital economy panorama white paper 》 It condenses the accumulation of experience and data of Analysys analysis for various industries of digital economy , Combined with the actual business and future challenges of enterprises in the digital age , And the innovation and breakthrough of digital technology , Finally, start with the general trend of digital economy development and cases in various fields , Help enterprises clarify the industry positioning and business development direction under the digital wave .

《 Digital economy panorama white paper 》 Continue to pay attention to the digitalization of Insurance . With the release of policies related to the digital transformation of the financial industry , The insurance industry also accelerates the transformation and layout . Technology drives the development of the insurance industry , Insurance institutions attach importance to technology and personnel investment ; meanwhile , The digital upgrading trend of insurance institutions is obvious , The financing amount of insurance technology has reached new highs . From the perspective of digital users , Although the financial sector is active, the number of people ranks first , However, the growth of active people in various industries is generally under pressure , The user stickiness index of the insurance industry showed a differentiation trend in the first quarter . From the perspective of digital transformation , Online insurance industry 、 Intelligent 、 Obvious ecological trend , The deep integration with technology also promotes cloud computing 、 Deep application of big data and other technologies .
total 9 page PPT
Reading time :10 minute
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