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2022 PMP project management examination agile knowledge points (9)

2022-07-07 00:02:00 Zhang Peifu's stone

2022 year PMP The exam will use a new version of the Syllabus , After revision PMP The proportion of agile test types has increased , In order to help the examinees master PMP Agile knowledge points in the exam , I will 2022PMP The information about exam agility has been sorted out , Come and see .

  Agile charter

Why do we do this project ? vision .

Who will benefit from it ? How to benefit ? The goal is

What conditions mean the completion of the project ?

How we're going to work together ? This illustrates the expected workflow .

Team Charter

Team social contract

Team values

Working agreement

The basic rule

Team norms

Continuous improvement

Review the meeting steps :

Agile contracts

Agile contract signing , More compliant “ Customer collaboration is better than contract negotiation ”, Emphasize cooperation based on value delivery , When signing, agility can be increased from the following aspects :

Multi level contract design ;

Use as short as possible 、 incremental 、 Iterative 、 Multi batch delivery pricing form ;

Dynamic range adjustment ;

Designate full-time personnel ;

Differentiation risk, etc .

The scope adjustment clause of the fixed total price contract can be agreed in the contract ; Instead, use the labor and material contract 、 Cost compensation contract can provide better agility for the project .

Lean needs to understand the thinking tools

Look for waste : Find out the root cause of waste , Thus eliminating waste . Waste in the process can be identified and reduced through the value flow chart tool .

queuing theory : It is a branch of operations research in Mathematics . Queuing theory is used in lean to ensure that members will not be overloaded , So as to ensure continuous 、 Steady rhythm .

Pull system : It can be understood that team members complete a task , Choose a new task . Ensure the focus of work , Reduce parallelism .

Option thinking : Take work plans and tasks as options , At the daily station meeting , The team can freely add and remove tasks on the task board , They have no deadlines , The emphasis is to do their best to complete the product work , Instead of making excessive commitments .

Delay costs : Understand the counter value of a task delay , It can help the team decide which tasks to complete first .

Perceived integrity / Conceptual integrity : Perceived integrity refers to considering whether a feature can well meet the needs of users . Conceptual integrity refers to considering whether features can cooperate well to form a unified product .

Set based development : The team takes time to prepare a set of options , Decide which option to use at the last moment of responsibility .

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