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[sword finger offer] 58 - I. flip the word order
2022-07-03 16:32:00 【LuZhouShiLi】
The finger of the sword Offer 58 - I. Flip word order
Enter an English sentence , Turn over the order of the words in the sentence , But the order of the characters in the word is the same . For the sake of simplicity , Punctuation is treated like ordinary letters . For example, input string "I am a student. “, The output "student. a am I”.
Double pointer , Flashback traversal string s, Record the left and right index boundaries of words i,j. Determine the boundary of one word at a time , Just add it to the word list res in , Final , Splice the word list into a string , And return .
class Solution {
public String reverseWords(String s) {
s = s.trim();// Delete leading and trailing spaces
int j = s.length() - 1,i = j;
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
// Search back and forth
// "hello world"
while(i >= 0)
while(i >= 0 && s.charAt(i) != ' ') i--;// Search for the first space Space encountered i stop searching
// Split string from i + 1 Start is not a space And then to j Location (j+1 Can't get )
res.append(s.substring(i + 1,j + 1) + " ");// Add words
while(i >= 0 && s.charAt(i) == ' ')
i--;// Skip spaces between words
// to update j Then move on to the next step i
j = i;
return res.toString().trim();// Convert to string and return
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