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Sort out several important Android knowledge and advanced Android development interview questions

2022-07-07 16:44:00 InfoQ


Hello everyone ! Let me introduce it to you , This is what we keep updating and sorting out 2021 The latest Ali ; Baidu ; tencent ; Byte beating and so on Android Analysis of the real interview questions !

As early as 2018 In, we built the first BAT Wait for the interview group of the big factory to discuss the interview with you . Accumulated 2158 A group of friends shared their own Android Interview experience , And provide reference answers .

Many of them have made headlines today 、 Tiktok 、 Ali P7 Other positions offer. Of course, many members failed in the interview , But also shared many failed experiences  
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  training . Thank you to them all ! It's because of your dedication and support , Let's download the analysis of the real interview questions 1024 Ten thousand times !

Two 、Android Interview questions

Android The interview questions include Android Basics , There are also some source level 、 Principles, etc . So I want to go to a big company for an interview , Be sure to look at the source code and Implementation , Common frameworks can try their own handwriting to achieve , Exercise yourself .

( One )Android Basic knowledge points

  • What are the four components
  • The life cycle and simple usage of the four components
  • Activity The way of communication between
  • Activity Life cycle in all cases
  • When the horizontal and vertical screens are switched ,Activity  Life cycle in all cases
  • Activity And Fragment Life cycle comparison between
  • Activity There are Dialog When you press Home The life cycle of the bond
  • Two Activity  Which methods will be executed when jumping between ?
  • Switch from the front to the back , And then back to the front desk ,Activity Lifecycle callback methods . eject Dialog, Lifecycle callback method .
  • Activity Comparison of four startup modes of
  • Activity The state is preserved in recovery
  • fragment Life cycle in all cases
  • Fragment State of preservation startActivityForResult What kind of method is it , Under what circumstances ?
  • How to achieve Fragment The slide of ?
  • fragment How to transfer data between ?
  • Activity  How and Service  binding ?
  • How the Activity  Start the corresponding Service?
  • service and activity How to interact data ?
  • Service How to open it
  • Please describe Service  Life cycle of
  • Talk to you about ContentProvider The understanding of the
  • say something ContentProvider、ContentResolver、ContentObserver  The relationship between
  • Please describe the broadcast BroadcastReceiver The understanding of the
  • Classification of broadcasting
  • The way the broadcast is used and the scene
  • stay manifest  And how to register and use BroadcastReceiver?
  • What's the difference between local broadcasting and global broadcasting ?
  • BroadcastReceiver,LocalBroadcastReceiver  difference
  • AlertDialog,popupWindow,Activity difference
  • Application  and  Activity  Of  Context  The difference between objects
  • Android Property animation features
  • How to import an external database ?
  • LinearLayout、RelativeLayout、FrameLayout The characteristics and comparison of , And introduce the usage scenarios .
  • Talk about the understanding of interface and callback
  • The principle of callback
  • Write a callback demo
  • introduce SurfView
  • RecycleView Use
  • The function of serialization , as well as Android The difference between the two serialization
  • Differentiator
  • Estimator
  • Android How to store data in

( Two )Android Source code correlation analysis

  • Android Animation framework implementation principle
  • Android Versions API The difference between
  • Requestlayout,onlayout,onDraw,DrawChild Differences and connections
  • invalidate and postInvalidate The difference and use of
  • Activity-Window-View The difference between the three
  • Talk about right Volley The understanding of the
  • How to optimize customization View
  • Low version SDK How to implement higher version api?
  • Describe the flow of a network request
  • HttpUrlConnection  and  okhttp Relationship
  • Bitmap Understanding of the object
  • looper framework
  • ActivityThread,AMS,WMS How it works
  • Customize View How to consider model adaptation
  • Customize View Events
  • AstncTask+HttpClient  And  AsyncHttpClient What's the difference? ?
  • LaunchMode Application scenarios
  • AsyncTask  How to use ?
  • SpareArray principle
  • Please introduce ContentProvider  How to realize data sharing ?
  • AndroidService And Activity There are several ways to communicate with each other
  • IntentService What are the principles and functions of ?
  • say something Activity、Intent、Service  What's the relationship
  • ApplicationContext and ActivityContext The difference between
  • SP Is it process synchronization ? What's the way to synchronize ?
  • On Multithreading in Android The use of
  • The process and  Application  Life cycle of
  • encapsulation View How do you know view Size
  • RecycleView principle
  • AndroidManifest The role and understanding of

( 3、 ... and ) Some common principle problems

  • Handler Mechanism and underlying implementation
  • Handler、Thread and HandlerThread The difference between
  • handler Send message to child thread ,looper How to start ?
  • About Handler, anywhere new Handler  Under what thread ?
  • ThreadLocal principle , Implementation and how to guarantee Local attribute ?
  • Please explain in the single thread model Message、Handler、Message Queue、Looper The relationship between
  • Please describe View Event delivery and distribution mechanism
  • Touch Event delivery process
  • In event distribution onTouch  and onTouchEvent  What's the difference? , How to use ?
  • View and ViewGroup There are callback methods related to event distribution
  • View Refresh mechanism
  • View Drawing process
  • Principle of custom control
  • Customize View How to provide access to View Interface to properties ?
  • Android In the code WAP The Internet
  • AsyncTask Mechanism
  • AsyncTask Principles and shortcomings
  • How to cancel AsyncTask?
  • Why can't I update in a child thread UI?
  • ANR What is the cause of this ?
  • ANR Positioning and correction
  • oom What is it? ?
  • What causes oom?
  • What is the solution to avoid OOM?
  • Oom  Whether it can be or not? try catch? Why? ?
  • What is a memory leak ?
  • What causes a memory leak ?
  • How to prevent thread memory leakage ?
  • Solution to memory leak field
  • The difference between memory leak and memory overflow ?
  • LruCache Default cache size
  • ContentProvider Authority management ( answer : Read / write separation , Access control - Accurate to the table level ,URL control )
  • How to intercept and abort A text message ?
  • Whether the broadcast can request the network ?
  • Broadcast induced anr What's the time limit of ?
  • Calculate a view Nesting level of
  • Activity Stack
  • Android There is no upper limit for threads ?
  • There is no upper limit on thread pool ?
  • ListView What is reused ?
  • Android Why introduce Parcelable?
  • Have you tried to simplify Parcelable Use ?

( Four ) Some common problems in development

  • ListView  How is the problem of image dislocation in Chinese ?
  • Do you understand hybrid development ?
  • Know what hybrid development methods ? Tell their advantages and disadvantages and their respective use scenarios ?( answer : such as :RN,weex,H5, Applet ,WPA etc. . do Android Understand some front-end js It's good to wait );
  • What are the processing skills of screen adaptation ?
  • The server only provides data receiving interface , In the case of multithreading or multiprocessing , How to ensure the orderly arrival of data ?
  • Understanding of dynamic layout
  • How to remove duplicate code ?
  • Draw  Android  The general structure of
  • Recycleview and ListView The difference between
  • ListView The principle and solution of image loading disorder
  • Dynamic permission adaptation scheme , The concept of permission group
  • Android Why is the system designed ContentProvider?
  • Does the drop-down status bar affect activity Life cycle of
  • If in onStop When I made a network request ,onResume How to recover when ?
  • Bitmap  What to pay attention to when using ?
  • Bitmap Of recycler()
  • Android The main steps to turn on the camera in
  • ViewPager Use details , How to set to initialize only the current Fragment, The others are not initialized ?
  • Click event is blocked , But I want to pass it down View, How to operate ?
  • Implementation of wechat homepage
  • The principle of small red dots on wechat
  • CAS Introduce ( This is Alibaba's interview question , I don't know very well , You can refer to the blog : CAS brief introduction )

attach ;AndroidAPP Outline of development framework technology system ;



The end of the

For many primary and intermediate Android For Engineers , Want to improve skills , Often is oneself gropes for growth , Unsystematic learning is inefficient, long and helpless .  I hope that these architecture technologies can be applied to Android Development of friends have reference and less detours , The point of this article is whether you have gained and grown up , The rest is unimportant , I hope readers will keep this in mind .

Finally, we want to get a high salary to improve technology and get a qualitative leap in salary . The quickest way , That is, someone can take you with them to analyze , This is the most efficient way to learn , So in order to advance to the middle and senior level smoothly 、 Architects , I specially prepared a set of master learning source code and framework videos for you Android Architect tutorial , Make sure you learn to make sure your salary goes up to a higher level .

  • Mind map
  • null
  • Performance optimization learning notes
  • null
  • null

  • Performance optimized video
  • null
  • When you have a learning path , What to learn , I also know how to go in the future , If you see too much theory, you have to practice it .
