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Build an all in one application development platform, light flow, and establish a code free industry benchmark

2022-07-07 16:34:00 InfoQ

source   /   ToB Industry headlines   (ID:wwwqifu)  

author  /    No two

In the present IT industry , Low code / No code is a hot word that can't be bypassed .

2018 year , Siemens acquired a low code software company Mendix, Low code / No code began to explode abroad , Three years later, , In the nail 6.0 conference , Low code / No code quickly out of the circle , And become a household concept in the industry .

But there is an enterprise , No borrowing code / The concept of no code hype , It is the first in the industry 「 No code development white paper 」, Define the concept and characteristics of no code .

thereafter , It also worked with the China Academy of communications and industry experts to jointly formulate a code free industry product standard system , Lead the industry to work together without code , This enterprise is light flow .

7 month 6 Japan , Qingliu held the third codeless Explorer Conference , Update and iterate on its own products , At the same time All-in-One Application development platform 、 Discuss the round table development concept in depth 、 Create enterprise level business systems and services , Once again, it has attracted the attention of the enterprise service industry .

that , Why does light stream choose a codeless track ? Silently developed 7 After year , What has it done in this field ? How will light flow develop in the field of no code in the future ? With these questions ,「ToB Industry headlines 」 Conducted industry exploration .

No code is
False concept or real demand ?

Compared with low code , There are many controversies about the recognition of no code in the industry .

for example ,2018 Years ago , Two head analysis mechanisms Forrester  and  Gartner The consensus on no code is : No code is just a marketing term , It is mainly used to highlight a tool without programming foundation , Eliminate the fear of business users . therefore ,
The word "no code" will slowly disappear in the future

But this is by no means the case .

「ToB Industry headlines 」 Think , There is no code / Low code is a way to create applications , It can be in the graphical interface , Use visual modeling to assemble and configure applications , So that developers can directly skip all infrastructure , Focus only on using code to implement business logic .

data display ,
future 5 There will be 70% Companies choose low code or no code to build applications ,
thus it can be seen ,
Low code / No code is a real need that can greatly liberate productivity .

meanwhile , Comparison IT personnel , There are more people who understand business in China , The target users without code are business personnel , Therefore, there is more code free space in China .

And if the business personnel can build the system independently , Participate in the process of enterprise digital transformation , Then no code will contribute more to the promotion of domestic digital process .

therefore ,
No code has greater business value today , And has broad prospects for development .

however , Although no code has now been recognized by the industry , But when the market's understanding of no code is not as clear as it is now , Facing the two voices in the market , someone “ persuade sb. to resign from an official position ”, Some people are indomitable .

Enterprises that firmly believe that no code is not a pseudo demand and make achievements are light flow

First , It first defined the concept of no code in the domestic market .

Though early 2014 year ,Forrester Released low code / The concept of no code , But the concept of no code and low code is often confused in China , The caliber of manufacturers is not unified , It has brought many problems to the development of the industry .

So , Qingliu was the first to release 「 No code development white paper 」, Define the concept and characteristics of no code , Establish a clear understanding for the industry .

secondly , It has launched a more complete product matrix , It can help customers better build application systems .

Such as light analysis —— Light flow BI System , Have data sources 、 Data sets 、 visualization 、 Four characteristics of openness , Connect the business system with BI Two way connection between platforms .

Light code —— It is an extension of the capability boundary of light flow codeless products , Feed back no code through highly abstract summary .

“ Light code ” In fact, it provides a rising channel for pure code and low code , Coupling technology and business , It mainly empowers developers in a codeless way , Make it available to everyone 、 Want to use 、 Will use 、 Usable developer ecosystem .

There is no code —— For business people who can't write code . No code connection turns light flow into a universal converter , Different systems can be opened up without development .

at present , Light flow averages nearly every day  20,000  A new application system was born in light flow , among  80% Built by business people who can't write code , This greatly makes up for the shortcomings of enterprises in digital construction “ Insufficient capacity ”.

Because of down-to-earth persistence and perseverance to work hard , In the past 7 year , Light flow obtained 6 Rounds of hundreds of millions of RMB financing , Get capital recognition ; only 2021 Year after year , It adds nearly 30 Ten thousand enterprises , It has been strongly recognized by customers .

I've been selected  Forrester、 IResearch 、 Billion euro 、 Light year 、 Love analysis and other research institutions have no reports in the field of code , And the first batch of low code of China Academy of communications technology / Member units of codeless Promotion Center , Recognized by the industry .

so to speak , Currently, no code is still in the early stage of development , But Qingliu has undoubtedly been at the forefront of the industry .

Team multi role integration and cooperation
Help enterprise digital transformation

Affected by the epidemic situation and other factors , Enterprises are currently accelerating their digital transformation , But with the increasing demand of application development , The traditional pure code research and development methods are gradually weak .

therefore ,
relieve IT Department pressure , Improve development efficiency , Become the key for enterprises to promote the digitalization process

To solve this pain point problem ,Gartner In recent low code / The solution is given in the no code report :
take IT Integrate with the business team (Fusion Team), Support professional developers and citizen developers at the same time .

To be specific , In practice , Senior engineer 、 Programmers can use the programming extension interface of low code platform , Complete system integration 、 Complex business implementation and performance optimization , Other business personnel and junior developers can use the code free visual interface to build simple business logic and page interaction function development , Complete custom requirements .

In this way , This mixed development model for programmers and business people , That is, it can make up for the lack of technical ability of non-technical personnel , It can also give full play to the technical breakthrough ability of existing programmers .

therefore , Use low code in software companies or large enterprise information departments / No code technology to develop large 、 High complexity 、 There are obvious advantages when there are a large number of systems .

stay 「ToB Industry headlines 」 It seems , On a codeless platform , The advantage of this mixed development mode is ,“ Let business experts lead the application implementation , Let technical experts lead the application deepening ”, In the future, it will have a far-reaching impact on practitioners in the codeless industry .

But the current , How to implement this mixed mode ? The industry is still in the exploratory stage , Deep tillage industry 7 The light current of the year once again took the lead in giving the answer .

「ToB Industry headlines 」 Find out , At the third codeless Explorer conference held not long ago , Light flow updated no code 、 Light code 、 The function of light analysis .

To be specific , In the absence of code , Light flow is for different scenes 、 Designed exclusive mobile terminals for different groups , Convenient for suppliers 、 Customers and other upstream and downstream personnel can also access these applications through the enterprise's own platform for use and collaboration .

Besides , Light flow also aims at external personnel collaboration , Introduced new features for external users , After opening the external user function , External users can , Submit an application or order through a form 、 View relevant application or order records , Finally, the complete closed loop of data chain and business chain will be realized .

At the light code level , In order to make  IT  Developers can better implement these complex functions , Light flow introduces a new plate cloud function of light code , Through the light flow cloud function , Developers don't have to care about the underlying resources , There is no need to maintain the server , You only need to care about the implementation of the core business code , It greatly improves the degree of demand realization and landing experience of light flow in complex scenes .

meanwhile , Light flow also adds embedded components , by IT People provide great flexibility , guarantee  IT  Developers can maximize their own advantages , Contribute to a deeply personalized system .

At the light analysis level , Light flow updated 3 New report types , Such as indicator board 、 Combination chart 、 Maps, etc , Help managers understand the data situation at a glance .

But beyond that , most important of all , Light flow will also have no code 、 Light code 、 Connect by light analysis , make All-in-One Application development platform .

This allows different roles to work in the same development platform , Use their own tools to deeply participate in the digital work of enterprises , Let digitalization no longer be  IT  The department moves forward alone .

「ToB Industry headlines 」 Think , Through no code 、 Light code 、 Close combination of light analysis , Light flow will connect business personnel with  IT  The staff formed the best partner for close cooperation , This can help users realize the efficient implementation of application systems in the digital transformation of enterprises , Help enterprises accelerate digital transformation .

And it's worth mentioning , In order to make enterprises better adopt this collaboration mode , Light flow also proposed the concept of round table development , Help enterprises collaborate on a round table 、 Efficient 、 Cooperate nimbly , And in “ There is no code ” Based on this common language , adopt IT Team and other teams , Jointly complete the implementation of the application system , Improve the efficiency of enterprise digitalization .

At the moment when the industry is looking forward to , Qingliu successfully solved the industry problems , And this combination play , Also let light flow help different scales 、 While enterprises in different fields realize the goal of digital transformation , It also consolidated its leading position in the industry , Become a well deserved industry leader .

Serve medium and large customers
Or become the touchstone of codeless manufacturers

From the business model of the industry , Judge whether a product is excellent , It's not how much demand manufacturers can provide , It's how much customers need .

There are many long tail scenarios in medium and large enterprises , There is also a lot of demand , Therefore, manufacturers only have products and services that are perfect enough , In order to get the trust of large and medium-sized enterprises , And then develop better in the industry .

however , At present, many codeless manufacturers face many difficulties in serving medium and large customers :

First of all , There are many packaging modules on medium and large platforms 、 The data model is rich and detailed , There are many complex and personalized scenes that need to be met , But many codeless vendors are interested in the industry 、 The business scenario is not well understood , Therefore, it does not have the ability to solve the needs of customers in multiple scenarios .

second , Medium and large enterprises have high requirements for private cloud deployment capabilities and interface integration capabilities , However, many codeless manufacturers cannot meet the relevant requirements of customer data security , The security of the application scenario cannot be guaranteed .

Third , In addition to product capabilities, medium and large customers , There are also high requirements for service , But many codeless vendors are implementing in service providers 、 Product training 、 After sales support and other dimensions are not perfect .

therefore ,
The service ability of medium and large customers has become a difficult problem for codeless manufacturers .

「ToB Industry headlines 」 Think , For codeless companies , To improve the service ability of medium and large-scale customers, we need to start from two aspects :

First, improve the underlying technical strength , Enrich the richness of the data model .

Second, through professional consulting companies 、 Deeply cultivate the cooperation of solution service providers and other institutions in the industry , Deepen the understanding of the customer's industry 、 Understanding of the specific scenarios of business development .

Although few domestic enterprises can do it at present , But light flow has the ability to serve medium and large customers .

First , Light flow is customized for enterprise customers with complex needs “ Proprietary light flow ”, So that enterprises can deploy light flow products on internal cloud resources and servers , So as to achieve self-control , Become an effective complement to large-scale management systems , Let data flow freely .

It is worth mentioning that , lately , Proprietary light flow is still safe 、 performance 、 Xinchuang has made further update iterations .

secondly , Light flow is based on aPaaS Ability , Combined with the industry Know-how, And more partners continue to deepen in application scenarios , So as to gradually expand the industry vertical scenario solutions , Launch various industry solution templates .

Light current CEO Bo Zhiyuan said , In the future, Qingliu will expand more vertical partners in the industry , In some vertical industries, the scenarios are encapsulated into more in-depth solutions .

Under the constant exploration of light flow , At present , Qingliu has served more than 50 Ten thousand enterprises at home and abroad , Among them, there are more than 100 large customers , Benchmarking clients include government agencies and schools , Such as Tsinghua University 、 Caterpillar 、 Chaowei group 、 China Resources medicine 、 Shanghai Jiaotong University 、 Three squirrels and so on , Internet coverage 、 manufacture 、 retail 、 education 、 Engineering construction 、 Finance 、 Life service 、 Dozens of industries such as entertainment media , The increasing number of customers shows the leading ability of light flow .

In addition to capturing large and medium-sized customers , The service strength of Qingliu in small and medium-sized enterprises should not be underestimated .

Bo Zhiyuan said , Light flow serves medium and large customers at the same time , We are also accumulating industry experience and templates , So as to better launch solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises .

thus it can be seen , Light flow is already serving big 、 in 、 Preliminary results have been achieved on small business customers , Successfully cross the threshold of the industry .

At present , Enterprise digitalization has become a trend of the times , Chinese enterprises are experiencing unprecedented rapid changes in this wave , Light current plays the role of double energy guard .

One side , As an independent manufacturer , Help enterprises carry out digital transformation ; On the other hand , Create Ecology , Help enterprises expand ToB Ability .

According to iResearch report , With the maturity of domestic codeless technology and the accumulation of industry experience , The size of the codeless market will reach 10 billion , Believe in the near future , No code will shine in the digital transformation of enterprises , And light flow will also shine in the codeless industry .
