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Continuous creation depends on it!

2022-07-07 16:02:00 stormzhangV

It is necessary to read this article 1.68 minute .

I said before that I output a lot of content every day , Then during the live broadcast , See a lot of people will be curious , Ask me that you always output so much content , How do you accumulate it at ordinary times , How to take notes ?

I remember I said , Clean up your favorites regularly , For example, you often see good articles , You can collect , But over time , You've forgotten , I don't remember what you read , Clean regularly at this time , It also helps you review what you have learned in the past period .

But this operation is only the basic of the basic , You extract your own opinions from it and think , You need to take notes , Help you remember . After all, we still have all kinds of things to deal with every day , The storage capacity of the brain is limited , You need tools to help you remember .

If you just casually memorize some fragmented knowledge content , In fact, any note taking tool can meet your needs , For example, the memo comes with the mobile phone , That's all right. , Right ?

But this is only limited to when we collect fragmentary knowledge , It works . The reason why we write down the knowledge points of fragmentation absorption , In order to further prepare for the written content of the output system , At this time, we need a note taking tool that can sort out daily fragmented content .

Integrate the contents in your brain with the input fragments , This is the right thing to do , Let fragmentary knowledge produce structure and relevance .

In the process , We usually use some work that can help us organize logic and arrange content , For example, some drawing tools 、 Data statistics and analysis tools, etc .

So as to achieve systematic and complete output , Such content will be more in-depth , Also more dry .

Most of the readers who follow me are technicians , Because I started with technology , It will be writing technical documents almost every day .

So find a suitable document note , It's very important .

There are many kinds of cloud notes on the market , I've experienced most of them , At the beginning, I used Youdao cloud notes to write articles , Because it supports Markdown .

But I gave up youdaoyun very early , Because I found out , As you output more and more content , The disadvantages of Youdao cloud notes are highlighted .

For example, the hierarchical relationship of the article cannot be displayed intuitively , The reading experience is also very general , The key is that it often gets stuck in the back , Sometimes you PC   You can't log in , Especially when synchronizing to the mobile phone App Last time , There is a delay , The experience is getting worse .

In this case , You can only give it up and find a new one , But you need to know , Technicians are looking for a notebook , Meet the needs of other groups for notes , There are still some differences .

For Technologists , I hope document notes can support writing code by myself , Can do more technical management , In line with their own style .

For example, a language bird , This document note is more suitable for programmers . It meets the needs of most programmers , At the same time, it also meets my current needs as a content creator .

Many people may not know , YuQue was originally used as a 「 Programmers write to programmers 」 Tools for , Born in Alipay Experience Technology Department , From a team of designers and engineers , So besides having an elegant interface , It also fits the usage habits of engineers .

YuQue was also based on Markdown Developed cloud notes , So it's natural to support Markdown grammar , For the habit of writing Markdown For programmers , Better match , Copy from blog Markdown The format is also complete .

Because I don't do technology anymore , But I'm still talking about birds , Recently, I suddenly found that , YuQue has many functions , The key is that it feels good .

For example, in addition to the basic Markdown , It developed 「 All purpose slash 」, As long as you enter a slash in the document , There will be many function lists , Meet your various needs .


in addition , Many programmers take notes , It's inevitable to record some code . The code block function of YuQue is very friendly .


It can basically meet the display of most codes , It not only supports rendering in multiple programming languages , You can also choose the display style of code blocks , You can also indent the code automatically .

And the mathematical formula you need , You can also find it directly in YuQue , Support with Markdown and katex There are two ways to input mathematical formulas , And you can easily adjust the style of the formula .

It is worth mentioning that , The drawing board function of YuQue is very powerful , Basically, you can realize the freedom of drawing on YuQue . Many programmers are writing technical documents and articles , You often need to draw . Like mind mapping 、UML chart 、 flow chart 、 Text drawing 、 time axis , Even the technical architecture diagram .


meanwhile , It also supports inserting B Stop video , Usually, if you watch B Standing watch learning words , That's more suitable for using this notebook .

Because many people who learn programming , Both learn and practice , Roll over the code , Actually run once , At this time, you can actually insert B Station video link to YuQue , Realize the function of learning while watching .

Yes, of course , The group of programmers , I like all of them 「 Do things 」, There will be many personalized needs , For example, synchronize content at any time in your blog and platform , YuQue also supports , Because it has an open API And third-party ecology .


Although YuQue has made many adaptations for programmers , Self metaphor 「 Most familiar with programmers' document notes 」, But I still feel a little low-key .

Because I found it as a tool for knowledge precipitation , Especially I don't write technical documents now , But for we media, which also outputs various contents every day , It is very helpful for my continuous creation .

in other words , Even if you are a non-technical person , You can also use this documentation tool . Don't see this sentence 「 Most familiar with programmers' document notes 」 Just wait and stop .

For many creators who focus on knowledge content output , YuQue can meet many needs , Help yourself build a personal knowledge base .

It's like you create your own work on the YuQue , from 0 To 1 , Each step can be shown in detail .

When you have more documents , It can be grouped on the language bird , Classify these documents . In this way, you can clearly see the hierarchy between documents , In order to quickly check your notes .

When you accidentally get a fragmented knowledge point , When you suddenly have creative inspiration , With the help of the notes of YuQue , You can write it down easily and quickly .

When you need to work with many people in the team to complete a project document , For example, the project manual of our previous planet , It was completed by several people in the online team , They use the tool of YuQue .


Even if you are a personal knowledge base , You can also open source , The published knowledge base has a clear directory structure , Reading experience is great , I don't know. I thought it was a blog website .

The organizational form of this knowledge base , It is very suitable for knowledge precipitation . Let the layman see unidentified and sharp , I think you are a clear-cut and logical person .

Many people manage their knowledge content , Experienced folder 、 file 、 Search for all kinds of torture , Even face Word、Excel、PPT The embarrassing scene that the contents of various format files are not related to each other .

Now , It is important to have a long-term documentation tool , YuQue supports thinking 、 Organize and express the structure , This is very helpful for our continuous creation , Basically, some cloud notes , Really do 「 Knowledge precipitation — lookup — quote — Share — to update 」 Closed loop document management , YuQue is a .

A sparrow can complete the functions needed to write an article , Let users be more involved in creation , It also makes creation more sustainable , Still very nice Of .

Last , For tools , Many people will have their own views , What I want to say is , If a tool can fully meet their needs and use smoothly , Then there is no need to change , If you feel that your needs cannot be met , Or you think the experience of this tool is getting worse , It's not too late to look at other tools .

