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Programming Specifications - LiteOS
2022-08-02 14:21:00 【CynalFly】
This programming specification is organized on the basis of common programming specifications in the industry,供开发者参考使用.
- 清晰,易于维护、易于重构
- 简洁,易于理解,并且易于实现
- 风格统一,The overall style of the code remains the same
- 通用性,Follow the industry's common programming standards
It is recommended to divide the project into subdirectories according to function modules(可参考LiteOSfunctional module division),Subdirectories then define the header and source file directories.
- Use camelCase for naming,This style mixes uppercase and lowercase letters,不同单词间通过单词首字母大写来分开,具体规则如下:
表1 CamelCase naming style rules 类型
大驼峰,Or big camelCase with a module prefix
AaaBbb, XXX_AaaBbb
带'g_'Small camel case for the prefix
All uppercase and underscore separated
A macro variable in the kernel header file to prevent repeated inclusion
带'_LOS'前缀和'H'后缀,The middle is the uppercase module name,以下划线分割
- 全局函数、全局变量、宏、类型名、Enumeration name naming,It should be accurately described and globally unique.
- under the premise of being able to express the meaning accurately,局部变量,或结构体、联合体的成员变量,Its name should be kept as short as possible.LiteOS的对外API使用LOS_<Module><Func>的方式,If there is an object, use the prepositional method,比如:
kernelThe interface between the internal modules in the directory is usedOs<Module><Func>的方式,比如:LOS_TaskCreate LOS_SwtmrStart LOS_SemPend
OsTaskScan OsSwtmrStart
archThe directory needs to be provided to the upper-level moduleLow Level接口,This part of the interface adoptsArch<Module><Func>的方式. Other situations can be used<Module><Func>的方式.
- 程序块采用缩进风格编写,使用空格而不是制表符('\t')进行缩进,每级缩进为4个空格.
- 采用K&Rstyle as the brace-wrap style,That is, the opening curly brace of the function starts on a new line,并独占一行,其他The opening brace follows the end of the statement, 右大括号独占一行,除非后面跟着同一语句的剩余部分,如if语句的else/else if或者分号,比如:
struct MyType { // The opening brace follows the end of the statement,前置1个空格
}; // The closing brace is immediately followed by a semicolon
int Foo(int a)
{ // 函数左大括号独占一行,放行首
if (a > 0) { // The opening brace follows the end of the statement,前置1个空格
} else { // 右大括号、"else"、and subsequent opening braces on the same line
} // 右大括号独占一行
- 条件、Use curly braces for loop statements,比如:
if (objectIsNotExist) { // 单行条件语句也加大括号
return CreateNewObject();
while (condition) {} // Even if the loop body is empty,也应使用大括号
while (condition) {
continue; // continue表示空逻辑,使用大括号
case/default语句相对switch缩进一层,The indentation style is as follows:
switch (var) {
case 0: // 缩进一层
DoSomething1(); // 缩进一层
case 1:
- 一行只写一条语句.
- 一条语句不能过长,建议不超过120个字符,If the statement cannot be shortened, it needs to be written on a separate line.
Leave the operator at the end of the line when wrapping,New lines are homogeneously aligned or indented one level,比如:
// Suppose the first line below does not meet the line width requirement
if (currentValue > MIN && // 换行后,Boolean operators are placed at the end of the line
currentValue < MAX) { // 与(&&)The two operands of the operator are homogeneously aligned
// Suppose the following function call does not meet the line width requirement,需要换行
ReturnType result = FunctionName(paramName1,
paramName3); // 保持与上方参数对齐
ReturnType result = VeryVeryVeryLongFunctionName( // 写入第1parameter is too long,直接换行
paramName1, paramName2, paramName3); // 换行后,4Spaces are indented one level
// 每行的参数代表一组相关性较强的数据结构,放在一行便于理解,Intelligibility takes precedence over formatting requirements at this point
int result = DealWithStructLikeParams(left.x, left.y, // 表示一组相关参数
right.x, right.y); // 表示另外一组相关参数
- When declaring a function,The return type of the function and other modifiers,Along with the function name.
指针类型"*"Should follow the variable or function name to the right,比如:
int *p1; // Good:Right-following variables,It is separated from the type on the left1个空格
int* p2; // Bad:Left follow type
int*p3; // Bad:There are no spaces on either side
int * p4; // Bad:两边都有空格
- 当"*"There are other modifiers between it and the variable or function name,When unable to follow,Don't follow the modifier at this point either,比如:
char * const VERSION = "V100"; // Good:当有const修饰符时,"*"两边都有空格
int Foo(const char * restrict p); // Good:当有restrict修饰符时,"*"两边都有空格
- 根据上下内容的相关程度,合理安排空行,But don't use continuous3or more blank lines.
#if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_16) // 位于行首,不缩进
#define ATOMIC_X86_HAS_CMPXCHG16B 1 // 缩进一层,区分层次,便于阅读
- 注释的内容要清楚、明了,含义准确,防止注释二义性.
- 在代码的功能、意图层次上进行注释,即注释解释代码难以直接表达的意图,Instead of just repeating the description code.
- 函数声明处注释描述函数功能、性能及用法,包括输入和输出参数、函数返回值、可重入的要求等;定义处详细描述函数功能和实现要点,如实现的简要步骤、实现的理由、设计约束等.
- 全局变量要有较详细的注释,包括对其功能、取值范围以及存取时注意事项等的说明.
- 避免在注释中使用缩写,除非是业界通用或子系统内标准化的缩写.
- The header of the file should be commented,Suggested comments are listed:版权说明、版本号、生成日期、作者姓名、功能说明、与其它文件的关系、修改日志等.
- The comment style should be uniform,建议优先选择/* */的方式,There should be between the comment and the comment content1空格,单行、Multi-line comments are styled as follows:
/* 单行注释 */
* 多行注释
* 第二行
- Comments should be placed above or to the right of their code.上方的注释,There are no blank lines between the lines of code,Keep the same indentation as the code. 右边的注释,and code at least1个空格.If there are multiple right-side comments,Aligned up and down will be more beautiful,比如:
#define A_CONST 100 // Here the two lines of comments are of the same kind
#define ANOTHER_CONST 200 // Left aligned
- When code snippets are isolated using macros,统一通过#ifdef的方式,例如:
- 定义宏时,要使用完备的括号,比如:
#define SUM(a, b) a + b // does not meet the requirements of this article
#define SUM(a, b) ((a) + (b)) // meet the requirements of this article
But also avoid abusing parentheses,For example, individual numbers or identifiers in parentheses are meaningless:
#define SOME_CONST 100 // Individual numbers do not need parentheses
#define ANOTHER_CONST (-1) // Negative numbers require parentheses
#define THE_CONST SOME_CONST // Individual identifiers do not require parentheses
- Implementation statements for functional macros that contain multiple statements must be placeddo-while(0)中,例如:
#define FOO(x) do { \
(void)printf("arg is %d\n", (x)); \
DoSomething((x)); \
} while (0)
- Suppress precompiled directives in macro call parameters.
- Macro definitions do not end with a semicolon.
- 设计原则
- 头文件应当职责单一.
- 一个模块通常包含多个.c文件,建议放在同一个目录下,目录名即为模块名;如果一个模块包含多个子模块,则建议每一个子模块提供一个对外的.h,文件名为子模块名.
- 建议每一个.c文件应有一个同名.h文件,用于声明需要对外公开的接口.
- 头文件中适合放置接口的声明,不适合放置实现.
- 不要在头文件中定义变量.
- 禁止头文件循环依赖,Circular dependencies refer toa.h包含b.h,b.h包含c.h,c.h包含a.h.
- 头文件应当自包含,That is, any header file can be compiled independently,But also avoid including header files that are not needed.
- Header files must be used#define保护,防止重复包含,For example, the following macros are used uniformly to define protection in the kernel:
#ifndef _LOS_<MODULE>_H // 比如 _LOS_TASK_H #define _LOS_<MODULE>_H ... #endif
- 禁止通过声明的方式引用外部函数接口、变量,只能通过包含头文件的方式使用其他模块或文件提供的接口.
- 禁止在 extern "C" 中包含头文件.
- Include header files in a reasonable order:
- The header file corresponding to the source file
- C标准库
- 需要包含的OS其他头文件
- 版权声明
- The header file copyright notice is consistent,Put it at the top of the header file.
- If the submitted code is based on open source software to modify the code written or derived,Please follow the open source license requirements,and has fulfilled the license obligations of the modified software.
Basic type definitions are used uniformlylos_typedef.h中定义的类型,For example, define unsigned32Bit integer variables are usedUINT32.
- 一个变量只有一个功能,Don't use one variable for multiple purposes.
- 防止局部变量与全局变量同名.
- 不用或者少用全局变量.
- 定义函数的局部变量时,Controls the space occupied by the variable,Avoid program failure due to occupying too much stack space.For example, a large array is required,The stack space can be avoided by dynamically allocating memory.
- 在首次使用前初始化变量.
- A variable pointing to a resource handle or descriptor,The new value is assigned as soon as the resource is released,包括指针、socket描述符、File descriptors and other variables that point to resources.
- Returning the address of a local variable outside its scope is prohibited,下面是一个错误示例:
int *Func(void) { int localVar = 0; ... return &localVar; // 错误 } void Caller(void) { int *p = Func(); ... int x = *p; // The program produces undefined behavior }
int Func(void) { int localVar = 0; ... return localVar; } void Caller(void) { int x = Func(); ... }
- If you want to use variables from other modules,Direct access to variables should be avoided as much as possible,But through a unified function encapsulation or macro encapsulation,比如mutex模块中:
// Introduce global variables in private header files,But avoid using it directly extern LosMuxCB *g_allMux; // 通过GET_MUX的方式对g_allMux进行访问 #define GET_MUX(muxID) (((LosMuxCB *)g_allMux) + GET_MUX_INDEX(muxID))
- 重复代码应该尽可能提炼成函数.
- 避免函数过长,新增函数不超过 40-50 行.
- Inline functions should be as short as possible,避免超过 10 行(非空非注释).
- 避免函数的代码块嵌套过深.
- 函数应避免使用全局变量、静态局部变量和I/O操作,不可避免的地方应集中使用.
CThere are many references to language programming specifications,大家可以自行了解,本文不再过多赘述.
[1]. 华为LiteOS编程规范
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