In the previous article, we introduced how to pass Nocalhost Rapid development of Rainbond Microservices on , Introduced the basic development process .

This article will continue to introduce , Use Nocalhost Development profile Achieve the following :

  • Onekey Run and long-range Debug
  • Persistent configuration
  • Development container resource limitations
  • Port forwarding

What is development configuration ?

Development configuration is around Development mode To carry out , For example, what image is used to enter Development mode , Whether you need to turn on persistence to save the contents of the development container , Which files are synchronized into the development container , How to debug with one click 、 Run the services in the container with one click . After configuring the correct and appropriate development configuration , Can be used in Nocalhost Development mode It's more handy when it comes to .

Deploy Rainbond + SpringCloud

Next, continue to the above article SpringCloud Pig For example , debugging Java Maven Service Pig-auth modular .

project Gitee Address :

Deploy Rainbond

I won't go into details here Rainbond Installation , see also be based on Linux install Rainbond.

Deploy SpringCloud

We are Rainbond After docking with the open source app store , Search in the open source app store Spring Cloud Pig install 3.5.0 edition .

The English name of the application component installed from the app store is an automatically generated string , We need to set the English name of the component (Deployment Name), adopt Nocalhost When connecting to the cluster, you can distinguish clearly Deployment Corresponding components .

Nocalhost docking Rainbond

  1. install Nocalhost JetBrains Plugin plug-in unit , See documentation install Nocalhost JetBrains Plugin plug-in unit .

  2. obtain K8s Kubeconfig, See documentation obtain Kubeconfig file .

  3. stay pig Under the namespace , Find the workload pig-auth Right click and choose Dev Config ( Development configuration )

  1. Copy the following configuration file to Dev Config in .
# Deployment Name
name: pig-auth
serviceType: deployment
# Deployment Main container name
- name: auth
# Developing mirroring , The image contains Java Maven Environmental Science
# The default terminal is bash
shell: bash
# Rainbond Provided StorageClass Name
storageClass: rainbondvolumerwx
# Configure development container resources
memory: 4096Mi
cpu: "2"
memory: 2048Mi
cpu: "1"
# Maven Depend on the package cache path , coordination storageClass Eat together
- path: /root/.m2/repository
capacity: 10Gi
# One click start command , Install dependent packages and start pig-auth Sub module
- mvn
- install
- '&&'
- mvn
- spring-boot:run
- -pl
# Specify sub module startup
- pig-auth
# Onekey Debug command , Install dependent packages and Debug pig-auth Sub module
- mvn
- install
- '&&'
- mvn
- spring-boot:run
- -pl
# Specify sub module startup
- pig-auth
# Java Debug command
# Remote port , Corresponding Debug In the command address=5005
remoteDebugPort: 5005
# choice Java Language
language: java
# Thermal loading
hotReload: true
# File synchronization
type: send
mode: gitIgnore
deleteProtection: true
# Port forwarding , Forward... In the container 3000 Port to local 3999
- 3999:3000

Onekey Run

  1. Right click workload pig-auth .
  2. choice Remote Run.
  3. Nocalhost Will automatically enter DevMode And implement Remote Run.

Onekey Debug

  1. Right click workload pig-auth .
  2. choice Remote Debug.
  3. Nocalhost Will automatically enter DevMode And implement Remote Debug.
  4. Put a breakpoint in the code , Initiate request , Get into IDE Debug Pattern .

Persistent configuration

At development time , Most of the files we want to persist are Dependency package journal , This article also caches Java The dependency package of .

rainbondvolumerwx yes Rainbond The storage class provided by default , After filling in the following configuration, it will be automatically created under the current namespace PVC, as follows :

storageClass: rainbondvolumerwx
- path: /root/.m2/repository
capacity: 10Gi

Container resource limit

Limit the resources of the development container , Quota can maximize the resource utilization of the server , You can modify it through the following development configuration :

memory: 4096Mi
cpu: "2"
memory: 2048Mi
cpu: "1"

Port forwarding

Forward container port to local , You can modify it through the following development configuration :

- 3999:3000 # Forwarding container 3000 Port to local 3999 port


Of course Nocalhost You can debug multiple microservices at the same time , In the same way, you only need to modify Deployment Name and Containers Name And the sub module of microservice .

Nocalhost There are also some things that are not mentioned in the development configuration article , such as : Development environment variables 、 Two modes of file synchronization patterngitignore wait , also Nocalhost Support for multiple languages ,Java It's just one of them , Guys can explore on their own .

Nocalhost + Rainbond Let's develop 、 More efficient deployment 、 convenient .

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