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Learn CV two loss function from scratch (3)

2022-07-08 02:19:00 pogg_

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notes : Most of the content of this blog is not original , But I sort out the data I collected before , And integrate them with their own stupid solutions , Convenient for review , All references have been cited , And has been praised and collected ~

Preface : In the last part, we finished image classification 、 The loss function commonly used in target detection , Let's continue with this article , It mainly talks about the loss function of face recognition .

Face recognition is CV Landing in the most mature direction , The loss function is too important for face models , Common face recognition framework facenet、insightface Will spend a lot of time in the paper to introduce their loss function .

So this chapter , We are in accordance with the softmax→Triplet Loss→Center Loss→Sphereface→Cosface→Arcface Introduce the loss function commonly used in face recognition in the order of .

1. Face recognition

1.1 Softmax Loss

softmax It has been introduced in detail in the chapter of activation function , Students who don't know much can turn over the previous content


softmax It can act as an activation function , It can also be used as a loss function ( But the activation function mentioned before softmax Another one is different ), In the classic face recognition framework facenet in , One of the loss functions is softmax( The others are tripet loss and center loss, Let's talk about ), For specific applications, you can see the official open source code :


1.2 Tripet Loss( Triplet loss )

Triples consist of three parts , Namely anchor, positive, negative:

  • anchor It's the benchmark
  • positive Is aimed at anchor A positive sample of , To express with anchor From the same person
  • negative Is aimed at anchor The negative sample of
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    triplet loss Our goal is to make :
  • Have the same label The sample of , Their embedding stay embedding The space is as close as possible
  • It's different label The sample of , Their embedding Keep the distance as far as possible

As shown in the figure below , In the picture anchor And positive Belong to the same id, namely y a n c h o r = y p o s i t i v e y_{anchor}=y_{positive} yanchor=ypositive; and anchor And negative Belong to different id, namely y a n c h o r ≠ y p o s i t i v e y_{anchor}\ne y_{positive} yanchor=ypositive. After continuous learning , bring anchor And positive The European distance of becomes smaller ,anchor And negative The European distance of becomes larger . among , there anchor、Positive、negative It's all pictures d Dimensions are embedded in vectors ( We call it embedding).
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Use mathematical formulas to express ,triplet loss What we want to achieve is :
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among , d ( ) d() d() Represents the Euclidean distance between two vectors , α α α Represents the... Between two vectors margin , prevent d ( x i a , x i p ) = d ( x i a , x i n ) = 0 d\left(x_{i}^{a}, x_{i}^{p}\right)=d\left(x_{i}^{a}, x_{i}^{n}\right)=0 d(xia,xip)=d(xia,xin)=0. therefore , It can be minimized triplet loss Loss function to achieve this :
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Sum up :

  • triplet loss The ultimate optimization goal is to narrow a , p a, p a,p Distance of , Pull away a , n a, n a,n Distance of
  • easy triplets : L = 0 L = 0 L=0 namely d ( a , p ) + m a r g i n < d ( a , n ) d ( a , p ) + m a r g i n<d(a,n) d(a,p)+margin<d(a,n) , In this case, there is no need to optimize , In most cases a , p a, p a,p The distance is very close , a , n a, n a,n Far away
  • hard triplets : d ( a , n ) < d ( a , p ) d ( a , n ) <d ( a , p ) d(a,n)<d(a,p) , namely a , p a, p a,p Far away
  • semi-hard triplets : d ( a , p ) < d ( a , n ) < d ( a , p ) + m a r g i n d ( a , p ) d ( a , p ) <d ( a , n )<d ( a , p ) + m a r g i n d(a, p) d(a,p)<d(a,n)<d(a,p)+margind(a,p)
  • FaceNet Is randomly selected semi-hard triplets Training , ( You can also choose hard triplets Or train together )

How to train :

  • offline mining

Training everyone epoch Initial stage , Calculate all of the training sets embedding, And pick all hard triplets and semi-hard triplets, And in time epoch Train these inside triplets.

This method is not very efficient , Because of every epoch We all need to traverse the entire data set to produce triplets.

  • online mining

This idea is for everyone batch The input of , Dynamically calculate useful triplets. Given batch size by B B B B B B It has to be for 3 Multiple ) The sample of , We calculate its corresponding B e m b e d d i n g s B_{embeddings} Bembeddings , At this point, the best we can find B 3 t r i p l e t s B^3 triplets B3triplets. Of course, many of them triplet Are not legal ( because triplet Need to have 2 Are the same label,1 One is different label)

1.3 Center Loss

Center Loss The function comes from ECCV2016 A paper on , Thesis link :


In order to improve the distinguishing ability of features , The author puts forward center loss Loss function , It can not only narrow the differences within the class , And can expand the differences between classes .

The author begins with MNIST Data sets , Change the last output dimension of the hidden layer to 2, Use softmax+ Cross entropy as a loss function , Visualize the results , As shown in the figure below . It can be seen that , Cross entropy can separate each class , The data distribution is radial , But it is not enough to distinguish , That is, there are large differences within the category .

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On the left for 50K Training set of , On the right is 10K Test set of , It also indirectly shows that a large enough amount of data can make the algorithm more robust

therefore , The author wants to maintain the separability of data , Further narrow the differences between classes . In order to achieve this goal , Put forward Center Loss Loss function :
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Center Loss Is achieved by first generating vectors of all categories , Then calculate the Euclidean distance between these random vectors and the real vectors of this category , The obtained Euclidean distance is taken as center loss, Automatically adjust these initially random vectors through back propagation .

among , c y i c_{y_i} cyi It means the first one y i y_i yi The center of the class . therefore , Will usually Center Loss And cross entropy , Constitute the combined loss function :
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among , λ λ λ Express center loss The intensity of punishment . Also in MNIST in , The results are shown in the figure below . You can see that with λ λ λ An increase in , More restrictive , Each class will gather in the center of the class .
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In the use of Center Loss Loss function , You need to introduce two hyperparameters : α α α and λ λ λ . among , λ λ λ Express center loss The intensity of punishment ; and α α α Control the center point in the class c y i c_{y_i} cyi Learning rate of . Center point in class c y i c_{y_i} cyi It should follow the different characteristics , There will be changes . Usually in every mini-batch Update the center point in the class c y i c_{y_i} cyi

Reference resources

[1] https://www.cnblogs.com/dengshunge/p/12252820.html
[2] https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/295512971
[3] https://blog.csdn.net/u013082989/article/details/83537370

