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Basic operation of binary tree (C language version)
2022-07-03 02:24:00 【Can't write code full】
1 The definition of binary tree
The graph of a binary tree looks like this :
A binary tree is a tree structure in which each node has at most two subtrees , It is often used to implement binary lookup tree and binary heap . Binary tree is a chain storage structure , Using a binary chain , It's essentially a linked list . Binary trees are usually defined in the form of structures , as follows , The structure consists of three parts : The value stored in this node 、 Pointer to the left child node 、 Pointer to the right child node .
struct TreeNode {// The node of the tree int data;// Data fields struct TreeNode* lchild;// Point to the left child node struct TreeNode* rchild;// Point to the right child node };
Of course , We can also redefine the name of our tree node structure , Use C In language typedef The method is ok .
struct TreeNode {// The node of the tree int data;// Data fields struct TreeNode* lchild;// Point to the left child node struct TreeNode* rchild;// Point to the right child node } BiNode, *BiTree;
2 The establishment of binary tree
The operation of binary tree usually uses recursive method , Binary tree operations can be divided into two categories , One is to change the structure of binary tree , For example, the creation of binary tree 、 Node deletion, etc , This kind of operation , The node parameter of the binary tree passed in is the address of the binary tree pointer , This kind of participation is introduced into , It is convenient to change the pointer of binary tree structure ( The address ).
The following is the function created by binary number , Here we stipulate that , Node value must be greater than 0 The numerical , If not greater than 0 Number of numbers , It means that the operation of continuing to create child nodes is over . Then we use recursive method to create left subtree and right subtree .
for instance , Build this binary tree :
5 / \ 3 8 / / \ 2 6 9
First, according to this binary tree , Let's simulate :
Pre order input :5 3 2 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 9 0 0
Preorder traversal output :5 3 2 8 6 9
Middle order traversal output :2 3 5 6 8 9
Post order traversal output :2 3 6 9 8 5
Hierarchical traversal output :5 3 8 2 6 9
Let's establish a binary tree in the way of preorder :
The first is to establish a binary tree : Use the first level pointer
// First establish a binary tree BiTree CreateTree() { int data; scanf("%d", &data);// Root node data BiTree root; if (data <= 0) { return NULL; } else { root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); root->data = data; root->lchild = CreateTree(); root->rchild = CreateTree(); } return root; }
Test use :
// test int main() { //BiTree root; //CreateTree(&root); BiTree root = NULL; root = CreateTree();// Create trees PreOrderTraverse(root);// Preorder traversal output return 0; }
The second is to establish a binary tree : Use the secondary pointer
// First establish a binary tree void CreateTree(BiTree* root) { int data; scanf("%d", &data);// Root node data if (data <= 0) { *root = NULL; } else { (*root) = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); (*root)->data = data; CreateTree(&((*root)->lchild)); CreateTree(&((*root)->rchild)); } }
Test use :
// test int main() { BiTree root; CreateTree(&root); //BiTree root = NULL; //root = CreateTree();// Create trees PreOrderTraverse(root);// Preorder traversal output return 0; }
If not required , I prefer the first !
3 Traversal of binary tree
3.1 The first sequence traversal
The idea of preorder traversal :
The process of preorder traversal is to visit the root node first , Traverse the root of the left subtree first and then , Finally, first traverse the right subtree of the root . For the left subtree and right subtree of the root , The process of traversal is the same .
Scheme 1 : recursive
Use recursion to achieve :
// Traversing a binary tree in order : Recursive implementation void PreOrderTraverse(BiTree root) { if (root) { printf("%d ", root->data); PreOrderTraverse(root->lchild); PreOrderTraverse(root->rchild); } }
Option two : Non recursive
Non recursive implementation : Introducing auxiliary stack
// Traversing a binary tree in order : Non recursive implementation void PreOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree stack[MaxSize]; BiTree p; int top = -1; if (root != NULL) { // Root node stack top++; stack[top] = root; // Stack not empty time loop while (top > -1) { // Get out of the stack and access the node p = stack[top]; top--; printf("%d ", p->data); // Right child in the stack if (p->rchild != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = p->rchild; } // Left child in the stack if (p->lchild != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = p->lchild; } } } }
3.2 In the sequence traversal
The idea of middle order traversal
The process of middle order traversal is to traverse the left subtree first , Then access the root node , Finally, the middle order traverses the right subtree of the root . For the left subtree and right subtree of the root , The process of traversal is the same .
Scheme 1 : recursive
Use recursion to achieve :
// Middle order ergodic binary tree : Recursive implementation void InOrderTraverse(BiTree root) { if (root) { InOrderTraverse(root->lchild); printf("%d ", root->data); InOrderTraverse(root->rchild); } }
Option two : Non recursive
Non recursive implementation : Introducing auxiliary stack
// Middle order ergodic binary tree : Non recursive implementation void InOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree stack[MaxSize]; BiTree p; int top = -1; if (root != NULL) { p = root; while (top > -1 || p != NULL) { // scanning p All left nodes of are merged into the stack while (p != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = p; p = p->lchild; } if (top > -1) { // Get out of the stack and access the node p = stack[top]; top--; printf("%d ", p->data); // Scan right child p = p->rchild; } } } }
3.3 After the sequence traversal
The idea of post order traversal
The process of post order traversal is to traverse the left subtree first , Then traverse the right subtree of the root in order , Finally, visit the root node .
Scheme 1 : recursive
Use recursion to achieve :
// Post order traversal binary tree : Recursive implementation void PostOrderTraverse(BiTree root) { if (root) { PostOrderTraverse(root->lchild); PostOrderTraverse(root->rchild); printf("%d ", root->data); } }
Option two : Non recursive
Non recursive implementation : Introducing auxiliary stack
// Post order traversal binary tree : Non recursive implementation void PostOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree stack[MaxSize]; BiTree p; int top = -1; int sign; if (root != NULL) { do { //root Nodes on the stack while (root != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = root; root = root->lchild; } //p Point to the previous visited node at the top of the stack p = NULL; // Set up root For visited sign = 1; while (top != -1 && sign) { // Take out the top node of the stack root = stack[top]; // If the right child does not exist or the right child has been accessed, access root if (root->rchild == p) { printf("%d ", root->data); top--; //p Point to the accessed node p = root; } else { //root Point to the right child node root = root->rchild; // Set no access flag sign = 0; } } } while (top != -1); } }
3.4 Level traversal
The idea of hierarchical traversal :
Ideas : When traversing the hierarchy , After accessing the first level nodes, access the left and right children of each node in order according to their access order , In this way, one layer after another , First encountered node first visited , The hierarchical traversal sequence of this binary tree is 5 3 8 2 6 9, First up and down , First left to right . It is convenient to use queue to realize hierarchical traversal , Because it's first in, first out (FIFO). First turn on the 5 The team , Then output the first element of the team , And join the left node and right node of the team head element into the team ( If any ), And so on , The output sequence is hierarchical traversal
It is realized in a non recursive way : Introduction queue
// Level traversal : Non recursive implementation void LevelOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree p; Push(root); while (!empty()) {//empty() Determines if the queue is empty p = Pop();// Out of the team printf("%d ", p->data);// Output the first node of the team if (p->lchild) {// hold Pop The left child of the dropped node joins the queue Push(p->lchild); } if (p->rchild) {// hold Pop The right child of the dropped node joins the queue Push(p->rchild); } } }
The code of queue part is attached :
// Queue structure typedef struct queue { struct TreeNode* numQueue[MaxSize]; int front; int rear; } Queue; Queue queue;// Declare global variables // Initialize queue void initQueue() { queue.front = 0; queue.rear = 0; } // The team void Push(BiTree root) { queue.numQueue[++queue.rear] = root; } // Out of the team BiTree Pop() { return queue.numQueue[++queue.front]; } // Determines if the queue is empty int empty() { return queue.rear == queue.front; }
4 Find the maximum depth of a binary tree
The maximum depth of a tree , Maximum depth of left subtree and right subtree + 1 that will do .
Use recursion to achieve :
// The maximum depth of a binary tree int maxDepth(BiTree root) { if (root) { int maxLeft = maxDepth(root->lchild); int maxRight = maxDepth(root->rchild); if (maxLeft > maxRight) { return maxLeft + 1; } else { return maxRight + 1; } } return 0; }
5 Find the height of the binary tree
Use recursion to achieve
// The height of the binary tree int BiTreeHeight(BiTree root) { if (root) { int leftHeight = BiTreeHeight(root->lchild); int rightHeight = BiTreeHeight(root->rchild); return (leftHeight > rightHeight) ? (leftHeight + 1) : (rightHeight + 1); } return 0; }
6 Find the number of leaf nodes of binary tree
The degree of a node is the number of branches of a node , If the nodes in the binary tree are classified according to degree , Divided into three categories , The degrees are 0、1、2 The node of , We express its quantity as n0、n1、n2, And we use the total points of a tree N To express . Then the number of leaf nodes of a number is n0, And there are N = n0 + n1 + n2.
If we calculate the total points of a tree according to the number of child nodes of a tree , So the total number of points of a binary tree N = 2 * n2 + n1 + 1, the last one 1 Represents the root node of the tree . We will talk about N The two equations of merge , There is a conclusion :n0 = n2 + 1.
Use recursion to achieve
// Leaf node int LeafNodeNum(BiTree root) { if (root == NULL) { return 0; } if (root->lchild == NULL && root->rchild == NULL) { return 1; } else { return LeafNodeNum(root->lchild) + LeafNodeNum(root->rchild); } }
7 Please k The number of layer nodes
Use recursion to achieve :
// Please k The number of layer nodes int LevelNodeNum(BiTree root, int k) { if (root == NULL || k < 1) { return 0; } if (k == 1) { return 1; } return LevelNodeNum(root->lchild, k - 1) + LevelNodeNum(root->rchild, k - 1); }
8 Find the total number of nodes in the binary tree
Use recursion to achieve :
// Find the total number of nodes in the binary tree int CountNode(BiTree root) { if (root) { if ((root->lchild == NULL) && (root->rchild == NULL)) { return 1; } else { return CountNode(root->lchild) + CountNode(root->rchild) + 1; } } return 0; }
9 The search element is x The node of
Use recursion to achieve :
// The search element is x The node of BiTree SearchNode(BiTree root, int x) { if (root) { if (root->data == x) { return root; } else { BiTree p; p = SearchNode(root->lchild, x); if (!p) { p = SearchNode(root->rchild, x); } return p; } } return NULL; }
10 Binary tree operation complete code
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MaxSize 100 // Tree structure typedef struct TreeNode { int data;// Data fields struct TreeNode* lchild;// Point to the left child node struct TreeNode* rchild;// Point to the right child node } BiNode, *BiTree; // Queue structure typedef struct queue { struct TreeNode* numQueue[MaxSize]; int front; int rear; } Queue; Queue queue;// Declare global variables // Initialize queue void initQueue() { queue.front = 0; queue.rear = 0; } // The team void Push(BiTree root) { queue.numQueue[++queue.rear] = root; } // Out of the team BiTree Pop() { return queue.numQueue[++queue.front]; } // Determines if the queue is empty int empty() { return queue.rear == queue.front; } // Construct a binary tree BiTree CreateTree() { int data; scanf("%d", &data);// Root node data BiTree root; if (data <= 0) { return NULL; } else { root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); root->data = data; //printf(" Please enter %d The left subtree :", root->data); root->lchild = CreateTree(); //printf(" Please enter %d The right subtree :", root->data); root->rchild = CreateTree(); } return root; } // Traversing a binary tree in order : Recursive implementation void PreOrderTraverse(BiTree root) { if (root) { printf("%d ", root->data); PreOrderTraverse(root->lchild); PreOrderTraverse(root->rchild); } } // Traversing a binary tree in order : Non recursive implementation void PreOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree stack[MaxSize]; BiTree p; int top = -1; if (root != NULL) { // Root node stack top++; stack[top] = root; // Stack not empty time loop while (top > -1) { // Get out of the stack and access the node p = stack[top]; top--; printf("%d ", p->data); // Right child in the stack if (p->rchild != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = p->rchild; } // Left child in the stack if (p->lchild != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = p->lchild; } } } } // Middle order ergodic binary tree : Recursive implementation void InOrderTraverse(BiTree root) { if (root) { InOrderTraverse(root->lchild); printf("%d ", root->data); InOrderTraverse(root->rchild); } } // Middle order ergodic binary tree : Non recursive implementation void InOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree stack[MaxSize]; BiTree p; int top = -1; if (root != NULL) { p = root; while (top > -1 || p != NULL) { // scanning p All left nodes of are merged into the stack while (p != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = p; p = p->lchild; } if (top > -1) { // Get out of the stack and access the node p = stack[top]; top--; printf("%d ", p->data); // Scan right child p = p->rchild; } } } } // Post order traversal binary tree : Recursive implementation void PostOrderTraverse(BiTree root) { if (root) { PostOrderTraverse(root->lchild); PostOrderTraverse(root->rchild); printf("%d ", root->data); } } // Post order traversal binary tree : Non recursive implementation void PostOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree stack[MaxSize]; BiTree p; int top = -1; int sign; if (root != NULL) { do { //root Nodes on the stack while (root != NULL) { top++; stack[top] = root; root = root->lchild; } //p Point to the previous visited node at the top of the stack p = NULL; // Set up root For visited sign = 1; while (top != -1 && sign) { // Take out the top node of the stack root = stack[top]; // If the right child does not exist or the right child has been accessed, access root if (root->rchild == p) { printf("%d ", root->data); top--; //p Point to the accessed node p = root; } else { //root Point to the right child node root = root->rchild; // Set no access flag sign = 0; } } } while (top != -1); } } // Level traversal : Non recursive implementation void LevelOrderTraverseNonRec(BiTree root) { BiTree p; Push(root); while (!empty()) {//empty() Determines if the queue is empty p = Pop();// Out of the team printf("%d ", p->data);// Output the first node of the team if (p->lchild) {// hold Pop The left child of the dropped node joins the queue Push(p->lchild); } if (p->rchild) {// hold Pop The right child of the dropped node joins the queue Push(p->rchild); } } } // The maximum depth of a binary tree int maxDepth(BiTree root) { if (root) { int maxLeft = maxDepth(root->lchild); int maxRight = maxDepth(root->rchild); if (maxLeft > maxRight) { return maxLeft + 1; } else { return maxRight + 1; } } return 0; } // The height of the binary tree int BiTreeHeight(BiTree root) { if (root) { int leftHeight = BiTreeHeight(root->lchild); int rightHeight = BiTreeHeight(root->rchild); return (leftHeight > rightHeight) ? (leftHeight + 1) : (rightHeight + 1); } return 0; } // Leaf node int LeafNodeNum(BiTree root) { if (root == NULL) { return 0; } if (root->lchild == NULL && root->rchild == NULL) { return 1; } else { return LeafNodeNum(root->lchild) + LeafNodeNum(root->rchild); } } // Please k The number of layer nodes int LevelNodeNum(BiTree root, int k) { if (root == NULL || k < 1) { return 0; } if (k == 1) { return 1; } return LevelNodeNum(root->lchild, k - 1) + LevelNodeNum(root->rchild, k - 1); } // Find the total number of nodes in the binary tree int CountNode(BiTree root) { if (root) { if ((root->lchild == NULL) && (root->rchild == NULL)) { return 1; } else { return CountNode(root->lchild) + CountNode(root->rchild) + 1; } } return 0; } // The search element is x The node of BiTree SearchNode(BiTree root, int x) { if (root) { if (root->data == x) { return root; } else { BiTree p; p = SearchNode(root->lchild, x); if (!p) { p = SearchNode(root->rchild, x); } return p; } } return NULL; } // test int main() { // Test data :5 3 2 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 9 0 0 //BiTree root; //CreateTree(&root); BiTree root = NULL; root = CreateTree();// Create trees printf(" Preorder non recursive traversal :"); PreOrderTraverseNonRec(root); printf("\n Middle order non recursive traversal :"); InOrderTraverseNonRec(root); printf("\n Postorder non recursive traversal :"); PostOrderTraverseNonRec(root); printf("\n First order recursive traversal :"); PreOrderTraverse(root);// Preorder traversal output printf("\n Middle order recursive traversal :"); InOrderTraverse(root);// Middle order traversal output printf("\n Backward recursive traversal :"); PostOrderTraverse(root);// Middle order traversal output printf("\n Hierarchical non recursive traversal :"); LevelOrderTraverseNonRec(root);// Hierarchical traversal output printf("\n The depth of the binary tree is :%d",maxDepth(root)); printf("\n The height of the binary tree is :%d",BiTreeHeight(root)); printf("\n The leaf node is :%d",LeafNodeNum(root)); printf("\n The total node is :%d", CountNode(root)); printf("\n The first 3 The number of layer nodes is :%d",LevelNodeNum(root, 3)); BiTree q; q = SearchNode(root, 9); if (q) { printf("\n We found it :%d", q->data); } else { printf("\n Not found 9 "); } return 0; }
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