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Using annotation + interceptor to implement asynchronous execution
2020-11-08 20:18:00 【osc_03803522】
You may have used Spring Of @Async annotation , In this way, some methods can be converted into asynchronous execution , In order to improve the response efficiency of the request
But in the continuous evolution of service architecture , This way of dropping into the thread pool processing brings more and more obvious defects :
- It's not good for monitoring
- If it stops unexpectedly , All the unfinished tasks will be lost
- When a node in the cluster has to handle a large number of asynchronous tasks , Can't share the pressure with other nodes in the cluster
- If the project integrates the use of ThreadLocal Feature modules or third-party components , Attention should be paid to the problem of context loss
Using message queuing as an implementation of asynchronous tasks , So we can :
- A large number of mature MQ Middleware provides visual management platform , Monitoring is more convenient
- You can use message queuing Header To save the context , Such as user information 、token etc.
- Message queue Publishing - Subscription mode can maximize the business processing capacity of the cluster
- It's easier to ensure the sequence of tasks
- If a service node goes down , You can use the message to confirm 、 Message retrying and other mechanisms ensure the correctness of task execution
In order to ensure the decoupling of business code and Implementation Scheme , Be similar to @Aync programme , We also use annotations + Interceptor way for logic Injection
public Object cut(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
The realization idea is similar with little difference , It is to read the queue statement in the annotation to confirm the release - Subscribe to the relationship between , Then replace the drop in thread pool with drop in message queue
private String resolveKey(Queue[] queues) {
String s = this.beanFactory.resolveEmbeddedValue(queues[0].value());
return (String) resolver.evaluate(s, evalContext);
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(resolveKey(queues), args[0]);
Inject... Into the message queue Json converter , Convenient object transfer
public Jackson2JsonMessageConverter producerJackson2MessageConverter() {
return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
If necessary , We can put the context of user information 、token Wait for the message to be written Header in
private MessagePostProcessor beforePublishPostProcessor() {
return message -> {
// setting up context to message header
return message;
Called asynchronously service Code :
public class DemoService {
@RabbitListener(queuesToDeclare = @Queue("mytestqueue"))
public void checkSome(List<String> tagTuple) {
log.warn("check here {}", tagTuple);
call service Of controller:
public class DemoController {
private DemoService demoService;
public Integer checkSome() {
ArrayList<String> tagTuple = new ArrayList<>();
return 0;
Execute view effect
17:00:14.584TRACE[AbstractHandlerMapping.java:411]Mapped to org.smop.duplex.sample.DemoController#checkSome()
17:00:21.263WARN [DemoService.java:16]check here [bar, foo]
External file operations django Of models
# External files use django Of models, Need configuration django Environmental Science
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "singletablehw.settings")
import django
from app01 import models
import datetime
obj_list = []
for i in range(1,10):
obj = models.Book(
title=' Sunflower dictionary No %s type '%i,
price=20 + i,
pub_date='198%s-11-11 00:00:00'%i,
# pub_date=datetime.datetime.now(),
publish= ' Boss Wu Publishing House ' if i < 5 else ' Taibai Publishing House ',
url Alias reverse resolution
# Add books
url(r'^add_book/', views.add_book,name='abook'), #name='abook' Alias
# Delete books
url(r'^delete_book/(\d+)/', views.delele_book,name='delete_book'),
View :
from django.urls import reverse
reverse(' Alias ') reverse('abook') -- /add_book/ # No parameters
print(reverse('delete_book',args=(71,))) #/delete_book/71/ Parameterized
Templates :
{% url 'abook' %} No parameters
{% url 'delete_book' book.id %} Parametric
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