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Tidb x micro banking reduces time consumption by 58%, and distributed architecture helps to realize inclusive finance

2020-11-09 12:10:00 Qiao Zixin

「 We've already used it 」, It's our favorite word to hear , Behind the simple words is the heavy trust and trust . Starting today , We will pass 「 Believe in the power of openness 」 Series of in-depth case sharing , From a business point of view , Take a look at the business value that a database brings to users in various industries . This article will introduce TiDB The story that helps the core financial scene of micro banks .

Technology benefits the public , Data connectivity intelligence

From a surprise , To accompany each time

We let the good happen

Weizhong bank is the first private bank in China , By Tencent 、 Baiyeyuan, Liye and other well-known enterprises initiated the establishment , On 2014 year 12 Obtained the financial license issued by Shenzhen Banking Regulatory Bureau in , Headquarters in Shenzhen . Practice 5 Over the years , Micro banks always adhere to the position of Inclusive Finance , Actively use financial technology to build a new business form of Inclusive Finance 、 A new model , A sustainable inclusive financial development model has been initially developed .

Up to now , Weizhong bank has made a breakthrough in serving individual customers 2.5 Hundreds of millions of people ; More than 2000 ten thousand , Corporate customers exceed 150 Thousands of families , More than 3200 Billion yuan loan , Support the employment of more than 400 ten thousand . These customers are all private enterprises , Distribution in 27 A province of 200 More cities , among , About two-thirds of corporate customers and 37% It is the first time that our customers have obtained bank loans , It fully embodies the positioning and characteristics of Inclusive Finance of micro banks .

Customer revenue

Since its establishment, Weizhong bank has always taken science and technology as the core engine to drive business development , It's completely autonomous and controllable 、 It is the core system supporting millions of users and high concurrent transactions , The annual average daily transaction has exceeded 3 Billion pen 、 The peak value of one day trading exceeds 6 Billion pen ; The operation and maintenance cost per account is less than one tenth of the industry average .

from 2018 Started to research and go online TiDB so far , Weizhong bank has dozens of business systems in TiDB Put it into production , The amount of data is from 100 G To dozens T Unequal , There are a number of important systems that are POC Or preparing for production stage . Today's article introduces two TiDB Supporting the more important scene :

  • Asset securitization system batch scenario TiDB practice .
  • The transaction data is deposited in the certificate TiDB practice .

Facing the challenge

Since its inception , Micro banks have a very forward-looking awareness of the importance of infrastructure construction to the development of banks , Choose to build a distributed architecture IT The road to infrastructure . Based on cheap and universal hardware devices and all kinds of open source software products , Micro crowd establishes loose coupling based on unit 、 Scalable distributed architecture .

In order to achieve the horizontal expansion of business scale , Weizhong bank designed based on DCN Distributed extensible core architecture of , Thus, the overall scalability is realized , It's also guaranteed that single DCN The simplicity of database level architecture .DCN, namely Data Center Node( Data center nodes ), It's a “ Self contained units ”, Including the complete application layer , Access layer and database , Every DCN Users carrying a specified amount of data . It can be loosely understood as , One DCN, It is an online virtual branch of a microbank , This virtual branch only carries a part of the customers of a certain business of Weizhong bank .

be based on DCN It can realize the horizontal expansion of cluster scale , This architecture is for databases , It's more friendly , Every DCN The size of our users is certain , Therefore, the capacity and performance requirements of the database can be determined . It is no longer necessary to build a database by using complex middleware database and table , Only single instance mode is used to carry , Greatly simplifies the database architecture , It also reduces the cost of business development .

But there are also bottlenecks . Because a DCN The internal deployment mode is single instance , For some can't pass DCN Split the business scenarios for expansion , Or business scenarios where data aggregation is needed , The performance and capacity of a single instance can easily reach the bottleneck .

Why do you choose TiDB

In order to solve the bottleneck mentioned above , After detailed investigation and evaluation , Compared with a number of domestic and foreign NewSQL Database products , Finally, it is determined to open source domestically NewSQL Database products TiDB As an entry point .2018 year ,TiDB As an emerging open source NewSQL Database products , Attracting micro banks , And finally choose :

Advanced architecture concept

TiDB The architecture concept of is more advanced , The native distributed architecture can solve the problem of horizontal expansion and strong consistency of data , Compatible with MySQL The protocol can be used as a slave to upstream seamlessly MySQL Real time synchronization , It also minimizes the cost of business migration ;

Open source operation mode

TiDB Open source operation , And it has built a very active open source community and a large number of users . Open source operation mode , Version iteration is fast and effective , It is in line with the concept of "open source" . thereafter , In the field of open source community operation, we also have good cooperation with Weizhong , It has provided many open source community operation experience for Weizhong .

Professional after-sales service

TiDB Professional after-sales support team of PTC(PingCAP Tech Center) Quality service of , In the field of database and open source community has a deep technical foundation and experience accumulation . Technical support for customers is also very fast in place . For any important service access , From the assessment 、 Test to gray line , Will actively participate in , And give the construction plan and opinions .

Small Banks TiDB Business practice

Asset securitization system batch scenario TiDB practice

Asset securitization system , At present, it is necessary to synchronize tens of millions of basic data from upstream systems every day to support business deployment , And it is expected that more product data will be accessed in the future , This not only faces the pressure of timeliness requirements ,DB Capacity will also become a bottleneck ; In addition, because the system depends on the table structure of the upstream system , It often needs to follow the upstream system DDL change ,PT-OSC There are more restrictions on the scheme .

The problem is :

  • stand-alone MySQL The database does not support capacity horizontal expansion , As the size of the business grows ,DB Capacity bottlenecks will become increasingly prominent ;
  • stand-alone MySQL Database does not support performance level extension , Unable to linearly improve batch efficiency by expanding resources ;
  • stand-alone MySQL The database clears the whole table of basic data 、 High concurrency data insertion and other scenarios , Because the concurrent thread is too high, it is easy to cause the main and standby delay and other problems , This will reduce the overall time effectiveness of the lot ;
  • stand-alone MySQL Online database DDL There is a lock table for the feature , It is easy to cause the delay of primary and standby 、IO Sudden increase, etc and PT-OSC There are also more restrictions ;

undoubtedly TiDB It is more convenient to deal with these problems , And the future is with TiFlash After the launch , It can also be further used in the offline report statistical logic , Reduce processing time .

“ With the help of TiDB Horizontal scalability of , The whole batch takes less time 58% about .” Hu Panpan, manager of the data platform room of Weizhong bank, said , In the future, micro banks will combine their own business needs , as well as TiDB New features , Explore more business scenarios .

Data storage system TiDB Migration practice

Data storage system is a very important system of micro bank , It stores evidence data with legal effect , These data are very important to customers .

With the access of more and more business systems , The data growth rate of this scenario is very fast , For example, every transfer needs to generate an evidence , And it's not a simple record , But the evidence recognized by the court in case of dispute , So it's also decided that these data can't be deleted , This means that these massive data must be carried by a distributed database solution . In addition, due to the fact that these business data cannot be complied with DCN Split global data , There's no way to scale horizontally , So there is a big bottleneck at the database level .

 Micro public  TiDB  Deployment architecture

As shown in the figure above , Based on the characteristics of these scenes , Weizhong also chose TiDB Solutions for . There are several basic migration principles :

  • The data can't be wrong 、 Can't throw ;
  • Service sensitivity is very high , Need to switch as seamlessly as possible to TiDB Architecturally ;
  • Because it's a more serious financial scenario , If there are any difficulties in the migration process , Expect to be able to switch back to at any time MySQL.

The overall scheme migration process is relatively long , But it's safer . After a series of migration operations and observations , All aspects of performance indicators are very stable , Therefore, micro banks decided to synchronize in reverse MySQL broken , It means that the data storage system is a very important system , It's all over the place TiDB On .

“ Review the entire migration process , It's smooth and smooth .” Hu Panpan, manager of the data platform room of Weizhong bank, said .

Walk with customers , Believe in the power of openness

Every time the database architecture is improved and implemented , Whether it's TB Grade or PB level , It takes effort , But it is also worth every enterprise to do . In this day and age , No matter what the size of the business , Learn to use the power of open source , Avoid making wheels repeatedly .

Behind every seemingly relaxed, there is an unknown effort , Behind every seemingly bright and beautiful , There's an unknown payoff . The construction of distributed database is a long way to go ,TiDB We are willing to work with Weizhong bank and every customer , Work hand in hand to do things well .
