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Bat instruction processing details

2022-07-07 05:45:00 45 degrees look at me

One : bat Document understanding

windows Next BAT The working principle of batch processing is to process multiple items at a time DOS command , Its effect is similar to that in DOS Next, execute each command in sequence ;BAT A file is actually a text file , It can be opened with any text editor .

windows With the help of bat file , be relative to –Linux With the help of shell Script can complete many operation steps, but the operation order is the same , And the whole process needs to be repeated many times

Two : dos Order to organize

1> dos command help

cmd Interface direct input ---》help   Following commands 
Common commands meaning
CD Display or change the name of the current directory .
CHDIR Display or change the name of the current directory .
BREAK Set or clear extended CTRL+C Check .
DATE Show or set the date
DIR Show files and subdirectories in a directory
ECHO display messages , Or turn the command echo on or off
EXIT sign out CMD.EXE Program ( Command interpreter )
FIND Search for a text string in one or more files .
FINDSTR Search multiple files for Strings .
HELP Provide Windows Command help information .
PATH Display or set search path for executable file .
PAUSE Pause batch file processing and display message .
ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in batch file .
TIME Display or set system time .
CLS Clear the screen
SYSTEMINFO Displays the specific properties and configuration of the computer .
COLOR Set default console foreground and background colors .
File or directory commands meaning
COPY Copy at least one file to another location .
MD Create a directory .
RD Delete directory .
MKDIR Create a directory .
MKLINK Create symbolic links and hard links
MODE Configure system devices .
MORE Screen by screen display output .
MOVE Move one or more files from one directory to another .
COMP Compare the contents of two or two sets of documents
OPENFILES Displays files opened by remote users for file sharing .
DEL Delete at least one file .
ERASE Delete one or more files .
FC Compare two files or two file sets and display The difference between them .
RECOVER Recover readable information from a damaged or defective disk .
REN Rename file .
RENAME Rename file .
REPLACE Replace file .
RMDIR Delete directory .
ROBOCOPY Advanced utility for copying files and directory trees
dos Command statement meaning
CALL Call this one from another batch program .
IF Performing conditional processing operations in a batch program .
SET Show 、 Set or delete Windows environment variable .
SORT Sort input .
FOR Run a specified command for each file in a set of files .
GOTO take Windows The command interpreter directs to a labeled line in the batch program .
SETLOCAL Start localizing environment changes in batch files .
START Start a separate window to run the specified program or command .
TASKLIST Show all currently running tasks including services .
TASKKILL Abort or stop a running process or application .
TYPE Display the contents of the text file .
PRINT Print a text file .
Other commands meaning
TITLE Set up CMD.EXE The window title of the session .
TREE Graphically displays the directory structure of the driver or path .
VER Show Windows Version of .
CHCP Display or set the number of active code pages .
CHKDSK Check the disk and display the status report .
ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations .
CHKNTFS Displays or modifies the startup time disk check .
ATTRIB Show or change file properties .
CMD Open another Windows Command interpreter window .
BCDEDIT Set the properties in the startup database to control the boot load .
CACLS Display or modify the access control list of a file (ACL).
COMPACT Show or change NTFS Compression of files on partitions .
CONVERT take FAT The volume is converted to NTFS. You cannot convert the current drive .
DISKPART Display or configure partition properties .
DOSKEY Edit the command line 、 withdraw Windows Command and create a macro .
DRIVERQUERY Displays the current device driver status and properties .
FSUTIL Display or configure file system properties .
FTYPE Displays or modifies the file type used in the file extension Association .
FORMAT Format disk , In order to be used for Windows.
GPRESULT Displays group policy information for a computer or user .
GRAFTABL send Windows Displays the extended character set in graphics mode .
LABEL establish 、 Change or delete the label of the disk .
ICACLS Show 、 modify 、 Back up or restore files and directories ACL.
POPD Reduction by PUSHD The last value of the saved current directory .
SCHTASKS Arrange to run commands and programs on a computer .
SHIFT Adjust the position of replaceable parameters in the batch file .
SHUTDOWN Allow proper shutdown of the computer locally or remotely .
PROMPT change Windows Command prompt .
PUSHD Save the current directory , Then change it .
SC Display or configure services ( Background processes ).
SUBST Associate a path with a drive letter .
VERIFY tell Windows Whether to verify , To ensure that the file is correctly written to disk .
VOL Display the disk volume label and serial number .
XCOPY Copy files and directory trees .
WMIC In interactive commands shell It shows that WMI Information .
REM Record batch files or CONFIG.SYS The comments in ( Comments ).

2> dos The command uses the query

dos_command -help(-h)

1. Parameter transmission command –COLOR -H

 Set the default console foreground and background colors .

COLOR [attr]

  attr         Specifies the color attribute of the console output .

 The color attribute is specified by two hexadecimal digits  --  first 
 Corresponding to the background , The second corresponds to the foreground . Every number 
 Can be any of the following values :

    0 =  black        8 =  gray 
    1 =  Blue        9 =  Light blue 
    2 =  green        A =  Light green 
    3 =  Light green      B =  Light green 
    4 =  Red        C =  Light red 
    5 =  violet        D =  lavender 
    6 =  yellow        E =  canary yellow 
    7 =  white        F =  Bright white 

 If no parameters are given , This command restores the color to  CMD.EXE  Startup time 
 The color of the . This value comes from the current console 
 window 、/T  Command line switch or  DefaultColor  The registry 
 value .

 If you try to use the same 
 Foreground and background colors to perform 
 COLOR  command ,COLOR  Command will  ERRORLEVEL  Set to  1.

 Example : "COLOR fc"  Produce a light red on bright white 


COLOR 72#   background 7 =  white ,  typeface  2 =  green 

 Insert picture description here

2. Query instructions SYSTEMINFO

 Host name :           DESKTOP-T164P4E
OS  name :          Microsoft Windows 10  pro 
OS  edition :          10.0.19044  For the moment  Build 19044
OS  Manufacturer :        Microsoft Corporation
OS  To configure :           Stand alone workstations 
OS  Construction type :      Multiprocessor Free
 Registered owners :     CHH_PC
 Registered organizations :        For the moment 
 product  ID:          00331-20020-00000-AA583
 Initial installation date :     2022/4/15, 20:25:43
 System start time :     2022/6/25, 0:02:32
 System manufacturers :       Dell Inc.
 System model :         Inspiron 7472
 System type :         x64-based PC
 processor :            Installed  1  A processor .
                  [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 10 GenuineIntel ~1600 Mhz

3. DOS The encoding format of the window

936  It is the coding format set by Microsoft for China , Of course , We can also modify the coding format 
chcp  Code format code  
# This is only a temporary modification to the encoding format of the current file , When this DOS After the window closes, it will revert to the original encoding format 
Code Coding format
950 Traditional Chinese
936 Simplified Chinese default GBK
437MS-DOS American English
1253 Greek
1258 Vietnamese
1256 The Arabic language

3、 ... and : bat Grammar introduction

1> Auxiliary order

1. notes

** : : Start with a single colon ; Be regarded as a label , And directly ignore all the following contents ;
Valid label : A colon followed by an alphanumeric string ,goto Statement can recognize ;
Invalid label : Colon followed by a string that does not begin with an alphanumeric ,goto Statement unrecognized ; Can play a comment about ; As a habit ** :: ** It is often used as an annotation symbol , In fact, the latter one ** : ** It can be replaced with any character, and it can also play a comment effect , Such as :
:+** 、 :* …
REM:‘ Comment order ’, Generally used to give programs ’ Add annotations ’, What follows this command ’ Not to be carried out , but ’ Can echo ;
% The comment % : For inline comments , Rarely used , Use with caution ;

notes difference
:: Cannot echo , Is considered invalid
REM or rem Not to be carried out , Can echo , Can be used for config.sys file

2. echo The echo

Close back display : Refer to ’ Run batch file ’ when ,‘ No display ’ In the file ’ Every command ’, Display only ’ Running results ’;
@echo off # from ’ Start of the bank ’ Close back display ---- General batch processing ’ first line ’ It's all this

C:\Users\CHH_PC>echo /?
 display messages , Or turn command echo on or off .

  ECHO [message]

 To display the current echo settings , Please type... Without parameters  ECHO.
echo off  : Display the execution path , Execute command is not displayed , Direct display of content 
echo on: Display the execution path , Display the execution command and display the content ,
@echo off :  Do not display the execution path , Execute command is not displayed , Direct display of content 

usage :
A:echo coordination @ \off\on Turn off and turn on echo
B:echo Followed by a space and a character , Echo string information function ;
C: echo Following the .|, The pipe symbol can be followed by the command to echo ;

 current time : 22:35:19.42
 Enter a new time :

bat Content

@echo off

D: echo Generate files and write information ;

echo a test file. >1.txt #  Generate the file here and write the content , And a test file.   There is a space after ;
echo a test file.>1.txt#  Generate the file here and write the content , And a test file.   No space after ; because  **file.>1** , There is no space at the connection ;
echo a test file.>>1.txt#  Generate the file here and write the content or append the content after the file content ;

E:echo Make the computer sound to prompt ;

voice command
Beep echo pause>nul

3. pause

Running this sentence pauses the execution of the batch and displays Press any key to continue… A hint of , Wait for the user to press any key before continuing ;

2> File processing command

1. ren Rename file

ren 1.png 2.png # first_file   target_file

3> Execute statement command

1. if Judge


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