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Using nocalhost to develop microservice application on rainbow

2022-07-07 08:19:00 Rainbond

This article will show you how to use Nocalhost Rapid development of Rainbond Development process and practical operation steps of microservice application on .

Nocalhost Can be directly in Kubernetes Development and application in ,Rainbond Rapid deployment of microservice projects , No need to write Yaml,Nocalhost combination Rainbond Accelerate our microservice development efficiency .

One . brief introduction

Nocalhost Is an open source based on IDE Cloud native application development tools :

  • Directly in Kubernetes Build... In a cluster 、 Testing and debugging applications
  • Provide easy to use IDE plug-in unit ( Support VS Code and JetBrains), Even in Kubernetes Development and debugging in the cluster ,Nocalhost It can also maintain the same development experience as local development
  • Use instant file synchronization for development : Instantly synchronize your code changes to the remote container , There is no need to rebuild the image or restart the container .

Rainbond It is a cloud native application management platform :

  • Easy to use , You don't need to understand containers 、Kubernetes And underlying complex technologies , Support management of multiple Kubernetes colony , And manage the whole life cycle of enterprise applications . The main functions include application development environment 、 Application market 、 Microservice architecture 、 Application delivery 、 Application operation and maintenance 、 Application level multi cloud management, etc .

Two . Local + Rainbond Develop microservices

We used to be here + Rainbond When developing microservices , The modules to be developed are run locally , Other modules run on Rainbond On , We go through Rainbond Gateway to communicate with the local 、 Joint tune .

There will be some problems :

  • It is difficult for many people to develop joint commissioning
  • Local environment differentiation
  • Cannot go through the registry (Nacos) Call other microservices
  • long-range Debug More difficult
  • Limited by local resources

3、 ... and . Use Nocalhost + Rainbond Develop microservices

Now let's go through Nocalhost + Rainbond When developing microservices , All services are running on Rainbond On , When it comes to development, local Vscode Go straight to Rainbond In the component , And synchronize with the local code in real time Rainbond In the component . When multiple people develop joint commissioning , It can be done by Rainbond Built in Service Mesh Conduct joint commissioning between services .

Use Nocalhost Development , It can solve the problems encountered in local development :

  • Multi person joint commissioning and development is more convenient
  • Services are running on Rainbond On , No longer limited to local
  • Closer to the production environment
  • long-range Debug
  • Through the registry (Nacos) Call other microservice components

Four . Practice the steps

Nocalhost Currently, two development modes are supported :

  • Repliace DevMode
  • Duplicate DevMode

This article will mainly introduce Replace DevMode, When entering Replace DevMode when ,Nocalhost Would be right Components Do the following :

  1. Reduce the number of copies to 1

  2. Replace the container image with the development image

  3. Add one more sidecar Containers .

  4. Forward a local port to the file synchronization server .

  5. Start the local file synchronization client .

  6. Open the remote terminal .

4.1 install Nocalhost plug-in unit

Nocalhost Support VScodeJetBrains , Here we mainly introduce VScode Plug in installation Refer to the official website .

  1. open VScode, Click on the left Extension Button img Icon
  2. Type in the search box Nocalhost choice Nocalhost plug-in unit , And click the Install Button

4.2 install Rainbond

We choose Host based installation Rainbond

4.3 Nocalhost docking Rainbond colony

  1. obtain kubeconfig file , Get into Rainbond Cluster view -> Click node configuration -> kubeconfig

  1. We will kubeconfig Copy the file locally and save it as yaml file .

  2. open Vscode, Click button , open Nocalhost plug-in unit , choice Connect to Cluster, Choose us kubeconfig Path to file , Click on Add Cluster, Add clusters .

  3. When I'm done , Here's the picture :

4.4 stay Rainbond Upper Department Spring Cloud Microservices

  1. Here choose to install from the open source app store Spring Cloud Pig Microservice component , Search the app store for Pig Installation .

  2. After deployment , The effect is as follows :

4.5 Get into Nocalhost Development mode

We are already here Vscode The cluster is connected in , And is already Rainbond Installed in Spring Cloud Pig Microservices , So next we'll be here Vscode Select one of the components for development , Here, in order to make the effect more obvious , Select development pig-ui Components .

Spring Cloud Pig Back end

Spring Cloud Pig front end

4.5.1 clone Pig-ui Code to local

git clone https://gitee.com/zhangbigqi/pig-ui

4.5.2 Start local development

open Vscode, Click button , Find our Pig-ui Components , Because the app is installed from the open source app store ,Deployment The name is an automatically generated string , We need to query in the component .

We click next to enter the development mode ,

  1. Prompt to select container , We choose gred5f1c This container , The remaining container is Rainbond Of Mesh Containers , For internal communication , Irreplaceable
  2. Prompt for source directory , Select the code directory we just cloned .
  3. Wait for a moment , The terminal interface of the remote container will be opened by default, and the files in the container will be synchronized with the local real-time , as follows :

4.5.3 Start project

  1. Installation project dependency , perform

    	npm install
  2. Run the project

    npm run dev

The effect is as follows , The port in the container is 80

  1. Turn on port forwarding , Click button , Find our Deployment, The right choice Port Forward,Add Port Forward, Input 38000:80 The container of 80 Port forward to local 38000 port .

  1. adopt http://localhost:38000 You can access the page , You can also log in normally .

4.5.4 Modify the code to see the effect

The above has demonstrated that if the service in the remote container is accessed locally , Next, let's modify the code to see the effect .

modify src/page/wel.vue, Add a new piece of code , preservation . You can find , When we save , The terminal will restart automatically , Consistent with the effect of local development .

The modification of the file will be synchronized to the container in real time .

Refresh the page http://localhost:38000, You can see that the modified content has taken effect .

At the end

Through the above practical steps , We can already go through Nocalhost Development Rainbond Microservice applications on , Get rid of local development , Enter cloud native rapid development , Improve our development efficiency .

This article only introduces the basic development , You can also configure for the project Nocalhost Development configuration wait , Guys can explore on their own .

