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New library launched | cnopendata China Time-honored enterprise directory

2022-07-08 00:50:00 CnOpenData

List of time-honored enterprises in China

One 、 Data brief

   China time honored brand (China Time-honored Brand) Refer to Has a long history , Have products passed down from generation to generation 、 Skill or service , It has a distinct traditional cultural background of the Chinese nation and profound cultural heritage , It has been widely recognized by the society , Form a reputable brand .

   As the best product left in the competition of Commerce and handicraft industry for hundreds of years , The enterprise management mode of China Time-honored brands 、 Enterprise spirit 、 Business products are different from modern enterprises , These distinctive regional cultures 、 Unique way of management 、 Brand skills handed down from generation to generation , Are the precious national wealth accumulated by the Chinese nation in the long history . In the context of economic globalization , New enterprise brands emerge one after another , The decline of time-honored brands caused by the common impact of internal and external factors is common , We should focus on digging 、 Support 、 Develop time-honored brands , Make it new again .

   In this context ,CnOpenData Collated the information of more than 1000 Chinese time-honored enterprises , Include business name 、 Representative registered trademark 、 Province 、 Company address and other fields , And open to academia .

Two 、 Time interval

By 2022.6.30

3、 ... and 、 Field display

Chinese time-honored enterprise directory field
Company name
Representative registered trademark
Save code
The brand name
Unit address
Zip code
contact number
Company profile

Four 、 Sample data

5、 ... and 、 Data update frequency

Annual update

6、 ... and 、 Data source website


