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Docker advanced learning (container data volume, MySQL installation, dockerfile)
2022-07-03 06:14:00 【Muyu】
Docker Advanced learning
Container data volume
docker The idea is to package the application and environment into a mirror image .
If the data is all in the container , So let's delete the container , The data is lost ! demand : Data can be persistent
demand : The data in the container can be stored locally
There can be a data sharing technology between containers !Docker Data generated in the container , Sync to local !
This is volume technology ! Directory hanging , Put the directory in our container , Mount to Linux above !
Persistence and synchronization of containers ! Containers can also be shared
Working with data volumes
Mode one : Directly use the command to mount -v
docker run -it -v Host Directory : In-container directory
[[email protected] home]# docker run -it -v /home/test:/home centos /bin/bash
# In container
[[email protected] /]# cd home
[[email protected] home]# ls
[[email protected] home]# mkdir FANXU
# In the mainframe
[[email protected] home]# ls
lighthouse MUYU test
[[email protected] home]# cd test
[[email protected] test]# ls
Whether from the host test Directory add file , Or from the container home Add file below , Both sides will automatically synchronize .
benefits : We only need to modify it locally in the future , The container will be synchronized automatically
install Mysql
# Get the container
[[email protected] test]# docker pull mysql:5.7
5.7: Pulling from library/mysql
e1acddbe380c: Already exists
bed879327370: Pull complete
03285f80bafd: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:7cf2e7d7ff876f93c8601406a5aa17484e6623875e64e7acc71432ad8e0a3d7e
Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:5.7
# Run container :-d Background operation -p Set port -v Set mount path -e Environment configuration ,MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Set up mysql password ( Required )
[[email protected] test]# docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -v /home/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql/conf.d -v /home/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mysql mysql:5.7
Named and anonymous mount
# Mount anonymously
-v Container path ! -P Random mapping port
docker run -d -P --name nginx02 -v juming-nginx:/etc/nginx nginx
# View all volume The situation of
[[email protected] data]# docker volume ls
local 8613276e64c7d34e01b2366e80d6d2491dc2ae00f0c5ee6062dfc71a0bc897cb
# This is anonymous mount , stay -v Only the path in the container is written in , There is no write path outside the container
# Mount with a name
docker run -d -P --name nginx01 -v /etc/nginx nginx
[[email protected] data]# docker volume ls
local juming-nginx
# adopt -v Volume name : Container path name
# View the details of this volume
docker volume inpsect juming-nginx
all docker The volume in the container , In the case of no specified directory, it exists /var/lib/docker/volumes/xxx/_data
Recommended Mount with a name
docker run -d -P --name nginx02 -v juming-nginx:/etc/nginx:ro nginx
docker run -d -P --name nginx02 -v juming-nginx:/etc/nginx:rw nginx
# This situation ,ro representative read only read-only
#rw representative read write Reading and writing
# The default is read-write , If you use ro Words , Then you can only write from the inside of the container , Only read outside the container .
DockerFile mount
Dockerfile It's for structure docker The build file for the image ! Command script !
This script can generate images , The image is one layer at a time , The script commands one by one , Every command is a layer !
Use dockerfile Mount folder
# Create a dockerfile file , Names can be random , Suggest Dockerfile
# Contents of the file Instructions ( Capitalization ) Parameters
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# pwd
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# vi dockerfile1
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# cat dockerfile1
FROM centos
VOLUME ["volume01","volume02"]
CMD echo "----end----"
CMD /bin/bash
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# docker build -f dockerfile1 -t fanxu/centos:1.0 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048kB
Step 1/4 : FROM centos
---> 300e315adb2f
Step 2/4 : VOLUME ["volume01","volume02"]
---> Running in 4bac924c41e9
Removing intermediate container 4bac924c41e9
---> 8df2881b227e
Step 3/4 : CMD echo "----end----"
---> Running in 26e85ef2daf0
Removing intermediate container 26e85ef2daf0
---> c066d8c93847
Step 4/4 : CMD /bin/bash
---> Running in 9da8dbb3ae17
Removing intermediate container 9da8dbb3ae17
---> a879d71f361b
Successfully built a879d71f361b
Successfully tagged fanxu/centos:1.0
Enter the image you created , Check the mount
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# docker images
fanxu/centos 1.0 a879d71f361b About a minute ago 209MB
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# docker run -it a879d71f361b /bin/bash
Check which directory is attached to the host
[[email protected] /]# docker inspect 6a33393e604a
Test whether the documents are interconnected
# host
[[email protected] /]# cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/b37419fb8fe1a5199f594c183e40d83f5e135b2ea7d1886083a65244105a0a0f/_data
[[email protected] _data]# ls
[[email protected] _data]# vi helloDockerFile
[[email protected] _data]# cat helloDockerFile
hello dockerfile
# Mirror image
[[email protected] /]# cd volume01
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
[[email protected] volume01]# cat helloDockerFile
hello dockerfile
This way, , Usually used more , Because we usually build our own image ! Suppose there is no mounted volume when building the image , You need to mount the image manually -v Volume name Container path
Data volume container
Multiple containers synchronize data , Like multiple mysql Synchronous data
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# docker run -it --name docker01 fanxu/centos:1.0
[[email protected] /]# ls
bin dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var volume01 volume02
[[email protected] /]# cd volume01
[[email protected] volume01]# touch docker01
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
#--volumes-from Mount to docker01 Something like java One class in inherits another class
[[email protected] _data]# docker run -it --name docker02 --volumes-from docker01 fanxu/centos:1.0
[[email protected] /]# ls
bin dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var volume01 volume02
[[email protected] /]# cd volume01
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
[[email protected] ~]# docker run -it --name docker03 --volumes-from docker01 fanxu/centos:1.0
[[email protected] /]# ls
bin dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var volume01 volume02
[[email protected] /]# cd volume0
bash: cd: volume0: No such file or directory
[[email protected] /]# cd volume01
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
# from docker3 Create a new file
[[email protected] volume01]# touch docker03
[[email protected]8350b8f730 volume01]# ls
docker01 docker03
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
docker01 docker03
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
docker01 docker03
# At this time, the three images are interconnected , If docker01 What will happen if it is deleted ?
[[email protected] docker-test-volume]# docker rm -f docker01
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
docker01 docker03
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
docker01 docker03
# so docker01 Even if you hang up, it won't affect docker02 and docker03, So the relationship between these images should be copy 、 Backup relationships , Instead of mapping , One died , It does not affect the use of the other two . however docker02 and docker03 They are all attached to docker01 Upper ,docker01 Hang up ,docker02 and docker03 Still communicating
#docker02 Create a file
[[email protected] volume01]# touch docker02
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
docker01 docker02 docker03
#docker03 You can look it up , So , although docker02 and docker03 They are all attached to docker01 Upper , But even if not docker01, The two of them are also interconnected
[[email protected] volume01]# ls
docker01 docker02 docker03
dockerfile It's used to build docker Mirrored files ! Command parameter script !
Build steps :
- Write a dockerfile file
- docker build Build into a mirror
- docker run Running the mirror
- docker push Release scene (DockerHub、 Alibaba cloud image library )
Many official images are basic packages , A lot of features don't have , We usually build our own image !
Dockerfile The build process
Basic knowledge of :
- Every reserved keyword ( Instructions ) All have to be capital letters
- Execute from top to bottom
- # Notation
- Each instruction creates and submits a new mirror layer , And submit
dockerfile It's development oriented , Publish the project , Make a mirror image , I'm going to write dockerfile file , This document is very simple !
docker The image primary key has become the standard of enterprise delivery
DockerFile: Build file , Defines all the steps , Source code
DockerImages: adopt DockerFIle Build the resulting image . The final product released and run
Docker Containers : A container is a service provided by an image
DockerFile Instructions
FROM # base image , It's all built from here
MAINTAINER # Who wrote the mirror image full name + mailbox
RUN # The command that needs to be run when building the image
ADD # step :tomcat Mirror image , This tomcat Compressed package ! Add content
WORKDIR # The working directory of the mirror image
VOLUME # Mounted Directory
EXPOST # Reserve port configuration
RUN # function
CMD # Specifies the command to run when the container starts , Only the last one will work , Can be replaced by
ENTRYPOINT # Specifies the command to run when the container starts , Can append command
ONBUILD # Build an integrated DockerFile This time it will run ONBUILD Instructions .
COPY # similar ADD, Copy our files into the image
ENV # Set environment variables when building !
Actual test
DockerHub in 99% All of the images are from this basic image FROM scratch, Then configure the required software and configuration to build .
Create your own centos
# To write Dockerfile The file of
[[email protected] FANXU]# vi myDockerFile
[[email protected] FANXU]# cat myDockerFile
FROM centos
MAINTAINER fanxu<[email protected]>
ENV MYPATH /user/local
RUN yum -y install vim
RUN yum -y install net-tools
CMD echo "-----end----"
CMD /bin/bash
#2、 Build an image from this file
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker build -f myDockerFile-centos -t mycentos:1.0 .
Successfully built d3b9ff75ac9f
Successfully tagged mycentos:1.0
# test run
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker run -it --name mycentos01 mycentos:1.0
[[email protected] local]# ls
[[email protected] local]# pwd
[[email protected] local]# vi helloDocker
[[email protected] local]# ls
[[email protected] local]# more helloDocker
hello docker
Can pass docker history
See construction history
CMD and ENTRYPOINT The difference between
CMD # Specify the command to run when the container starts , Only the last one will work , Can be replaced by
ENTRYPOINT # Specifies the command to run when the container starts , Can append command
test cmd
[[email protected] FANXU]# vim dockerfile-cmd-test
[[email protected] FANXU]# more dockerfile-cmd-test
FROM centos
CMD ["ls","-a"]
# create mirror
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker build -f dockerfile-cmd-test -t cmdtest .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072kB
Step 1/2 : FROM centos
---> 300e315adb2f
Step 2/2 : CMD ["ls","-a"]
---> Running in 143a14f5839e
Removing intermediate container 143a14f5839e
---> 05d86eab4ac9
Successfully built 05d86eab4ac9
Successfully tagged cmdtest:latest
# Start the container
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker run 05d86eab4ac9
# When you want to add a command
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker run 05d86eab4ac9 -l
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "-l": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown.
#cmd Clean up -l To replace the CMD ["ls","-a"] command ,-l Not a command, so save !
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker run 05d86eab4ac9 ls -l
total 48
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 3 2020 bin -> usr/bin
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 340 Aug 26 12:35 dev
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Aug 26 12:35 etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 3 2020 home
# If you want to append commands , Then write the whole order , Replace ls -l
test entrypoint
[[email protected] FANXU]# vim dockerfile-cmd-entrypoint
[[email protected] FANXU]# cat dockerfile-cmd-entrypoint
FROM centos
ENTRYPOINT ["ls","-a"]
# create mirror
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker build -f dockerfile-cmd-entrypoint -t entrypoint-test .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096kB
Step 1/2 : FROM centos
---> 300e315adb2f
Step 2/2 : ENTRYPOINT ["ls","-a"]
---> Running in a76b97795d71
Removing intermediate container a76b97795d71
---> b32cc7f739ea
Successfully built b32cc7f739ea
Successfully tagged entrypoint-test:latest
# Look at all the images
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker images
entrypoint-test latest b32cc7f739ea 6 seconds ago 209MB
cmdtest latest 05d86eab4ac9 9 minutes ago 209MB
mycentos 1.0 d3b9ff75ac9f 23 hours ago 307MB
centos latest 300e315adb2f 8 months ago 209MB
# Run the test
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker run b32cc7f739ea
# Add command test at the end
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker run b32cc7f739ea -l
total 56
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Aug 26 12:38 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Aug 26 12:38 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Aug 26 12:38 .dockerenv
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 3 2020 bin -> usr/bin
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 340 Aug 26 12:38 dev
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Aug 26 12:38 etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 3 2020 home
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 3 2020 lib -> usr/lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 3 2020 lib64 -> usr/lib64
drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Dec 4 2020 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 3 2020 media
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 3 2020 mnt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 3 2020 opt
dr-xr-xr-x 112 root root 0 Aug 26 12:38 proc
dr-xr-x--- 2 root root 4096 Dec 4 2020 root
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Dec 4 2020 run
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Nov 3 2020 sbin -> usr/sbin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 3 2020 srv
dr-xr-xr-x 13 root root 0 Aug 26 12:35 sys
drwxrwxrwt 7 root root 4096 Dec 4 2020 tmp
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Dec 4 2020 usr
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Dec 4 2020 var
DocekrFile Many of the commands in are very similar , We need to understand the difference between them , Our best learning is to compare them and then test the effect .
Make Tomcat Mirror image
Prepare the image file tomcat Compressed package ,jdk Compressed package
To write dockerfile file , Officially named
,build Will automatically find this file , There is no need to -f It specifiesFROM centos MAINTAINER kuangshen<[email protected]> COPY readme.txt /usr/local/readme.text ADD jdk /usr/local ADD apache /usr/local RUN yum -y install vim ENV MYPATH /usr/local WORK $MYPATH ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk ENV CLASSPATH $JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/apache ENV CATALINA_BASH /usr/local/apache ENV PATH $PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$CATALINA_HOME/lib:$CATALINA_HOME/bin EXPOSE 8080 CMD /usr/local/apache/bin/startup.sh && tail -F /url/local/apache-tomcat/bin/logs/catalina.out
build Mirror image
[[email protected] FANXU]# docker build -t diycentos . #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------- Build start ------------------------------------- Sending build context to Docker daemon 156.7MB Step 1/15 : FROM centos ---> 300e315adb2f Step 2/15 : MAINTAINER fanxu<[email protected]> ---> Using cache ---> 6062a81ce4df Step 3/15 : COPY readme.txt /usr/local/readme.text ---> b0a25b15918a Step 4/15 : ADD jdk-8u301-linux-i586.tar.gz /usr/local ---> 3e6245552fc9 Step 5/15 : ADD apache-tomcat-9.0.52.tar.gz /usr/local ---> c2d0f3d546fd Step 6/15 : RUN yum -y install vim ---> Running in b0f2fe6a815c CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream 7.1 MB/s | 8.8 MB 00:01 CentOS Linux 8 - BaseOS 943 kB/s | 5.6 MB 00:06 CentOS Linux 8 - Extras 4.7 kB/s | 10 kB 00:02 Dependencies resolved. ================================================================================ Package Arch Version Repository Size ================================================================================ Installing: vim-enhanced x86_64 2:8.0.1763-15.el8 appstream 1.4 M Installing dependencies: gpm-libs x86_64 1.20.7-17.el8 appstream 39 k vim-common x86_64 2:8.0.1763-15.el8 appstream 6.3 M vim-filesystem noarch 2:8.0.1763-15.el8 appstream 48 k which x86_64 2.21-12.el8 baseos 49 k Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 5 Packages Total download size: 7.8 M Installed size: 30 M Downloading Packages: (1/5): gpm-libs-1.20.7-17.el8.x86_64.rpm 1.2 MB/s | 39 kB 00:00 (2/5): vim-filesystem-8.0.1763-15.el8.noarch.rp 4.3 MB/s | 48 kB 00:00 (3/5): vim-enhanced-8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64.rpm 13 MB/s | 1.4 MB 00:00 (4/5): vim-common-8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64.rpm 32 MB/s | 6.3 MB 00:00 (5/5): which-2.21-12.el8.x86_64.rpm 316 kB/s | 49 kB 00:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7.0 MB/s | 7.8 MB 00:01 warning: /var/cache/dnf/appstream-02e86d1c976ab532/packages/gpm-libs-1.20.7-17.el8.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 8483c65d: NOKEY CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream 1.6 MB/s | 1.6 kB 00:00 Importing GPG key 0x8483C65D: Userid : "CentOS (CentOS Official Signing Key) <[email protected]>" Fingerprint: 99DB 70FA E1D7 CE22 7FB6 4882 05B5 55B3 8483 C65D From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-centosofficial Key imported successfully Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : which-2.21-12.el8.x86_64 1/5 Installing : vim-filesystem-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.noarch 2/5 Installing : vim-common-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 3/5 Installing : gpm-libs-1.20.7-17.el8.x86_64 4/5 Running scriptlet: gpm-libs-1.20.7-17.el8.x86_64 4/5 Installing : vim-enhanced-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 5/5 Running scriptlet: vim-enhanced-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 5/5 Running scriptlet: vim-common-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 5/5 Verifying : gpm-libs-1.20.7-17.el8.x86_64 1/5 Verifying : vim-common-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 2/5 Verifying : vim-enhanced-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 3/5 Verifying : vim-filesystem-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.noarch 4/5 Verifying : which-2.21-12.el8.x86_64 5/5 Installed: gpm-libs-1.20.7-17.el8.x86_64 vim-common-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 vim-enhanced-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.x86_64 vim-filesystem-2:8.0.1763-15.el8.noarch which-2.21-12.el8.x86_64 Complete! Removing intermediate container b0f2fe6a815c ---> 3d1a5ef54d79 Step 7/15 : ENV MYPATH /usr/local ---> Running in 7cbecb42b6c1 Removing intermediate container 7cbecb42b6c1 ---> 77e94a84490f Step 8/15 : WORKDIR $MYPATH ---> Running in 3c33cbac7cfd Removing intermediate container 3c33cbac7cfd ---> a3f8c5bac7ac Step 9/15 : ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_301 ---> Running in 90b21630b6bb Removing intermediate container 90b21630b6bb ---> b39222cbe52d Step 10/15 : ENV CLASSPATH $JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar ---> Running in 5f2ce6a55156 Removing intermediate container 5f2ce6a55156 ---> b30335948859 Step 11/15 : ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.52 ---> Running in 9b42156c8eac Removing intermediate container 9b42156c8eac ---> 0eed8ebf580d Step 12/15 : ENV CATALINA_BASH /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.52 ---> Running in c1ba72c469e4 Removing intermediate container c1ba72c469e4 ---> 301ab465f2a1 Step 13/15 : ENV PATH $PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$CATALINA_HOME/lib:$CATALINA_HOME/bin ---> Running in 48f0b57c3fc1 Removing intermediate container 48f0b57c3fc1 ---> fc986905ef5c Step 14/15 : EXPOSE 8080 ---> Running in 1ca1a08d5aa6 Removing intermediate container 1ca1a08d5aa6 ---> 46082ba771b8 Step 15/15 : CMD /usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.52/bin/startup.sh && tail -F /url/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.52/bin/logs/catalina.out ---> Running in 31c08120952d Removing intermediate container 31c08120952d ---> 72b78ce3f86d Successfully built 72b78ce3f86d Successfully tagged diycentos:latest #------------------------------------- End of build ------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[email protected] FANXU]# clear # Look at the mirror image [[email protected] FANXU]# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE diycentos latest 72b78ce3f86d About a minute ago 645MB # The author here because of jdk If there is a problem with the version, don't continue to test , Under normal circumstances, it can curl localhost:8080 Access to the , Internet can also bash: /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_301/bin/javac: No such file or directory
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