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Realizing deep learning framework from zero -- Introduction to neural network
2022-07-02 03:55:00 【Angry coke】
In line with “ Everything I can't create , I can't understand ” Thought , This series The article will be based on pure Python as well as NumPy Create your own deep learning framework from zero , The framework is similar PyTorch It can realize automatic derivation .
Deep understanding and deep learning , The experience of creating from scratch is very important , From an understandable point of view , Try not to use an external complete framework , Implement the model we want . This series The purpose of this article is through such a process , Let us grasp the underlying realization of deep learning , Instead of just being a switchman .
This series is first official account of WeChat public. :JavaNLP
In our last article, we learned about the concept of neuron , In this article, let's learn about neural networks (Neural Network) Basic knowledge of .
Exclusive or questions
Let's first look at the famous XOR problem , This problem has led to the decade low point of neural network research .
The following pictures in this article are from nlp3
Exclusive or questions (XOR problem): Enter two Boolean values (0 or 1), When the two values are different, the output is 1, Otherwise, the output is 0.
Pictured above , Suppose the input is x1、x2, The output is y.
Before introducing Neural Networks , Let's first look at the perceptron (perceptron), The perceptron can be likened to a neuron , But it doesn't have a nonlinear activation function .
Perceptron is a binary classifier ( With weight w w w And offset b b b), Put the input x x x( Real valued vector ) Map to binary output . The output can be recorded as 0 or 1, Or rather, -1 and +1. The calculation method of the perceptron is as follows :
y = { 0 , if w ⋅ x + b ≤ 0 1 , if w ⋅ x + b > 0 (1) y= \begin{cases} 0, & \text {if $w \cdot x + b \leq 0$ } \\ 1, & \text{if $w \cdot x + b > 0$ } \end{cases} \tag 1 y={ 0,1,if w⋅x+b≤0 if w⋅x+b>0 (1)
We can easily build a system that can calculate and calculate (AND) And or operation (OR) Our perceptron :
The figure above shows the implementation and (a) And or (b) The perceptron of computation . The inputs are x 1 , x 2 x_1,x_2 x1,x2. The value on the line above represents the weight or offset .
such as (a) by x 1 + x 2 − 1 x_1 + x_2 -1 x1+x2−1, Input is 1 , 1 1,1 1,1 when , The result is 1 > 0 1 > 0 1>0, So the output y = 1 y=1 y=1.
Addition and operation (AND) and Or operations (OR), XOR operation is also important .
But we can't realize XOR operation through a perceptron . Because the perceptron is a linear classifier , For 2D input x 1 x_1 x1 and x 2 x_2 x2, Perceptron equation w 1 x 1 + w 2 x 2 + b = 0 w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 + b =0 w1x1+w2x2+b=0 It's an equation of a straight line , This line serves as the decision boundary in two-dimensional space , One side represents output 0 0 0, The output of the other side is 1 1 1.
The following figure shows the possible logic inputs (00、01、10 and 11), And by AND and OR A line drawn by a set of possible parameters of the classifier . But we can't draw a line that will XOR The true example of (01 and 10) And negative examples (00 and 11) Distinguish . We said XOR Not a linearly separable function .
Solution : neural network
Although the XOR function cannot be represented by a single perceptron , But it can be represented by a hierarchical network based on perceptron units . Let's see how to use two layers ReLU Unit computation XOR problem .
There are three in the two-tier network ReLU unit , Namely h 1 , h 2 h_1,h_2 h1,h2 and y 1 y_1 y1. The number on the edge represents the weight of each unit w w w, Gray directed edges represent offsets .
Assume that the input x = [ 0 , 0 ] x=[0,0] x=[0,0], We calculated
It's used here ReLU Activation function , therefore h 2 h_2 h2 The output of is 0 0 0, You can verify other inputs by yourself .
In this example, we fix the weight value , But in fact, the weight of neural network is automatically learned through back-propagation algorithm .
Now let me learn about the most common neural networks .
Feedforward neural networks
Feedforward neural networks ( Feedforward Neural Networks,FNN) It is a multi-layer network without circulation that spreads layer by layer . For historical reasons , Multilayer feedforward network , Also known as multilayer perceptron (multi-layer perceptron,MLP). But this is a technical misnomer , Because neurons in modern multi-layer networks are not perception machines ( The perceptron is purely linear , But neurons in modern networks have nonlinear activation functions ).
Simple ( Two layers of ) Feedforward networks have three types of nodes : input unit 、 Hidden units and output units , As shown in the figure below .
Input layer x x x It usually represents a vector composed of multiple scalars ; The core of neural network is hidden layer h h h, By hidden cells h i h_i hi form , Each hidden unit is the neuron we learned earlier , The hidden layer calculates the weighted sum of its input and applies a nonlinear function . In the standard architecture , Each layer is fully connected ( Every neuron is connected to every input ).
Why is this a two-layer neural network , Because when we describe the number of layers , The input layer is usually ignored .
Note that each hidden cell has a weight parameter and an offset . We do this by putting each unit i i i The weight vector and deviation of are combined into the weight matrix of the whole layer W W W And the bias vector B B B To represent the parameters of the entire hidden layer . Weight matrices W W W Every element in W j i W_{ji} Wji Says from the first i i i Input units x i x_i xi To the first j j j Hidden units h j h_j hj The weight of the connection .
Use a matrix W W W The advantage of representing the weight of the entire layer is , Now through simple matrix operation , The hidden layer calculation of feedforward network can be completed very effectively . actually , There are only three steps to calculate : Multiply the weight matrix by the input vector x x x, Add the offset vector b b b, Then apply the activation function g g g( such as Sigmoid、tanh or ReLU etc. ).
Hidden layer output , vector h h h, Therefore, it can be calculated as follows ( Let's suppose we use Sigmoid As an activation function ):
h = σ ( W x + b ) (2) h = \sigma(Wx+b) \tag 2 h=σ(Wx+b)(2)
Sometimes , We also use σ \sigma σ It generally refers to any activation function , Not just Sigmoid.
W x + b Wx+b Wx+b The result is a vector , therefore σ \sigma σ Apply to this vector .
Now let's introduce some commonly used marks , To better describe the following content .
In this case , We call the input layer the... Of the network 0 0 0 layer (layer 0), n 0 n_0 n0 Indicates the number of inputs in the input layer , therefore x x x The dimension is n 0 n_0 n0 Real vector of , Or formally x ∈ R n 0 x \in \Bbb R^{n_0} x∈Rn0 The column vector [ n 0 × 1 ] [n_0 \times 1] [n0×1]; We call the hidden layer 1 1 1 layer (layer 1), The output layer is 2 2 2 layer (layer 2); Dimensions of hidden layers ( The number of cells in the hidden layer ) yes n 1 n_1 n1, therefore h ∈ R n 1 h \in \Bbb R^{n_1} h∈Rn1, meanwhile b ∈ R n 1 b \in \Bbb R^{n_1} b∈Rn1( Because each hidden cell has an offset ); Then the weight matrix W W W The dimension of is W ∈ R n 1 × n 0 W \in \Bbb R^{n_1\times n_0} W∈Rn1×n0( Combine the formula ( 2 ) (2) (2)).
So the formula ( 2 ) (2) (2) An output in h j h_j hj, It can be expressed as h j = σ ( ∑ i = 0 n 0 W j i x i + b j ) h_j = \sigma(\sum_{i=0}^{n_0} W_{ji}x_i + b_j) hj=σ(∑i=0n0Wjixi+bj).
Through the hidden layer , We set the dimension as n 0 n_0 n0 The input vector of is expressed as dimension n 1 n_1 n1 The hidden vector of , Then it is passed to the output layer to calculate the final output . The dimension of the output depends on the actual problem , For example, the regression problem is a real value ( Only one output ). But the common problem is classification . If it is a second category , Then the dimension of the output layer is 2 2 2, Output unit ( Output node ) Only two. ; If it's multi classification , Then there are multiple output units .
Let's look at what happened in the output layer , The output layer also has a weight matrix ( U U U),( There is no weight except for the input layer , This is one of the reasons why the input layer does not calculate the number of layers ), But some model output layers are not biased b b b Of , So the weight matrix U U U Directly with its input vector h h h Multiply to get intermediate output z z z:
z = U h (3) z = Uh \tag 3 z=Uh(3)
The output layer has n 2 n_2 n2 Output nodes , therefore z ∈ R n 2 z \in \Bbb R^{n_2} z∈Rn2, Weight matrices U ∈ R n 2 × n 1 U \in \Bbb R^{n_2 \times n_1} U∈Rn2×n1, among U i j U_{ij} Uij Is from the hidden layer j j j Units to output layer i i i Weight of units .
Be careful , there z z z It's a real vector , Usually not the final output , For the classification model , We need to convert it into a probability distribution .
There is a very convenient function to normalize the vector of real numbers (normalizing) Is the probability distribution , The function is Softmax. Suppose the given dimension is d d d Vector z z z,Softmax Defined as :
softmax ( z i ) = exp ( z i ) ∑ j = 1 d exp ( z j ) 1 ≤ i ≤ d (4) \text{softmax}(z_i) = \frac{\exp(z_i)}{\sum_{j=1}^d \exp(z_j)} \quad 1 \leq i \leq d \tag 4 softmax(zi)=∑j=1dexp(zj)exp(zi)1≤i≤d(4)
That is, we can regard a neural network classifier with a hidden layer as building a vector h h h, It is a vector representation of the input , Then on the network h h h Multiple logistic regression of running Standards . by comparison , Features in logistic regression are mainly designed manually through feature templates . So neural networks are like Softmax Logical regression , But the advantage is :(a) There can be more layers , Because deep neural networks are like layer after layer of logistic regression classifiers ;(b) There are many optional activation functions in the middle tier (tanh,ReLU,sigmoid) Not just sigmoid( Although we may use σ \sigma σ To represent any activation function ); Features are not formed through feature templates , The layer in front of the network forms its own feature representation .
We can get the two-layer feedforward network in this example , Also known as single hidden layer feedforward network , The final expression of :
h = σ ( W x + b ) z = U h y = softmax ( z ) (5) \begin{aligned} h &= \sigma(Wx + b) \\ z &= Uh \\ y &= \text{softmax}(z) \end{aligned} \tag{5} hzy=σ(Wx+b)=Uh=softmax(z)(5)
among x ∈ R n 0 , h ∈ R n 1 , b ∈ R n 1 , W ∈ R n 1 × n 0 , U ∈ R n 2 × n 1 x \in \Bbb R^{n_0}, h \in \Bbb R^{n_1}, b \in \Bbb R^{n_1}, W \in \Bbb R^{n_1 \times n_0}, U \in \Bbb R^{n_2 \times n_1} x∈Rn0,h∈Rn1,b∈Rn1,W∈Rn1×n0,U∈Rn2×n1, Then output the vector y ∈ R n 2 y \in \Bbb R^{n_2} y∈Rn2. We call this network a two-layer neural network . therefore , So to speak , Logistic regression is a layer of network . When resources can support , We can freely deepen the number of layers of the feedforward network , In this way, we can get the real deep neural network .
A more common notation indicates
Let's introduce some more common marks ,Andrew Ng This set of representation is also used . say concretely , Use the superscript in square brackets to indicate the number of layers , From the input layer 0 Start .
therefore , W [ 1 ] W^{[1]} W[1] Express ( first ) Weight matrix of hidden layer , b [ 1 ] b^{[1]} b[1] Express ( first ) The offset vector of the hidden layer ; n j n_j nj Will denote the second j j j Number of units in the layer ; g ( ⋅ ) g(\cdot) g(⋅) To represent the activation function , The middle tier often uses ReLU or tanh Activation function , The output layer is often softmax; a [ i ] a^{[i]} a[i] To represent the i i i Layer output , z [ i ] z^{[i]} z[i] Express W [ i ] a [ i − 1 ] + b [ i ] W^{[i]}a^{[i-1]}+b^{[i]} W[i]a[i−1]+b[i]; The first 0 Layer is the input layer , So we will enter more generally x x x be called a [ 0 ] a^{[0]} a[0].
In this way, we rephrase the above single hidden layer feedforward network as :
z [ 1 ] = W [ 1 ] a [ 0 ] + b [ 1 ] a [ 1 ] = g [ 1 ] ( z [ 1 ] ) z [ 2 ] = W [ 2 ] a [ 1 ] + b [ 2 ] a [ 2 ] = g [ 2 ] ( z [ 2 ] ) y ^ = a [ 2 ] (6) \begin{aligned} z^{[1]} &= W^{[1]}a^{[0]} + b^{[1]} \\ a^{[1]} &= g^{[1]}(z^{[1]}) \\ z^{[2]} &= W^{[2]}a^{[1]} + b^{[2]} \\ a^{[2]} &= g^{[2]}(z^{[2]}) \\ \hat y &= a^{[2]}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{6} z[1]a[1]z[2]a[2]y^=W[1]a[0]+b[1]=g[1](z[1])=W[2]a[1]+b[2]=g[2](z[2])=a[2](6)
Replace the offset unit mark
In order to simplify the description of the network , We can omit the explicit description of bias b b b. So , We add a virtual node to each layer a 0 a_0 a0, Its value will always be 1 1 1. therefore , Input layer 0 0 0 The layer will have virtual nodes a 0 [ 0 ] = 1 a^{[0]}_0=1 a0[0]=1, layer 1 1 1 Will have a 0 [ 1 ] = 1 a^{[1]}_0=1 a0[1]=1, And so on . This virtual node still has an associated weight , This weight represents the deviation value b b b, For example, take the following equation :
h = σ ( W x + b ) h = \sigma(Wx+ b) h=σ(Wx+b)
Replace with :
h = σ ( W x ) (7) h = \sigma(Wx) \tag{7} h=σ(Wx)(7)
But now x x x Vectors are not n 0 n_0 n0 It's worth , Turned into n 0 + 1 n_0+1 n0+1 It's worth , Include fixed values x 0 = 1 x_0=1 x0=1, This becomes x = x 0 , ⋯ , x n 0 x= x_0,\cdots,x_{n_0} x=x0,⋯,xn0. We can change the calculation h j h_j hj The way , from :
h j = σ ( ∑ i = 1 n 0 W j i x i + b j ) (8) h_j = \sigma \left( \sum_{i=1}^{n_0} W_{ji}x_i + b_j \right) \tag{8} hj=σ(i=1∑n0Wjixi+bj)(8)
Turned into :
h j = σ ( ∑ i = 0 n 0 W j i x i ) (9) h_j = \sigma \left( \sum_{i=0}^{n_0} W_{ji}x_i \right) \tag{9} hj=σ(i=0∑n0Wjixi)(9)
Among them W j 0 W_{j0} Wj0 To replace the b j b_j bj, We can also simplify the drawing :
From the left of the above figure ( a ) (a) (a) Simplified to the right ( b ) (b) (b).
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