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A thorough understanding of the development of scorecards - the determination of Y (Vintage analysis, rolling rate analysis, etc.)
2022-07-02 03:43:00 【Ali Yiyang】
The scorecard has been actually applied to business in major banks and companies , Many predecessors also elaborated on it in detail . This article will be from the perspective of payment and credit scorecard establishment , Compare and analyze the dependent variables of different industries when establishing scorecards Y Identified differences . Let the little buddy who wants to know about the scorecard , Have a deeper understanding . And draw inferences from one instance , Apply scorecards to more industries .
One 、 What is a scorecard ?
In the field of risk control , Scorecard is a means to measure the risk of customers in the form of scores . Similar to the familiar sesame credit score , Be situated between 350 - 950 branch , The higher the score , On behalf of credit, the better .
350 - 550 Sub users , Poor credit , It's hard to enjoy the benefits of Alipay .
550 - 600 Sub users , Medium credit , You can enjoy some benefits , For example, hotel without charge 、 Open Huabai service, etc .
600 - 650 Sub users , Good credit , You can enjoy more benefits , In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier , You can also use some travel services without deposit .
650-700 Sub users , Good credit , You can enjoy the flowers 、 Borrow the high amount of treatment .
700-950 Sub users , Excellent credit , You can get convenience when applying for visas from some countries .
This paper focuses on how to determine the score card in the field of payment and credit Y, Scorecard Principle and python See the principle of scorecard and Python Realization .
Two 、 How to determine the dependent variable in the scorecard Y?
In different industries, scorecard modeling Y There are differences in the definition of , There are also similarities . This paper takes the field of payment and credit as the entry point , Introduce the dependent variable Y The determination of .
1 The payment field determines the dependent variable Y
For the payment field , The dependent variable Y The definition of is relatively simple . For example, the company has 1 Network access and transaction data of 100 million merchants , Now I want to build a model , Evaluate what transaction types of merchants have gambling risks . In defining the dependent variable Y when , You can bring the historical shutdown reason in the system “ gambling ” A merchant whose current merchant status is closed is defined as 1( Bad samples ).
Why is it required that the merchant status must be closed ? The reason is that the transactions of some merchants are similar to gambling transactions , There will be false audits . If the merchant is audited as gambling , Made a material complaint , Prove that you are in normal business , And meet the business scope of merchants . The merchant account will be reopened , The merchant status will be adjusted to normal . When there are enough bad sample data , Sometimes for the convenience of calculation , Only the merchants defined as gambling and closed in the last two years are intercepted as bad samples for modeling .
Define the bad sample , What situation is defined as 0( Good sample )?
There are two ways , One is that the merchants whose current status is normal are defined as 0, The other is that the current state is normal , Merchants that have not been historically audited as gambling are defined as 0. Generally, the data volume of normal merchants is too large , According to the number of bad samples 、 Take some normal samples in time to build the model .
2 Determining dependent variables in the credit field Y
For the fraud model in the credit field , Usually, the overdue performance of the first installment of repayment can be used ( First over ) To define the dependent variable Y. It is the same as the scorecard model in the payment field , The definition is relatively simple . But for the credit model in the field of credit , The dependent variable Y The determination of is relatively complex , Generally, it should be combined with rolling rate analysis and vintage analysis .
Rolling rate analysis determines to what extent overdue customers are defined as bad ,vintage Analyze and determine how long the performance period of customers can be included in the model . In order to let everyone understand the dependent variable more clearly Y The determination of , First, define some nouns that need to be used .
One 、 Definition of noun
For the sake of simplicity , Take a single person as an example . Suppose there is a person in 2021 year 4 month 12 The morning of 10 spot 8 Fen borrowed a sum on the network platform 1 A credit loan of 10000 yuan , In the future in the form of equal principal and interest 12 Monthly repayment . In order to show some nouns more clearly , Put these nouns in the figure below to show :
1. Observation points (obs_date): Time point of customer loan (2021 year 4 month 12 The morning of 10 spot 8 branch ). We use the data as of the time point of loan application to predict the possibility of future overdue customers .
2. Observation period : Used to generate customer characteristics ( The independent variables ) The time interval of .
3. Performance period : Time interval used to define whether customers are good or bad . Strictly speaking , by stages 12 Only after all the money has been paid off can customers in the future define good or bad . But by Vintage It can be seen from the analysis how long the loan customer has passed , What should have gone bad has gone bad , The rest can basically be repaid on time , Thus, the time of performance period can be shortened , Increase the number of customers who can enter the modeling .
4. Behave : How long can customers be defined as “ Good customer ” and ” Bad customer “.
5. Account age MOB(Month on Book): Asset lending month .
MOB0: From the lending date to the end of the month , Example refers to 2021 year 4 month 12 The day is coming 2021 year 4 month 30 Japan .
MOB1: The second month of loan , Example refers to 2021 year 5 month 1 The day is coming 2021 year 5 month 31 Japan .
MOB2: The third month of loan , Example refers to 2021 year 5 month 1 The day is coming 2021 year 5 month 31 Japan .
MOB3: The fourth month of loan , Example refers to 2021 year 6 month 1 The day is coming 2021 year 6 month 30 Japan .
And so on ,
MOB12: Refers to the loan section 13 Months , Example refers to 2022 year 3 month 31 The day is coming 2022 year 4 month 30 Japan .
If the product is 12 Episodic , The life cycle of the asset is 12 period ,MOB Maximum to MOB12. If the product is 24 Episodic ,MOB Maximum to MOB24.
6. Within the time limit : The customer fails to repay the due amount of the current month in full on the due date , Then the contract will be overdue .
7. Days overdue DPD(Days Past Due)
Definition : The customer has not paid the repayment on the due date , The overdue days are from the next day of the due date to the actual repayment date ( contain ) Number of days in the period , If the customer fails to repay in the current period and has no actual repayment date , Then take the data statistics day to replace the actual repayment day .
The way of expression : DPDN+ Indicates the number of days overdue ≥N Day's customers , Such as DPD60+ Indicates the number of days overdue ≥60 Day's customers .
Example :
That is, on the first repayment date (2021 year 5 month 12 Japan ) Outstanding , that 2021 year 5 month 13 Day is one day overdue , Customers in 5 month 17 Daily repayment , The customer first exceeded 5 God .
Other instructions :
① Any overdue days can be used in the analysis as required , If overdue 3 God /7 God /15 God /30 God wait .
② The setting of overdue days during analysis depends on the method of incoming call and the rate of call back .
8. Number of overdue periods
Calculation method : Take the specified overdue days as the overdue period , If overdue 130 Day correspondence M1、 Within the time limit 3160 Day correspondence M2、 And so on , There is a certain correspondence between the number of overdue periods and the number of overdue days , The number of overdue periods can be calculated directly by the number of overdue days ( notes : Different institutional divisions may vary ).
Definition : From the next day of the due date to the actual date ( contain ) Number of periods , If the customer fails to repay in the current period and has no actual repayment date , Then take the data statistics day to replace the actual repayment day .
The way of expression :
M0: Normal assets , Currently not overdue ( Also available C To express ).
M1: Within the time limit 1-30 God , Overdue for one period .
M2: Within the time limit 31-60 God , Overdue for two periods .
M3: Within the time limit 61-90 God , Three overdue .
M4: Within the time limit 91-120 God , Overdue for four periods .
M5: Within the time limit 121-150 God , Five overdue .
M6: Within the time limit 151-180 God , Six overdue .
Mn: Within the time limit 30n-29~30n God , Within the time limit N period .
Allied ,
M3+: Within the time limit 90 Days or more , Within the time limit 3 period ( Not included ) above .
M4+: Within the time limit 120 Days or more , Within the time limit 4 period ( Not included ) above .
M6+: Within the time limit 180 Days or more , Within the time limit 6 period ( Not included ) above , Also known as bad debts , Will cancel the account .
Mn+: Within the time limit 3*n Days or more , Within the time limit n period ( Not included ) above .
9. Overdue rate
Number of orders : Overdue rate = Number of overdue orders / Total number of loan orders
Amount caliber : Overdue rate = Overdue remaining principal / Total loan principal .
Two 、 Rolling rate analysis
1. Purpose : In order to make the risk control model have better distinguishing ability , We need to determine how long overdue customers are defined as 1( Bad customer ). Because some customers who are several days overdue are likely to forget to repay , It will be returned after reminding , Not without willingness and ability to repay . If all customers with overdue performance are defined as 1, It will lead to unclear definition of bad customers in the model , Thus affecting the distinguishing ability of the model . Rolling rate analysis can show customers' transition from one state to another in different periods of time , Thus, we can analyze the development and changes of customers in different overdue States .
2. Definition : From the observation point 1 A while ago ( Observation period 1) The worst state of , To the observation point 1 After a while ( Observation period 2) The worst-case transition of .
3. Specific steps of rolling rate analysis :
step1: Select the observation point 1, Take observation points 1 Is the deadline , According to the repayment schedule, the customer is counted in the observation period 1( As in the past 6 Months ) The longest overdue period of , Customers are divided into different levels according to the worst overdue status , Such as C、M1、M2、M3、M4+ etc. .
step2: Take observation points 1 Is the start time , Count the customers in the observation period 2( Like the future 6 Months ) The longest overdue period of , Users are divided into different levels according to the worst overdue status , Such as C、M1、M2、M3、M4+ etc. .
step3: Cross count the number of customers in the transfer matrix .
step4: Count the proportion according to the number of customers in the transfer matrix .
step5: Choose different observation points , repeat step1~step4, Compare the rolling rate value .
for example , Select the observation point as 2021 year 6 month 30 On Tuesday night 12 spot , take 20,000 Customers as observation objects , Statistics of these customers from the observation period 1 To the observation period 2 Maximum overdue status change of . First, make statistics of the following details of customer overdue status ( Just to understand business needs , Untrue data ):
The following rolling rate analysis matrix is calculated according to the overdue status schedule :
Observe the rolling rate analysis matrix :
① Observation period 1 Medium overdue status is C( normal ) The customer , some time 6 In the months , Yes 95.29% Will continue to be normal ,4.71% Will turn into overdue customers .
② Observation period 1 Medium overdue status is M1 The customer , The future has 81.16% Will return to normal , That is, the yield is 81.86%, Yes 11.96% Is still M1 state ,6.88% It will get worse .
③ Observation period 1 Medium overdue status is M2 The customer , The yield rate is 25.96%, Yes 6.41% Turn into M1 state ,26.12% Is still M2 state ,41.51% It will get worse .
④ Observation period 1 Medium overdue status is M3 The customer , The yield rate is 19.77%,10.6% Turn into M1 and M2,11.46% Is still M3 state ,58.17% It will get worse .
⑤ Observation period 1 Medium overdue status is M3+ The customer , The yield rate is 3.36%,24.16% Turn into M1、M2 and M3,72.48% Is still M3+ state .
According to the quantity of yield , Overdue status is M3+ Our customers will hardly be good , In order to make the risk control model have better distinguishing ability , It can be defined that the bad customer is overdue and the status is M3+( Overdue more than 90 God ) The customer .
When modeling actual credit , Due to the business scale 、 Product launch time and other constraints , The modeling sample size may be small , Resulting in fewer bad samples . Sometimes it is artificially overdue n More than days is 1( Bad samples ), Customers who are not overdue are defined as 0( Good sample ), Within the time limit n Within days is defined as ash sample ( Abandon ). Now, customers who are overdue for more than a few days are defined as bad customers, and there is a measurement standard . It is necessary to determine how long the performance period of customers can be included in the evaluation .
Suppose the loan term of a product is 12 period , We need to 12 Can we define whether a customer is a bad customer after the deadline ? Strictly speaking , Such is the case . otherwise , We can only say so far , This customer is not a bad customer , But I don't know whether it will become a bad customer in the next few installments . And some accounts have reached M3+, Some of them arrived in later periods M3+. therefore , We just need to make sure that a suitable performance period can cover enough bad customers .vintage Analysis is to determine how long the performance period is appropriate .
3、 ... and 、 Account age (Vintage) analysis
1. Purpose : Statistics of new loans each month after each MOB Overdue situation in , Compare the overdue situation of monthly loan , Judging strategy 、 The validity of the model , Analyze the risk maturity of customers .
2. The way of expression : Vintage The abscissa of the curve is MOB, The ordinate is the overdue rate . The overdue rate can be calculated in the amount dimension , You can also calculate the order dimension .
3. Overdue rate calculation and statistical method ( amount of money ):
Overdue rate = Overdue remaining principal / Total loan principal .
The denominator is the total principal of the month in which the loan is made , That is, the contract amount , Not changing over time ( No decrease due to settlement or write off ).
The numerator is overdue Bad The principal balance at the time of definition , hypothesis Bad Defined as M3+, Molecules can be calculated in two ways .
4. Overdue rate calculation and statistical method ( Number of orders ):
Overdue rate = Number of overdue orders / Total number of loan orders
The denominator is the total number of orders in the month of disbursement , Not changing over time ( No decrease due to settlement or write off ).
The numerator is overdue Bad Number of orders at the time of definition , hypothesis Bad Defined as M3+, Molecules can also be calculated in two ways .
5.Vintage Table creation
Now there is a guest rate 36% Cash loan products , Product term 12 period , Everything 2 One thousand yuan , The average number of monthly loans is 1 About ten thousand , The repayment method is equal principal and interest . From the rolling rate analysis, we can get the overdue Mn+ Our customers will hardly be good , Thus, the bad customer can be defined as Mn+ The customer . This paper assumes that the overdue status of the product is M3+ Our customers will hardly be good . Statistics 2021 year 3 Month to 2022 year 5 month ( Now ) The lending performance of this product , The following table can be obtained :
Press MOB Dimensions , Rearrange the orders in different lending months , The following table can be obtained :
hold MOB The table of dimensions is drawn into a line chart , We can get the following Vintage surface :
from vintage Apparent knowledge :
① The horizontal axis indicates the customer's life cycle , It reflects the changes that occur in the process of customer maturity .
② The vertical axis reflects the changes of customers with the same aging over time , It shows the change of default rate in different months .
③ As the product term is 12 period , therefore MOB( Account age ) The longest is 12 Months , And vice versa .
④ The statistics are Ever M3+ Overdue rate , So aging MOB1、MOB2 All for 0.
⑤ The lending month is from 2021 year 3 Month to 2021 year 11 The overdue rate of monthly accounts is decreasing , It shows that the quality of assets is constantly improving , It may be that risk control has a more comprehensive understanding of the risk dimension of the product , The level of risk control is constantly improving .
⑥ Customers who lend money in different months are going through 9 individual MOB Post overdue rate M3+ Tend to be stable , Explain that the maturity period of the account is 9 Months .
⑦ Because the statistics are Ever M3+ Overdue rate , Therefore, the overdue rate of a single month only increases without decreasing . From the Vintage Apparent knowledge , If we want to build a credit pre loan scorecard model now (A card ), Have a complete performance ( The loan is over 12 period ) The lending month of is 2021 year 3 Month to 2021 year 6 month .
If you only model with complete data , The sample can only be obtained from the month of loan 2021 year 3 Month to 2021 year 5 From customers in the month . If the account maturity 9 Months of data modeling , Samples can be taken from 2021 year 3 Month to 2021 year 8 Take in the middle of the month , Three more months of sample data . Because of the Vintage The data of the table is fabricated , It looks clear . In reality, some lending data may suddenly be due to traffic in a certain month 、 The external environment 、 Risk control strategy adjustment and other factors led to a sudden increase in overdue performance .
For example, there is an e-commerce customer group loan , Product term 12 period 、 Everything 5,000 element 、 Passenger rate 36% Cash loan products ,Vintage Perform the following ( The data is processed ):
From the Vintage You can see in the table 2018 year 10 The overdue rate of loans in September increased sharply compared with the previous months , It may be due to the flow 、 The external environment 、 Risk control strategy adjustment and other factors .
Four 、 The dependent variable Y The determination of
1. Definition : The dependent variable Y That is, the customer good or bad label variable .
2. Method : Define the quality of customers with rolling rate analysis ,Vintage Determine the appropriate performance period .
3. Specific operation steps :
step1: Use the rolling rate to define bad customers , For example, as defined in the above case : The overdue rate is M3+ Our customers are bad customers .
step2: With M3+ As a statistical indicator of asset quality , Statistics Vintage Data sheet , draw Vintage curve , Analysis of account maturity . For example, the above case determines : The maturity period of the account is 9 Months .
step3: Samples with a performance period greater than maturity can be used for modeling , Samples with a performance period less than maturity cannot be accurately defined Y Variable , Give up temporarily .
4. Conclusion : According to the above example , The performance period exceeds 9 Months , And M3+ Overdue customers are defined as 1, The performance period exceeds 9 Months , Customers who are not overdue are defined as 0, Other customers abandon .
thus , Payment field and credit field dependent variables Y The determination of has been analyzed , Welcome to share more pictures with friends in need .
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