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[Seaborn] combination chart: pairplot and jointplot

2022-07-07 17:02:00 AwesomeTang


  • The previous chapter introduced FacetGridJointGridPairGrid, All three are axes-level Methods , It can also be seen from the naming method ,FacetGridJointGridPairGrid Is the coordinate system created , Then you need to bind the data yourself .
  • But for the JointGrid and PairGrid, In fact, there is a corresponding figure-level Methods , You can directly complete the drawing of charts .
  • If our needs are complex , We can go through PairGrid and JointGrid Complete more customized requirements , Otherwise, it is recommended to use PairPlot and JointPlot.


PairPlot The chart will be automatically generated according to the measurement fields in the dataset , We don't need to bind data in turn ;

The default diagonal is histogram , Scatter diagram on both sides ;

#  Main code 
g = sns.pairplot(penguins)

