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Close unregistering application XXX with Eureka with status down after Eureka client starts

2022-07-06 23:43:00 Jaffy

SpringBoot After the project is started , Without any error , Stopped the project .

2018-07-15 10:50:10.523 WARN 16952 — [ Thread-23] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : Saw local status change event StatusChangeEvent [timestamp=1531623010523, current=DOWN, previous=UP]
2018-07-15 10:50:10.524 INFO 16952 — [ Thread-23] o.s.c.support.DefaultLifecycleProcessor : Stopping beans in phase 0
2018-07-15 10:50:10.526 INFO 16952 — [ Thread-23] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : Shutting down DiscoveryClient …

terms of settlement

1. Check to see if there is spring-web rely on


2. see SpringCloud and SpringBoot Whether the version corresponds to the previous one ( Generally nothing )

3. Port occupied

The third situation is difficult to find , But I suggest you try to see if it exists . Especially at first , Suddenly after a period of time, the operation will not work . Next I use window System to explain the following

  • First step

    First of all, you should know the one you started SpringBoot What is the access port number of the project , Let's assume, for example 8080.

  • The second step

    secondly , Because the current project has stopped , in other words 8080 It should not be used by others . So use the following command to query , open Command prompt window ,window The order is as follows

    netstat -ano|findstr "8080"

     Insert picture description here

  • The third step

    Last , open Task manager , find Details This tab , And then put PID Sort out , Find the occupied program , Get rid of it , Then restart and try .

     Insert picture description here

