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Information Security Experiment 4: implementation of IP packet monitoring program

2022-07-07 09:23:00 Not enough to eat

One 、 Purpose and requirements of the experiment

Students are familiar with the principle of network data communication as well as TCP/IP Principle of protocol structure On the basis of , Network packet monitoring technology realized by socket programming , Effectively detect the packet information transmitted on the network , Through the analysis and utilization of these information, it is helpful to maintain network security . requirement :

 1. Familiar with the principle of network data communication as well as TCP/IP Principle of protocol structure .

2. master Ip Packet sending and receiving process .

3. Determine the experimental scheme on the basis of the learned knowledge , Draw a flow chart , Independent programming , Realize network listener .

4. Simply analyze the obtained data packets .

Two 、 Experimental content

Set the working mode of the network card to mixed mode . Get one in the LAN ( More than one ) The host MAC Address , Capture all packets passing through the network card , And the agreement can be analyzed 、IP source address 、IP Destination address 、TCP Source port number 、TCP Target port number, packet length and other information .

3、 ... and 、 Experimental environment

function windows Of PC machine , have JAVA、VC(windows) And other language compilation environments .


Four 、 Experimental steps and result analysis

1. Download and install WinPcap,WinPcap It can provide applications with the ability to access the bottom of the network . It is used for windows Direct network programming under the system .

2. download Jpcap.jar package , Used for the operation of packet capturing experiment ,jpcap In fact, it is not a real way to control the data link layer , It's a middleware ,JPCAP call winpcap/libpcap, And give JAVA Language provides a common interface , Thus, platform independence is realized

3. according to Jpcap.jar Package related classes and methods for experimental preparation

Bind network devices

NetworkInterface[] devices = JpcapCaptor.getDeviceList();
for (NetworkInterface n : devices) {
out.println(n.name + "   |   " + n.description);

Carry out the bag

int i = 0; while (i < 10) {     Packet packet = jpcap.getPacket();     if (packet instanceof IPPacket && ((IPPacket) packet).version == 4) {         i++;         IPPacket ip = (IPPacket) packet;// Strong go          System.out.println(" edition :IPv4");         System.out.println(" Priority :" + ip.priority);         System.out.println(" Distinguish between service : Maximum throughput : " + ip.t_flag);         System.out.println(" Distinguish between service : Highest reliability :" + ip.r_flag);         System.out.println(" length :" + ip.length);         System.out.println(" identification :" + ip.ident);         System.out.println("DF:Don't Fragment: " + ip.dont_frag);         System.out.println("NF:Nore Fragment: " + ip.more_frag);         System.out.println(" Slice offset :" + ip.offset);         System.out.println(" Time to live :" + ip.hop_limit);         String protocol = "";         switch (new Integer(ip.protocol)) {             case 1:                 protocol = "ICMP";                 break;             case 2:                 protocol = "IGMP";                 break;             case 6:                 protocol = "TCP";                 break;             case 8:                 protocol = "EGP";                 break;             case 9:                 protocol = "IGP";                 break;             case 17:                 protocol = "UDP";                 break;             case 41:                 protocol = "IPv6";                 break;             case 89:                 protocol = "OSPF";                 break;             default:                 break;         }         System.out.println(" agreement :" + protocol);         System.out.println(" Source IP " + ip.src_ip.getHostAddress());         System.out.println(" Purpose IP " + ip.dst_ip.getHostAddress());         System.out.println(" Source host name : " + ip.src_ip);         System.out.println(" Destination hostname : " + ip.dst_ip);         System.out.println("----------------------------------------------");     } }

4. experimental result


Summary of the experiment : Through this experiment , I understand the principle of network data communication , Master master Ip Packet sending and receiving process , And pass Jpcap.jar Package call winpacp Realize the ability to access the bottom of the network , Reference... In a program jpcap The method in the class implements a pair of IP Package monitoring and analysis


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