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[excelexport], Excel to Lua, JSON, XML development tool
2022-07-07 15:53:00 【Le_ Sam】
Text :
be based on https://github.com/monkey256/ExcelExport The development has been revised again ,
Compared with the old version :
1. The new version supports formula Export , Multilingual Export
2. Remove unnecessary functions , Optimize core code
3. Numerical verification
4. The description table and the numerical table are combined into one , Convenient view
5. Support inserting empty columns
6. Export two copies of client and server according to the defined fields
7. Language packs are handled independently , Generate multiple copies according to the language .lua file
The main function
1. Software specifications :
“ One click export ”
For all under the specified directory .xlsx And .xls The files are exported to the client under the output directory .lua With the server .xml file
“ Language pack export ”
key word 【Language】, When the corresponding file name is detected , Export multiple copies according to different languages .lua file
2. Start the instructions from the command line :
*** View the help interface *** -h|-help
Example : tablegen2.exe -h
*** One click export *** -p handyExp
Example : tablegen2.exe -i fullPath -o outputDir -p handyExp
*** Export according to the specified type *** -p xml|json|lua
Example : tablegen2.exe -i fullPath -o outputDir -p lua
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel;
using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
using System.IO;
using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel;
using System.Collections;
using tablegen2.common;
namespace tablegen2.logic
public static class TableExcelReader
// def Table parameter placeholder index
private const int DEF_HEADER_INDEX = 3;
// data Table parameter index
private const int DATA_HEADER_INDEX = DEF_HEADER_INDEX + 1;
// data Table data index
private const int DATA_DATA_INDEX = DEF_HEADER_INDEX + 2;
// Read and parse according to the path xls
public static TableExcelData loadFromExcel(string filePath)
if (!File.Exists(filePath))
throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} file does not exist !", filePath));
var ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower();
if (ext != ".xls" && ext != ".xlsx")
throw new Exception(string.Format(" Unrecognized file extension {0}", ext));
var headers = new List<TableExcelHeader>();
var rows = new List<TableExcelRow>();
var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
// analysis xls Document core module
var workbook = ext == ".xls" ? (IWorkbook)new HSSFWorkbook(fs) : (IWorkbook)new XSSFWorkbook(fs);
_readDataFromWorkbook(workbook, headers, rows);
return new TableExcelData(headers, rows);
private static void _readDataFromWorkbook(IWorkbook wb, List<TableExcelHeader> defHeader, List<TableExcelRow> rows)
var dataSheet = _checkSheetValidity(wb, AppData.Config.SheetNameForData);
var defHeaderIdx = new ArrayList();
var dataList = new List<List<string>>();
// Check Sheet Whether there is an empty line
_checkSheetIsNullRow(dataSheet, AppData.Config.SheetNameForData);
// Read def
_readDefSheet(dataSheet, defHeader);
// Check data The first row defines the field data
_checkHeadersFromDataSheet(dataSheet, defHeader);
// Check data Whether the value in conforms to the specified type
_checkAllDataSheetValidity(dataSheet, defHeader);
// Check data The primary key ID Whether it is null or repeated
_checkDataSheetKeyUnique(dataSheet, defHeader, "Id");
// Read data
_readDataSheet(dataSheet, defHeader, rows);
private static ISheet _checkSheetValidity(IWorkbook wb, string name)
var sheet = wb.GetSheet(name);
if (sheet == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format(" workbook '{0}' non-existent ", name));
return sheet;
// Check Sheet Whether there is an empty line
private static void _checkSheetIsNullRow(ISheet sheet, string sheetName)
string errMsg = string.Empty;
for (int idxRow = 1; idxRow <= sheet.LastRowNum; idxRow++)
var rd = sheet.GetRow(idxRow);
if (rd == null)
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook '{0}' pass the civil examinations {1} Behavioral emptiness \n", sheetName, (idxRow + 1).ToString());
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
throw new Exception(errMsg);
// Read def
private static void _readDefSheet(ISheet sheet, List<TableExcelHeader> headers)
string errMsg = string.Empty;
var rowList = new List<IRow>();
var strList = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i <= DEF_HEADER_INDEX; i++)
var maxCellNum = sheet.GetRow(0).LastCellNum;
for (int idx = 0; idx < maxCellNum; idx++)
for (int idxRow = 0; idxRow < rowList.Count; idxRow++)
if (rowList[idxRow] != null)
strList[idxRow] = _convertCellToString(rowList[idxRow].GetCell(idx));
Log.Msg(" analysis Def ==> Name【{0}】 Type【{1}】 ExpType【{2}】 Desc【{3}】", strList[0], strList[1], strList[2], strList[3]);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strList[0]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strList[1]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strList[2]))
var header = new TableExcelHeader();
header.FieldName = strList[0];
header.FieldType = strList[1].ToLower();
header.FieldExpType = strList[2];
header.FieldDesc = strList[3];
header.FieldIndex = -1;
else if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strList[0]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strList[1]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strList[2])))
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Def in [{0},{1}] or [{0},{2}] or [{0},{3}] Data is abnormally missing ! \n", _sheetNumToEng(idx), 1, 2, 3);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
throw new Exception(errMsg);
// testing Def Does it include ID Field
if (headers.Find(a => a.FieldName == "Id") == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format(" workbook Def Does not exist in the Id Field !"));
// Read Data The first row defines the field data
private static void _checkHeadersFromDataSheet(ISheet sheet, List<TableExcelHeader> headers)
string errMsg = string.Empty;
var rd = sheet.GetRow(DATA_HEADER_INDEX); // Take the fifth line
for (int idxCell = 0; idxCell < rd.LastCellNum; idxCell++)
var cell = rd.GetCell(idxCell);
if (cell != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.StringCellValue))
int HeadIdx = headers.FindIndex(item => item.FieldName.Equals(cell.StringCellValue));
if (HeadIdx != -1)
headers[HeadIdx].FieldIndex = idxCell;
// data The corresponding data is missing
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Data There is unmatched data in :'{0}' \n", cell.StringCellValue);
foreach (var list in headers)
if (list.FieldIndex == -1)
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Def There is unmatched data in :'{0}' \n", list.FieldName);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
throw new Exception(errMsg);
// Check data Whether all values in conform to the specified type
private static void _checkAllDataSheetValidity(ISheet sheet, List<TableExcelHeader> headers)
//Log.Msg("LastRowNum {0}", sheet.LastRowNum.ToString());
string errMsg = string.Empty;
var rd = sheet.GetRow(DATA_HEADER_INDEX); // Take the fifth line
for (int idxHead = 0; idxHead < headers.Count; idxHead++)
errMsg = errMsg + _checkDataSheetKeyValidity(sheet, headers, headers[idxHead].FieldName);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
throw new Exception(errMsg);
// Check data Whether the key value in matches the type
private static string _checkDataSheetKeyValidity(ISheet sheet, List<TableExcelHeader> headers, string key)
string errMsg = string.Empty;
int idx = headers.FindIndex(item => item.FieldName.Equals(key));
if (idx != -1)
var fieldType = headers[idx].FieldType;
var fieldIndex = headers[idx].FieldIndex;
var cellList = _getAllCellByIndex(sheet, fieldIndex);
for (int idxCell = 0; idxCell < cellList.Count; idxCell++)
var cell = cellList[idxCell];
var cType = cell.CellType;
bool isErr = false;
//Log.Msg("index:【{0},{1}】headType:【{2}】cellType:【{3}】toStr:【{4}】", fieldIndex, idxCell, fieldType, cType, _convertCellToString(cell));
// Ignore blank single cells (TEST)
if (cType == CellType.Blank)
switch (fieldType)
case "int":
if ((cType != CellType.Numeric) || (cType == CellType.Numeric && !StrRegex.IsInteger(cell.NumericCellValue.ToString())))
isErr = true;
case "double":
if ((cType != CellType.Numeric) || (cType == CellType.Numeric && !StrRegex.IsNumber(cell.NumericCellValue.ToString())))
isErr = true;
case "string":
//if (cType != CellType.String)
// isErr = true;
case "formula":
if (cType != CellType.Formula)
isErr = true;
case "bool":
if (cType != CellType.Boolean)
isErr = true;
isErr = true;
if (isErr == true)
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Data in [{0},{1}]={3} Does not conform to or ExcelExport Temporary does not support {2} type \n", _sheetNumToEng(fieldIndex), idxCell + DEF_HEADER_INDEX + 3, fieldType, _convertCellToString(cell));
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Data Not found in {0} Primary key \n", key);
return errMsg;
// Check data Whether the key value in is null or repeated
private static void _checkDataSheetKeyUnique(ISheet sheet, List<TableExcelHeader> headers, string key)
string errMsg = string.Empty;
int idx = headers.FindIndex(item => item.FieldName.Equals(key));
if (idx != -1)
var ids = new HashSet<string>();
var cellList = _getAllCellByIndex(sheet, headers[idx].FieldIndex);
for (int idxCell = 0; idxCell < cellList.Count; idxCell++)
var cell = cellList[idxCell];
var idKey = _convertCellToString(cell);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(idKey))
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Data in Id Primary key No {0} The row value is empty \n", idxCell + DEF_HEADER_INDEX + 3);
else if (ids.Contains(idKey))
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Data in Id Primary key No {0} Line already exists :{1} \n", idxCell + DEF_HEADER_INDEX + 3, idKey);
errMsg = errMsg + string.Format(" workbook Data Not found in {0} Primary key \n", key);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
throw new Exception(errMsg);
// Read Data
private static void _readDataSheet(ISheet sheet, List<TableExcelHeader> headers, List<TableExcelRow> rows)
// Index from Data Data start
for (int idxRow = DATA_DATA_INDEX; idxRow <= sheet.LastRowNum; idxRow++)
var rd = sheet.GetRow(idxRow);
var ds = new List<string>();
for (int idxHead = 0; idxHead < headers.Count; idxHead++)
var val = _convertCellToString(rd.GetCell(headers[idxHead].FieldIndex));
// Add excelRow
rows.Add(new TableExcelRow() { StrList = ds });
// Number to English
private static string _sheetNumToEng(int idx)
var cur = idx + 1 + 64;
string rowIex = string.Empty;
if (65 <= cur && cur <= 90)
byte[] btNumber = new byte[] { (byte)cur };
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding asciiEncoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
rowIex = asciiEncoding.GetString(btNumber);
rowIex = (idx + 1).ToString();
return rowIex;
// Get all data in a single column , Index from Data Data start
private static List<ICell> _getAllCellByIndex(ISheet sheet, int index)
var list = new List<ICell>();
for (int i = DATA_DATA_INDEX; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++)
var rd = sheet.GetRow(i);
// Single unit is NULL when , Manually assign an empty white space
if (rd.GetCell(index) == null) {
rd.CreateCell(index, CellType.Blank);
return list;
// Single unit to String
private static string _convertCellToString(ICell cell)
string r = string.Empty;
if (cell != null)
switch (cell.CellType)
// Boolean value
case CellType.Boolean:
r = cell.BooleanCellValue.ToString();
// Numeric type
case CellType.Numeric:
r = cell.NumericCellValue.ToString();
// Formula type
case CellType.Formula:
r = cell.NumericCellValue.ToString();
// Default String
r = cell.StringCellValue;
return r;
Project download link :https://download.csdn.net/download/Le_Sam/12822484
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