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C Expert Programming Chapter 4 The Shocking Fact: Arrays and Pointers Are Not the Same 4.3 What is a Declaration and What is a Definition
2022-08-04 04:46:00 【weixin_Guest time】
The objects here are only relevant to the linker“东西”,比如函数和变量
A definition is a special kind of declaration,它创建了一个对象;
The declaration simply and clearly states the name of the object created elsewhere,It allows you to use this name.
定义 只能出现在一个地方 Determine the type of the object and allocate memory,Used to create new objects.例如 int my_array[100];
A declaration can appear multiple times to describe the type of an object,Used to refer to objects defined elsewhere(For example in other files)例如 extern int my_array[].
/*little inspiration*/
声明相当于普通的声明,它所说明的并非自身,Instead, describe objects created elsewhere
extern对象声明告诉编译器对象的类型和名字,Object memory allocation is done elsewhere.Since memory is not allocated for the array in the declaration,So there is no need to provide information about the length of the array.对于多维数组,Multidimensional arrays are required,Lengths of dimensions other than the leftmost dimension need to be provided---This gives the compiler enough information to generate the corresponding code
4.3.1 数组和指针是如何访问的
The difference between a reference to an array and a reference to a pointer should first be noted“地址y”和“地址y的内容”之间的区别.
This is a rather subtle point.Because in most programming languages we use the same symbol to represent both things,然后由
The compiler judges its specific meaning according to the context.
X = Y;
在这个上下文环境里,符号X的含义 在这个上下文环境里,符号Y的
是X所代表的地址 含义是Y所代表的地址的内容
This is called an lvalue 这被称为右值
左值在编译时可知,The lvalue represents storage 右值直到运行时才知,Unless there are special circumstances,
结果的地方 右值表示“Y的内容”
图4.1 地址(左值)and the content of the address(右值)之间的区别
C语言引入了“可修改的左值”这个术语.It indicates that lvalues are allowed to appear on the left side of an assignment statement.This strange term is to distinguish it from array names,Array names are also used to determine the location of objects in memory,也是左值,But it cannot be used as an assignment
对象.因此,array-name is an lvalue but not a modifiable lvalue.The standard specifies that an assignment operator must use a modifiable lvalue as its left-hand operand.用通俗的话说,Only assign values to things that can be modified.
The compiler assigns an address to each variable(左值).这个地址在编译时可知,而且该变量在运行时一直保存于这个地址.相反,存储于变量中的值(它的右值)只有在运行时才可知.如果需要用到变量中存储的值,编译器就发出指令从指定地址读入变量值并将它存于寄存器中.
The key here is that the address of each symbol is known at compiler time.所以,If the compiler expects an address(An offset may also need to be added)来执行某种操作,It can be directly operated,并不需要增加指令首先取得具体的地址.相反,对于指针,必须首先在运行时取得它的当前值,Then it can be dereferenced(as one of the steps to find later).
char a[9] = "abcdefgh"; c = a[i];
The compiler symbol table has one地址9980
Subscript reference to the array
extern char a[]和extern char a[100]等价的原因.Both statements suggesta是一个数组,也就是一个内存地址,数组内的字符可以从这个地址找到.The compiler doesn't need to know how long the array is in total,因为它只产生偏离起始地址的偏移地址.When extracting a character from an array,Just simply show the symbol tableaThe address is subscripted,需要的字符就位于这个地址中.
extern char *p, 它将告诉编译器p是一个指针(In many modern machines it is4字节的对象),It points to a character.为了取得这个字符,必须得到地址p的内容,把它作为字符的地址并从这个地址中取得这个字符.指针的访问要灵活的多,But an additional extraction is required.
char *p; c = *p;
A subscript reference to a pointer
4.3.2 当“定义为指针,but referenced as an array”时会发生什么
char *p = "abcdefgh"; c = p[i];
The compiler symbol table has onep,地址为4624.
Make a subscript reference to a pointer
char *p = "abcdefgh"; ...p[3]
char a[] = "abcdefgh"; ...a[3]
extern char *p; p[3]; /*进行4.4的操作 */
/*The compiler will do the following:
/*The compiler has been toldp是一个指向字符的指针(相反,The array definition tells the compilerp是一个字符序列).
*p[i]表示“从pThe indicated address begins,前进i步,Each step is a character(That is, each element has a length of one
*字节)”.If it is another type of pointer(如int或double等),其步长(Bytes per step)也各不相同
/*既然把p声明为指针,那么不管p原先是定义为指针还是数组,will be as shown above3个步骤
extern char *p;
char p[10];
/*这种情况用p[i]Extracting the contents of this declaration is,实际上得到的是一个字符.
*但按照上面的方法,The compiler treats it as a pointer,把ASCII字符解释
*Into the address is obviously a bull's-eye.
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