Raspberry pie comes with a wireless network card , So you can connect wifi.
The raspberry pie system environment in this paper is Ubuntu Server 20.04, other Linux The systems are all the same .
ssh Go to raspberry pie .
1. The first step is to set the time zone
sudo tzselect
# choice 4 Aisa
# And then choose 9 China
# Then choose 1 Beijing Time
# The final choice 1 confirm
sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
Execute after setting date -R
See if the time is right .
2. Set up wifi
cd /etc/netplan/
sudo vim 50-cloud-init.yaml
After opening, there should be the following content :
# This file is generated from information provided by the datasource. Changes
# to it will not persist across an instance reboot. To disable cloud-init's
# network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}
dhcp4: true
optional: true
version: 2
Now we need to add one wifi Configuration of , Examples are as follows :
# This file is generated from information provided by the datasource. Changes
# to it will not persist across an instance reboot. To disable cloud-init's
# network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}
dhcp4: true
optional: true
dhcp4: true
<wifi name >:
password: "<wifi password >"
version: 2
Save after editing , And then execute the command
sudo netplan --debug apply
3. Check the settings
Carry out orders ifconfig
Check if there is a network card wlan0 Information about , And got it ip, Finally through this ip Conduct ssh Connect , If the connection is successful , Then there is no problem .