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[CTF] AWDP summary (WEB)

2022-07-05 01:14:00 Sunlight_ three hundred and sixteen

【CTF】AWDP summary (Web)

What is? adwp?

AWDP It is a comprehensive assessment of team attack 、 Defense technology capability 、 The game mode of both attack and defense with real-time strategy . Each team is an attacker and a defender , Fully reflect the actual combat of the game 、 Real time and confrontation , Comprehensively consider the penetration ability and protection ability of the participating team .

In the game , Each team has the same virtual target machine , Team members should be responsible for GameBox attack , And submit the correct flag( Prove that you have the ability to attack the problem ); in the meantime , The platform launches an attack on the target aircraft of the team in a round system , Check whether the vulnerabilities of other players are successfully repaired , If the repair is successful, it is considered that the team has the defense ability of the vulnerability .

The scoring rules are as follows : During the competition, each team has the same starting score (10000 branch ), Score by the end of the game , Score as each team , From high to low in the ranking .

The participating team can obtain points in the following two ways :

1) Conquered : Submit GameBox Stored in flag;

2) defense : Successfully defend the attack of the platform on each target , And the service is normal .

At the same time, they will lose points in the following two ways :

1) Service exception : The team cannot maintain a GameBox The normal service of , Platform inspection failed ;

2) Violations, : The referee awarded a penalty for violating the competition discipline and discovering violations .

Six states

– Attacked , It means that this question has been typed , Delivered flag, The attack is successful . The attack process is actually ordinary ctf. Some topics will first give you all the source code for you to type , This is the white box , But there are still many problems in the white box. The defense is successful, but it can't be solved flag ha-ha . You can only type some questions in black box flag coming , The successful attack will give you the source code , Let you defend .

– Defended , After you get the source code , Put the vulnerability of this problem through modifying the source code , It has been completed , The referee's poc I can't solve this problem , Even if the defense is successful .

– Abnormal defense , Explain the process of defense , You have lost the services that the website should provide , It may be over defense , Or you may have deleted the key functions . If the defense is abnormal , Be sure to reset the environment at the first time , Otherwise, points will be deducted after the end of a round , The deduction of points is particularly hurt .



Prepare for the game

1. Be fully prepared before the game , Put some loopholes waf All ready , for example :

function wafrce($str){
	return !preg_match("/openlog|syslog|readlink|symlink|popepassthru|stream_socket_server|scandir|assert|pcntl_exec|fwrite|curl|system|eval|assert|flag|passthru|exec|chroot|chgrp|chown|shell_exec|proc_open|proc_get_status|popen|ini_alter|ini_restore/i", $str);

function wafsqli($str){
	return !preg_match("/select|and|\*|\x09|\x0a|\x0b|\x0c|\x0d|\xa0|\x00|\x26|\x7c|or|into|from|where|join|sleexml|extractvalue|+|regex|copy|read|file|create|grand|dir|insert|link|server|drop|=|>|<|;|\"|\'|\^|\|/i", $str);

function wafxss($str){
	return !preg_match("/\'|http|\"|\`|cookie|<|>|script/i", $str);

these waf It's a little crude , It's because we should ensure that the environment of the topic can't go wrong , The topic should provide normal services .

This is very important, very important , Directly decide whether you can quickly win the defense of the problem .


The file upload tool should be ready

download :

link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eabfwy7b8TlM-0fquWAYxw
Extraction code :g32d

3.phpstudy etc. web Environmental Science

Configure local web Environmental Science , The more convenient, the better , Namely After getting the source code, you should be able to run locally very quickly , Don't be in a hurry when it comes to the game , All of a sudden, the domain name went wrong, and all of a sudden, the database went wrong . In the game , Time is minutes !!

4. Code audit tools

Seay Source code audit system and so on .

It can play an auxiliary role , Not very important .

For the first time waf

about awdp Come on , Defense is far more important than attack , Because it is a rotation system , Each round of successful defense or attack will add corresponding points , The more successful people , The less points you add in each round , And points are cumulative ,** There are fewer questions , I won't deduct the points I got before .** So time is particularly important . Some people's questions have just appeared 5 Defense succeeded in minutes , I've been eating a problem for a whole day , Add... From the first round 500 Add to the last round 50, It adds up to thousands of points .

So our strategy is , One topic , First analyze the general knowledge points , Command execution ?sql Inject ? Upload files ? then Add... To the source code at the first time waf.

waf The form of is not limited to the example shown above , Filter keywords , It can also be directly to input things Length limit , For example, limit the length of input and execution commands to less than 2. It can achieve the purpose of repairing the loopholes without damaging the problem environment . But it also depends on the specific topic , Some topics may be shorter than 2 It's destroying web Service led to defense failure .

Pay attention to the path of file upload

This question is very important !!!

During defense, we need to upload the files to be repaired to the server , Replace the file in the original server , So we need to know the specific path of the file , But generally speaking, the topic will not be given directly , The directories of different development languages and frameworks are also different .

This time we need a small tips:

Give examples :

mv -f explorer.php  /www/html/

The file we want to replace is probably not in the root directory /www/html, So this example is chicken ribs

Then look in the root directory :

mv -f explorer.php $(dirname `find / -name 'explorer.php' 2>/dev/null`)/explorer.php

use find The command looks up the root directory named explorer.php The file of , Then return his pathname (dirname)

2>/dev/null The function of is to avoid returning some wrong information , For example, the search process will return errors such as insufficient permissions .


There is nothing to say about attacks , Just fight ctf, Some questions are white boxes , You have to type out some questions first flag Only then has the source code .

That's all I thought of for the moment , It took so long to record , Because I have been taking exams .

Here's a tribute to the studio bosses who took me to fight awdp!


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