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[Distributed Advanced] Let's fill in those pits in Redis distributed locks.
2022-08-04 18:30:00 【TodoCoder】
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大家好,我是Coder哥,Recently in preparation for the interview pigeon for a long time,Put an end to the interview,Today let's chat based onRedisLock in the hole.This article analyzed comprehensive,记得点赞收藏哟!!!
在分布式系统开发过程中,A distributed lock is we must to master the basic skills of,分布式锁的实现方式有很多种,redis, zk, mysql, etcd等等,The most common or throughRedis来实现,RedisThe speed is faster and more convenient,But I see a lot of useRedisTo implement distributed lock are more or less the existence of certain defects,Today we will talk on thisRedisThe pit of implementing distributed lock.
In this paper, with the most commonly usedRedis实现为例,分别从The realization of the code level和Distributed architecture level,1 step by step and see what are the implementation of a distributed lock hole.To help your pit,And also can learn the ideas of distributed lock,The interview can be easy to trick the interviewer.
- 如果不存在,setnx会把key 存到redis里面(加锁成功),返回true.
- 如果存在key, That has been tokey上锁了(加锁失败),返回false.
public String redis1() {
// In each instance to add lock,key值为"good_lock",value随机生成
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
try {
// Set the lock as placeholders
Boolean good_lock = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent("good1_lock", uuid);
if (!good_lock) {
return "抢锁失败";
// 加锁成功,执行业务
// 获取商品1的库存 并减一
String goods1 = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("good1");
Integer goods1num = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(goods1) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(goods1);
if (goods1num > 0) {
int realNum = goods1num - 1;
return "购买成功";
return "库存不足,购买失败";
} finally {
Where is this code problem?We can imagine the scene,A service after get the lock,At the time of the execution of business suddenly loses power,At the back of the lock won't get release,那这个key依然在Redis里面,While waiting for the next instance to get the same lock won't always get it.
问题: setnx占好了位,A power failure procedure in the implementation of business process is down, 没有执行删除锁逻辑,这就造成了死锁
解决: 设置过期时间和占位必须是原子的.redis支持使用setnx ex
在上面的代码中,如果程序在运行期间,The machine suddenly hung up,代码层面根本就没有走到finally
加一个过期时间,在RedisSet the expiration time has two ways:
stringRedisTemplate.expire("good1_lock",30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent("good1_lock", uuid, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
第一种方式Is a separate set expiration time,That is first need to set upsetIfAbsent("good1_lock", uuid)
,然后再设置过期时间,So this is a two step,不具备原子性,也会出问题: 比如:Set after the lock down,Haven't had time to set the expiration time,It still can lead to the problems existing in the lock has been.
第二种方式At the same time of lock made set expiration time,所以没有问题,这里采用这种方式,The following code changes:
// Set the lock as placeholders
Boolean good_lock = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent("good1_lock", uuid);
// Set the lock as placeholders
Boolean good_lock = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent("good1_lock", uuid, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
This approach solved the problem of the server downtime can't delete,But we'll take a look at the code,Look at problems but also not to: 比如这样一个场景,实例1
, Then the business processing time is a bit long,处理了15s
, 在第10s
的时候,redisAlready lock release,这个时候实例2
Also for the lockgood1_lock
, 那么实例1
处理完后,Will perform the operation of the lock is released, 这时会把good1_lock
释放掉,The lock is actually实例2
Due to long time to execute released实例2
Due to long time to execute released实例2
Based on the phase 2 code problem,我们可以通过uuid来判断 谁上的锁,谁才能删除
public String redis3() {
// In each instance to be locked before,key值为"good_lock",value随机生成
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
try {
// 加锁并设置超时时间30秒
Boolean good_lock = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent("good1_lock", uuid, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (!good_lock) {
return "抢锁失败";
// 加锁成功,执行业务
// 获取商品1的库存 并减一
String goods1 = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("good1");
Integer goods1num = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(goods1) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(goods1);
if (goods1num > 0) {
int realNum = goods1num - 1;
return "购买成功";
return "库存不足,购买失败";
} finally {
//释放锁 谁上的锁,谁才能删除
if (uuid.equals(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("good1_lock"))) {
The above code defines who the lock on the,谁才能删除,但finally
Delete operation is not atomic operation,Concurrent still has the problem of data consistency when,比如Just the judgment is the current value,正要删除锁的时候,锁已经过期,Then the delete operation is still lock of others,所以我们Need to keep judgment, and delete operations are atomic
问题: 判断 And delete is two operations,不是原子的,有一致性问题.
解决: RedisProvide us withLuaScripts to perform multiple command to ensure that multiple atomic,所以我们可以通过LuaScript to ensure that judgment and delete step two atomic operations.
Based on the phase three code,We do some improvement,删除锁必须保证原子性.使用redis+Lua脚本完成,代码如下:
public String redis4() {
// In each instance to be locked before,key值为"good_lock",value随机生成
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
try {
// 加锁并设置超时时间30秒
Boolean good_lock = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent("good1_lock", uuid, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (!good_lock) {
return "抢锁失败";
// 加锁成功,执行业务
// 获取商品1的库存 并减一
String goods1 = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("good1");
Integer goods1num = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(goods1) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(goods1);
if (goods1num > 0) {
int realNum = goods1num - 1;
return "购买成功";
return "库存不足,购买失败";
} finally {
try {
//释放锁 谁上的锁,谁才能删除, redis+Lua脚本来实现
String script =
"if redis.call('get', KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then " +
"return redis.call('del', KEYS[1]) " +
"else " +
"return 0 " +
RedisScript<String> redisScript = new DefaultRedisScript<>(script);
String delResult = stringRedisTemplate.execute(redisScript,
Collections.singletonList("good1_lock"), Collections.singletonList(uuid));
if ("1".equals(delResult)) {
System.out.println("del redis lock success !");
} else {
System.out.println("del redis lock fail !");
} catch (Exception e) {
The code evolution to the fourth stage,我们解决了加锁、Delete the lock atomicity problem,也解决了Who's who delete the lock on the problem,But there are some scenarios we need to consider,比如:
加锁后,如果超时了,redisAutomatically remove lock,This business actually has not processed the lock is released in advance,这也是个问题.
对于上面的场景,Through simple operation is in front of problem too,We can think about how to deal with:
In fact this problemKey point is the lock automatically remove,那么Way of solving this problem is to automatically lock the lives,Specific we can open a thread to check the expiration date of monitoring lock,When expiring see if business releases the lock,If the lock is released just don't do deal with,如果没有释放锁,We went to the extension of active lock expired time,So you can solve the first problem.The logic of himself is hard to implement,刚好Redis有个框架Redisson
Can help us deal with this problem,We can directly use this framework to deal with.代码如下:
private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;
private Redisson redisson;
/** * 通过RedissonTo ensure that all the problems * @return */
public String redis5() {
RLock lock = redisson.getLock("good1_lock");
try {
// 加锁并设置超时时间10秒
lock.lock(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // 等价于 setIfAbsent("good1_lock",uuid+threadId,10,TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// 加锁成功,执行业务
// 获取商品1的库存 并减一
String goods1 = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("good1");
Integer goods1num = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(goods1) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(goods1);
if (goods1num > 0) {
int realNum = goods1num - 1;
return "购买成功";
return "库存不足,购买失败";
} finally {
实现的原理就是,Through the watchdog mechanism,意思是说,Each time you lock opens aWatchDogThread to monitorredis的锁状态,If the lock is released just don't do deal with,如果没有释放锁,We went to the extension of active lock expired time,对于RedissonIntroduced here is not opened,有兴趣的可以自行搜索.
The distributed architecture implementation level
Finally fast at the end of the day,We start with the realization of the basic step by step analysis,To the final form,Do you think everything is all right,可以高枕无忧了吗?还是太年轻了,The above are based on code level to realize,Can use the code to solve the problem is not problem,Is li programmer,But as a delving into the programmer we alsoTo consider from the aspect of architecture of distributed scene,如下:
众所周知,Redis是基于AP模型的,Cluster is asynchronous replication cause data inconsistency problem,比如:The master node justset好good1_lock, Before the main section could sync to other nodes just hung up the,Thus causing the lock leakage problems.
For the above problem how to deal with???我们可以思考一下:
Now that is distributed level,In code have been settled not so good,We know that distributedCAP原则(一致性、可用性、分区容错性),Redis是满足AP(可用性、分区容错性)的分布式系统,So to solve the problem of this scene,Only with the strong consistencyCP(一致性、分区容错性)A distributed system to deal with,So there are two kinds of the way we handle:
- We can through the algorithm to theredis变为CP模型的,It thus can also be usedRedis了.
- 直接换个CP模型的系统,比如zookeeper.
对于第一种方案 RedLock算法实现
Redisson里面就支持,Just need to build a cluster platform more,Our Lord, for example:
This is to use its own a consistency algorithm Redlock算法
To ensure the consistency of the
- 获取所有的redisson node节点信息,循环向所有的redisson node节点加锁,假设节点数为N,例子中N等于3.
- 如果在N个节点当中,有N/2 + 1个节点加锁成功了,那么整个RedissonRedLock加锁是成功的.
- 如果在N个节点当中,小于N/2 + 1个节点加锁成功,那么整个RedissonRedLock加锁是失败的.
- 如果中途发现各个节点加锁的总耗时,大于等于设置的最大等待时间,则直接返回失败.
This model also has some disadvantages:
- 资源成本比较高.
- Need to add multiple lock,增加了时间成本,降低了并发性.
对于第二种方案 换成CP模型的Zookeeper来实现
So to solve the above problem we need to changezookeeper来实现分布式锁了.具体实现这里就不写了,网上有很多.
对于Redis和zkHow are we going to choose?
我们来看一下The characteristics of the two components:
- zk是保证一致性,Can sacrifice certain availability,And his concurrent ability are far lessRedis.
- Redis Is to ensure availability,So there will be data inconsistency in extreme cases the problem,But his high concurrency ability,使用起来方便.
所以,如果是单机情况下,There is no data consistency problem,It must be the preferredRedis, Cluster down if requiring concurrent business advice also electRedis, If the concurrent request is not high but the high requirement of data consistency can choose zk.
Actually most of our business scenarios are based onCAPModel of thoughts to,We need before consistency and availability are,比如分布式锁就是这样的,We both do not have it all,Either high concurrency,Either high fault tolerant,其他也一样,As a distributed transaction is the same reason.
感谢各位能看到最后,希望本篇的内容对你有帮助,有什么意见或者建议可以留言一起讨论,看到后第一时间回复,也希望大家能给个赞,你的赞就是我写文章的动力,再次感谢.This article analyzed comprehensive,记得点赞收藏哟!!!
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