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[machine learning 03] Lagrange multiplier method

2022-07-07 10:44:00 ECCUSXR



1 The shortest distance from the origin

 2 contour

3 Lagrange multiplier method  

​ edit 4 Lagrange multiplier method   Definition

5 Multiple constraints

4 Extreme value under inequality constraint

5 KTT Conditions

How to understand Lagrange multiplier method ? In optimization problems in Mathematics , Lagrange multiplier method ( With mathematician Joseph · Lagrange named ) It is a method to find the extreme value of multivariate function when its variable is constrained by one or more conditions .https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wpJ3db4fvqe_il6N3AQs4A

How to understand Lagrange multiplier method and KKT Conditions ? This article will continue to introduce the details of Lagrange multiplier method , And promote it properly ( It's called KKT Conditions ).https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SnHGG7ZEZ9SJapPmWhhHpQ 

1 The shortest distance from the origin

  Now we want to find the shortest distance between the point on it and the origin :



 2 contour


3 Lagrange multiplier method  


4 Lagrange multiplier method   Definition



5 Multiple constraints



4 Extreme value under inequality constraint

Look directly at the second link

In the link 4.3 New conditions   about Why under inequality constraints , The first formula above is equal to 0.

The direction of the objective function and the gradient descent function is opposite .

5 KTT Conditions


