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Applet development summary
2022-07-02 10:06:00 【IronKee】
Wechat applet
Recently, I am developing a new small program , It should also be the last project I am responsible for in this company , Mainly made shopping carts place order Product details page home page Promotional advertising pages, etc
Record some development summaries
First wx.request Need to encapsulate , Login also needs to be encapsulated
Secondly, from the perspective of architecture , Common modules and functions need to be extracted
For example, the address list address component is used in the member center and the submit order page , Need to be drawn into components
Address selection component used in shopping cart and product details pages , Need to be drawn into components
And the home page Promotional advertising page Extra cars used in the order page , Then you need to write a public car addition js
As well as submitting the order page and the second payment of the order are used to pay , Need to write a payment js
encapsulation wx.request
use promise encapsulation wx.request
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url: OPTIOIN.url,
method: OPTIOIN.method,
dataType: "json",
header: {
Cookie: loginCookies,
"Content-Type": OPTIOIN.contentType,
data: OPTIOIN.params,
success: async function ({
data, errMsg, statusCode, header = {
} }) {
if (statusCode == 200) {
} else {
fail: function (res) {
title: " Network anomalies , Please try again later !",
icon: "none",
encapsulation request According to the needs of the project , To determine header Whether cache is needed , Do you need to set cookie, There's more http Error code processing , such as 500,302 And so on can be handled here
Set up a safe area
adapter iphonex And above
padding-bottom: calc(100rpx + constant(safe-area-inset-bottom));
padding-bottom: calc(100rpx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom));
ios11 New properties ,constant compatible IOS<11.2,env compatible IOS>11.2
Use... In applets less
Use less It's more convenient
stay xx.wxss New in the same directory xx.less file ,vscode Install plug-ins in Easy LESS, It will compile automatically when saving wxss file
The navigation bar
The navigation bar supports clicking to jump to the corresponding area , Support scrolling to the corresponding area to follow the change
<!-- The navigation bar -->
<view class="nav-content" style="background:rgba(255,255,255,{
tabOpacity}});padding-top: {
<view class="tab-bar" style="opacity:{
<view class="tab-item {
{selectIndex == item.num ? 'tab-select' : ''}} {
{index==0?'tab-item-first':''}}" wx:for="{
{tabBarList}}" wx:key="index" bindtap="jumpTo" data-num="{
{item.num}}" data-area="{
<view class="tab-line"></view>
// After rendering the page , Record graphic details and after-sales location of packaging
// Record graphic details 、 After sales packaging top value
const {
tabBarList } = this.data;
const query = this.createSelectorQuery();
query.exec(function (res) {
if (res[0] && res[0].top) {
item.top = res[0].top;
// Page scrolling , The judgment is greater than 150 after , Show navigation bar , At the same time, judge the scrolling distance to the corresponding area and change the selected subscript
// Page scrolling Events onPageScroll Add anti shake
// onPageScroll: debounce(function (event) {
onPageScroll (event) {
const {
scrollTop } = event;
if (scrollTop > 150) {
tabOpacity: 1, scrollTop })
} else {
tabOpacity: 0, scrollTop })
// Back to tabbar Subscript
let {
tabBarList, selectIndex } = this.data;
let _scrollTop = scrollTop+400;
selectIndex = 2 // Select package after sales
selectIndex = 1 // Select graphic details
// }, 200),
// Click on tab Column jump
jumpTo(e) {
let {
num } = e.currentTarget.dataset
const {
tabBarList } = this.data;
selectIndex: num
scrollTop: tabBarList[num-1].top-110
The applet has a handler for the bottom pull event on the page onReachBottom
When pulled up to the bottom, it will trigger onReachBottom Function to perform the corresponding action . In other words, the applet comes with a function that can capture the user's bottom event . We no longer need to capture user events
Execute within the component onPageScroll perhaps onReachBottom
onPageScroll onReachBottom All are page In the method , How to use it in the component
onPageScroll (e) {
this.selectComponent("#floor-water") && this.selectComponent("#floor-water").pageScroll(e);
onReachBottom (e) {
this.selectComponent("#floor-water") && this.selectComponent("#floor-water").reachBottom(e);
pageScroll (e) {
// Processing logic
reachBottom (e) {
// Processing logic
Select the component to call the method in the component
Click to switch , Automatically scroll to the edge area and leak the next
When you click on the new super spring product , Leak out the next , Let users know that there are categories behind , The same goes for clicking forward
// Set it during initialization id
lifetimes: {
attached: function () {
let navList = this.data.floorData;
item.id = 'id'+index
<scroll-view wx:else class="goods-nav goods-nav-static" scroll-x="true" scroll-into-view="{
<view id="{
{item.id}}" class="goods-nav-item {
{index == activeNavIdx ? 'on' : ''}}" wx:for="{
{navList}}" wx:key="index" bindtap="checkNav" data-item="{
{item}}" data-idx="{
scroll-into-view attribute
// Switch categories
checkNav (e) {
const {
item, idx} = e.currentTarget.dataset;
const {
activeNavId, activeNavIdx, navList } = this.data;
let _activeNavId = activeNavId;
// Judge whether the first and last tabs are clicked , Other cases , Focus on the previous click , Ensure that there is exposure before and after
if(idx+1 == navList.length){
_activeNavId = navList[navList.length-1].id
}else if(idx == 0){
_activeNavId = 'id0'
}else if(idx>activeNavIdx || idx<activeNavIdx){
_activeNavId = navList[idx-1].id
activeNavIdx: idx,
activeNavId: _activeNavId,
Applet payment
If the payment function is required in the applet , That encapsulates a payment js It's necessary to
import API from '../api/index';
const wxPay = function (param) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Call the server to get the payment parameters
let payForm = JSON.parse(payOrder.resStr)
timeStamp: payForm.timeStamp || '',
nonceStr: payForm.nonceStr || '',
package: payForm.package || '',
signType: 'MD5',
paySign: payForm.paySign || '',
success (res) {
if (res.errMsg === 'requestPayment:ok') {
icon: 'none',
title: ' Successful payment ',
fail (res) {
icon: 'none',
title: ' Failure to pay ',
icon: 'none',
title: ' Payment order failed , Please try again later ',
module.exports = {
utilize map duplicate removal
Some promotional information , The same promotional offer returns multiple , Only take the first of its kind , duplicate removal
// duplicate removal
let map = new Map()
promotion.activityList = promotion.activityList.filter((item) => {
return !map.has(item.activityType) && map.set(item.activityType, 1)
split array
Some interfaces only support query at a time 20 Data
// Query promotion information Check at most once 20 individual
let productsList = [' Suppose its length is 100'];
let productsListAll = [];
// Press 20 20 Split
for(var i=0,len=productsList.length;i<len;i+=20){
// Cycle call
productsListAll.forEach(async (item)=>{
let params = {
productsList: item,
const promotions = await API.goods.promotionsTags(params);
// Processing data
To be continued , Keep adding …
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