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[Seaborn] combination chart: facetgrid, jointgrid, pairgrid

2022-07-07 17:02:00 AwesomeTang


Seaborn There are several special combination charts in :FacetGridJointGridPairGrid, It is different from the combination chart we talked about in the previous chapter , These three combined charts are Seaborn The chart combination has been encapsulated according to our commonly used statistical scenarios , We only need to simply bind our data to complete the rendering .


FacetGrid According to our data set dimension Field to quickly copy multiple copies of a chart .

  • When we execute g = sns.FacetGrid(penguins),Seaborn Only an empty coordinate system will be created ;
     Insert picture description here
  • When we add a sex dimension , And by column (col) When going to show , It will become two (Male and Female) Coordinate system ;
g = sns.FacetGrid(penguins
