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Interview questions: how to test app performance?

2022-07-07 22:56:00 Xiaowu knock code

APP Performance testing is almost a must for client interviews .

Why do it App Performance testing

If APP There are always jams or network delays , Reduce the user's favor , Users may abandon this App, For other applications of the same type . If APP It has better performance , High user experience , It is silky and smooth to use , Then the user stickiness of the application will inevitably improve .

What should we do App Performance testing , And what indicators should we pay attention to ?

How do you do it? App Performance testing :

at present , Basically, existing tools are used for performance testing , such as Android studio It has its own tools ,

There are also some open source products from other companies Performance testing tools , There are mainly two kinds , One is self-developed , One is externally provided open source / Rechargeable .

Since the research : Generally, every company has a self-developed platform for collecting performance data , Of course, some are purchased external services , After secondary development, it can be used .

Open source : All major companies have some open source software for free , Some of them are as follows


TraceView yes Android The platform is equipped with a performance analysis tool , Used to analyze and calculate performance , The jam problem caused by the time-consuming tracking method . It presents the results in a graphical way , Intuitively reflect the execution time of the code 、 Number of executions .

How to use : adopt Android studio Self contained traceview You can see it. (Android profiler). Developers use this tool more , Testers generally use other open source App.


A developed by Netease Android Performance monitoring tools , It can monitor the performance of a single application , It also supports the user-defined configuration of the monitoring sampling frequency and real-time display of performance , Finally, a performance statistics file will be generated .

Open source address :https://github.com/NetEase/Emmagee , You can download to Emmagee Installation package and related instructions . Only support Android


GT( On the go ) Is Teng Open source , It supports iOS and Android Two mobile platforms ,

GT Android The version is Tencent MIG Developed by the special test team Android APP Take the test platform with you , It runs directly on the phone “ Integrated commissioning environment ”(ITE, Integrated Test Environment).

utilize GT, Just a cell phone , No need to connect to a computer , That's right APP Perform quick performance tests (CPU、 Memory 、 Traffic 、 Electric quantity 、 Frame rate / Fluency and so on )、 Check the development log 、Crash Log view 、 Network packet capture 、APP Debugging of internal parameters 、 Real code time consumption statistics, etc .

Open source address :https://github.com/Tencent/GT


Alipay open source Android Automation tools , Mainly recording and playback 、 Performance testing 、 Three main functions of one machine and multi control .

Recording and playback :SoloPi Have the ability to record operations , Users only need to pass SoloPi Perform use case steps ,SoloPi You can record the user's actions , And support playback on various devices , All this can be done independently on the mobile phone .

Performance testing : SoloPi Be able to record various indicators of the application to be tested , You can observe the real-time updated data in the floating window , You can also record performance data , View the chart after recording ; meanwhile ,Soloπ It also supports performance , Can be right CPU、 Memory limit , Replication is used in poor performance 、 Performance in poor network environment .

One machine with multiple controls :SoloPi It supports controlling multiple slave devices by operating one host device , There is no need to repeat redundant compatibility tests on each device , It can greatly improve the efficiency of compatibility testing .

Open source address :https://github.com/alipay/SoloPi/wiki/Performance

These are the common performance testing tools on the market , You can choose according to your own needs . The author recently used SoloPi.

APP What metrics do performance tests focus on

1、 Time to start

App The time it takes to start is an important time for us , It is also divided into hot start and cold start

The test start-up time depends on human judgment , Usually we record it on the screen , Then use the framing tool to Do a detailed time-consuming analysis of the screen rendering process at startup .

advantage : Can give real feedback App Time consuming ; No intrusion , Offline analysis , Fine analysis of competitive products

shortcoming : Judging time depends more on human eyes , Automated tools cannot judge .

2、 Power consumption per unit time 、 Network traffic consumption per unit time

3、 Utilization of mobile terminal related resources : Not just on the server side CPU、 Memory 、 disk I/O、 Network is an important part of performance testing , The mobile end CPU、 Memory is also one of the things we need to pay attention to .

cpu Focus on the runtime cpu Share and background cpu Occupancy rate

Memory Enter the memory increment under a business scenario , and Perform state purchase on multiple links Total memory consumption

4、 Business response time 、 Frame rate (fps): Due to the special structure of human beings , When the frame rate of the picture is higher than 24 When , It would be considered coherent .fps The higher the , The smoother the picture .

FPS Divided into sliding FPS, If video is involved / Animation / live broadcast , And the of the business runtime FPS,

above , Yes APP The performance test is briefly introduced , Learned about common tools and performance indicators , The next thing to learn is how to design APP Performance test cases 、APP The execution of performance tests and the preparation of reports ~

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