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C # realizes the communication between Modbus protocol and PLC

2022-07-07 22:30:00 Eva215665

The project needs to use C# Write an upper computer , use Modbus/TCP Deal with the PLC signal communication , Control the start and stop of servo motor 、 Speed, etc .D:\Code\C#\ConsoleApp1

1. obtain PLC Of IP Address

To be continued ...


“ start-up ” The code for is as follows ,btn_stop_Click yes “ start-up ” The code corresponding to this button , Start a new thread , The actual code is StopEnginer Function

        private void btn_stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Control the motor to stop 
            Thread t = new Thread(StopEnginer) {
     IsBackground = true };
private void StopEnginer()
            string cmd_str = "0105081E0000";
            //01 Slave address salve address
            //05 Function code   Write a single coil function WriteSingleCoil( Open source communication library Nmodbus)
            //Nmodbus  Address https://github.com/NModbus/NModbus
            //081E Is to write a single coil address , Refer to delta PLC Application Manual 161 page DVP Device communication address and x Work for excel surface 
            //081E = M30 Is the address to control start and stop 
            //0000 The last four bits are the values written 
            // string cmd_str = (tbx_cmdString.Text).ToUpper();

            ushort[] returnValues = new ushort[30];
            // The string cmd_str Cut into addresses 、 Function code 、 Write address 、 Write the value 
            byte address = Convert.ToByte(cmd_str.Substring(0, 2), 16);
            byte Function = Convert.ToByte(cmd_str.Substring(2, 2), 16);
            ushort start = Convert.ToUInt16(cmd_str.Substring(4, 4), 16);
            ushort values = Convert.ToUInt16(cmd_str.Substring(8, 4), 16);
            Console.WriteLine(" This is the call of the fault platform stop process ");
                bool value_TrueOrFalse = Convert.ToUInt16(values) == 0xFF00;
                // call WriteSingleCoil function 
                master.WriteSingleCoil(address, start, value_TrueOrFalse);
            catch (Exception ex)

The code is explained as follows , need Modbus agreement 、PLC Knowledge of communication protocols , as well as PLC Address table . For the project PLC The model is delta DELTA DVP series

1. PLC Address table

name Corresponding delta DVP series PLC Address
Speed setting D520
Torque setting D502
Real time speed D46
Real time torque D26
Start stop M30
Torque meter range D410
Speed range D414
Loader range D422
PLC Digital quantity D418
Speed coefficient D426
Servo acceleration time D504
Servo deceleration time D506
Acceleration and deceleration coefficient D508

among , It controls the start and stop of the motor PLC The address is M30. Delta DVP series PLC in ,S, X, D, M Equal representation PLC device ( Should be the same PLC Related to the internal structure ?? They represent different coil areas ? I'm not sure ), Anyway, I know the address M30 Just OK 了 .
Now check M30 What is the corresponding hexadecimal code address , Because with C to PLC When sending a signal , It needs to be sent in hexadecimal number . The following table is from Delta PLC Application Manual ( as thick as 743 page ) No 161 page , It can be seen that ,M30 stay 000~255 This area , The area is encoded in hexadecimal 08 start , further ,30 The hexadecimal of is 1e, therefore ,PLC Address M30 The hexadecimal address of is 0x081e, among 0x For hexadecimal . Allied ,256~511 The address of this area , Its code is in hexadecimal 09 start ,256~511 They correspond to each other 0x00 ~ 0xFF. for example ,M267, Its hexadecimal address is calculated as :267-256=11,11 The hexadecimal of is 0b, therefore M267 The hexadecimal address of is 0x090b.
 Insert picture description here
This project PLC The communication with the host computer uses an open source communication library NModbus , Download address https://github.com/NModbus/NModbus.
stay VS2017 in , You can download and install in the following ways :
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Insert picture description here
After downloading , Define member variables in the corresponding business processing classes

private NModbus.IModbusMaster master;

after , call IModbusMaster Member functions of can communicate , You can see IModbusMaster Some of them are commonly used API Function as follows .
 Insert picture description here
In this case , Will use WriteSingleCoil Function to M30 Write data to the address , Control the start and stop of the motor .WriteSingleCoil The function prototype of is void WriteSingleCoil(byte slaveAddress, ushort coilAddress, bool value);, Three parameters ,slaveAddress,coilAddress It represents the slave station address and coil address respectively , The types are byte and ushort,vlaue It's Boolean , Its value is trueorfalse. to PLC Of M30 The code of the address sending signal starting motor is as follows .

public void start() // to PLC Of M30 Address sends a signal to start the motor 
        byte slaveAddress = 1; // Unit identifier 
        ushort coilAddress = 0x81e; // Initial address 
        bool value = true;
        master.WriteSingleCoil(slaveAddress, coilAddress, value);
        // void WriteSingleCoil(byte slaveAddress, ushort coilAddress, bool value); The function prototype 

2. DELTA DVP series PLC Communication protocol details

Translated from DELTA DVP series PLC Official documents
Communication data framework (Communication Data Frame) as follows :
 Insert picture description here
Explain the following :

  • STX: Start character , by “:”
  • ADR1 and ADR0: mailing address , from 2 individual ASCII Code composition , The valid mailing address range is 0…31.
  • CMD1 and CMD0: Command code , from 2 individual ASCII Code composition , To tell PLC What tasks should be performed . This series of PLC The command code of Modbus Some function codes of the Protocol ,Modbus The agreement is shown in the table below . complete Modbus See... For the agreement xxxx. In the table Description yes PLC Corresponding components
01Read Coil Status Read coil status Get the current state of a set of logic coils (on/off)S, Y, M, T, C
02Read Input Status Read input status Gets the current state of a set of switch inputs (on/off)S,X,Y,M,T,C
03Read Holding Registers Read holding register Gets the current binary value in one or more holding registers T,C,D
05Force Single Coil Forced single coil Force the on-off state of a logic coil S,Y,M,T,C
06Preset Signle Register Preset single register Load the specific binary into a holder T,C,D
15Force Multiple Coils Forced multi coil Force the on / off of a series of continuous logic coils S,Y,M,T,C
16Preset Multiple Register Preset Multiple Registers Put the specific binary value into a series of continuous hold T,C,D
17Report Slave IDNone
  • DATA(0)~DATA(n-1): Data content to be sent ,DATA The format of characters depends on the function code . The content of the data includes n individual 8 Bit data , from 2n individual ASCII Code composition ( One 8-bit Data from 2 individual ASCII Code said ),n<=37, therefore DATA Maximum can contain 74 individual ASCII code

Example :Reading Coils T20~T27 from slave device 01, Slave device address 01 Start reading the coil T20-T27 The content in , altogether 8 Bytes (8 words)
PC issue PLC Code for
PC→PLC “:01 03 06 14 00 08 DA CR LF”
The code is parsed as follows :

Field NameExample(Hex)
Slave Address01
Command code03
Starting Address Hi06
Starting Address Lo14
Number of Points Hi00
Number of points Lo08
Error Check (LRC)DA
End character 1CR
End character 2LF

PLC Send to PC Code for :
:01 03 10 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 07 00 08 B8 CR LF
The code is parsed as follows :

Field NameExample(Hex)
Slave Address01
Command code03
Bytes Count10
Data Hi(T20)00
Data Lo (T20)01
Data Hi (T21)00
Data Lo (T21)02
Data Hi (T22)00
Data Lo (T22)03
Data Hi (T23)00
Data Lo (T23)04
Data Hi (T24)00
Data Lo (T24)05
Data Hi (T25)00
Data Lo (T25)06
Data Hi (T26)00
Data Lo (T26)07
Data Hi (T27)00
Data Lo (T27)08
Error Check (LRC)C8

LRC(Longitudinal Redundancy Check) Longitudinal redundancy check ,

DELTA DVP Series of PLC The device address of

