/ include iostream / include algorithm / include cstring using namespace std; const int maxn = 10000; struct BigInt { BigInt int x = 0 { memset arr, 0...
2022-07-07 07:33【昨夜太平长安_】
/ include iostream / include string / include algorithm using namespace std; const int maxn = 1000; int A maxn , B maxn , C maxn ; int main { string a...
2022-07-07 07:33【昨夜太平长安_】
IPv4套接字地址结构通常也称为“网络套接字地址结构”,它以 sockaddr in 命名,定义在 netinet/in.h in addr 头文件中 // Internet address. / / typedef uint32 t in addr t; struct in addr { in...
2022-07-07 07:41【zimingxiayi】
在平安城市规划建设中,应急指挥与智能监控系统根据选用监控设备在二维在线地图上显示信息的方法,可以保持集视频监控系统、GIS、GPS定位、周边预防 如采电子脉冲、振动光缆电缆等 、目标识别、智能视频、视频语音通讯、指挥调度系统等多种技术为一体的大中型综合性智能安防服务平台。 ...
2022-07-07 07:42【ztmap2020】
1、Guid算法 或UUID算法 生成一个全局唯一的Id。适合于分布式系统,在进行多数据库数据合并的时候很简单。 优点:简单,高并发,全局唯一 缺点:磁盘空间占用大 2、Guid值不连续。使用Guid类型做主键的时候,不能把主键设置为聚集索引。因为聚集索引是按照顺序保存主键的,因此用Guid做主键性...
2022-07-07 07:47【算盘】
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阅读更多This article explains the complex relationship between MCU, arm, muc, DSP, FPGA and embedded system
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2022-07-07 10:11【m0_ fifty-nine million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand fou】
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2022-07-07 10:11【m0_ fifty-nine million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand fou】
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2022-07-07 10:11【m0_ fifty-nine million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand fou】
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2022-07-07 10:11【m0_ fifty-nine million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand fou】
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2022-07-07 10:11【m0_ fifty-nine million nine hundred and forty-nine thousand fou】
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The safety helmet of an electric car or motorcycle can be used all the time as long as it is not damaged ?7 month 8 What is the answer to the daily q...
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