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The story of Plato and his three disciples: how to find happiness? How to find the ideal partner?

2022-07-07 10:10:00 Your beloved brother Qiang

Plato's three disciples ( Knowledge popularization : Plato's master is Socrates , One apprentice is Aristotle ) Once asked the teacher for advice , I don't know how to find the ideal partner . Plato didn't answer directly , Instead, he took his disciples to a cornfield , Let them walk in the wheat field , Each person picks the biggest corn , You can't go back , And you can only pick one .

The first of the three disciples picked what he thought was the biggest corn before he took a few steps , It turns out that there are bigger ones behind ; The second disciple has been looking left and right , Pick things up , It was not until the end that I found , The first few biggest corn have been missed ;

The third disciple learned the first two lessons , When he walked the distance 1/3 when , That is to say, separate out the big ones 、 in 、 Small three kinds of corn , To walk again 1/3 Verify whether it is correct , Until the end 1/3 when , He chose a beautiful corn that belongs to the general category .

From this story , In fact, we should learn to think , Learn to empathize . When we hold corn in hand and look for the next bigger corn in the wheat field , Don't we also have corn in our hands ? We are also held by someone , Standing on mailong , look right and left , Those eyes looking for happiness , Lost in gold , Lest you lose the biggest corn , In the end , Only hasty picking , And can't get real happiness .


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