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Detailed explanation of Kalman filter for motion state estimation

2022-07-07 07:49:00 Tom Hardy

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Author Jia Hao (SLAM Algorithm engineer )@ You know

Source https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/395738793

Editor: amu Laboratory

Today, I will mainly record my study of robot motion state estimation , The sequence of particle filter and Kalman filter is slightly adjusted , Mainly considering the difficulty of learning and understanding , Step by step .

Then the main outline is as follows :

1、 Kalman filtering (kalman Filter,KF) Principles and formulas

2、 Classic Kalman filter application and simple code implementation

3、 Extended Kalman filter (Extended kalman Filter EKF) principle

4、 Unscented Kalman filter (Unscented Kalman Filter,UKF) principle

As for particle filter and Monte Carlo location method , Because it overlaps with some ideas of Unscented Kalman filter , But it's another way .

1、 Kalman filter principle and formula





2、 Kalman filter case analysis and simple code implementation


int main()
    //predict para
    double ori_gauss = 3;
    double pre_gauss = 4;//inherent deviation
    double step_gauss;
    double pre_data;
    //observation para
    double ob_gauss = 4;//inherent deviation
    double ob_data;
    //kalman filter para
    double gain_K;
    //pre & ob process data in 
    pre_data = 23;
    ob_data = 25;
    //kalman filter process
    step_gauss = pow((pow(ori_gauss,2)+pow(pre_gauss,2)),0.5);
    gain_K = pow(pow(step_gauss,2)/(pow(step_gauss,2)+pow(ob_gauss,2)),0.5);
    pre_data = pre_data + gain_K*(ob_data - pre_data);
    ori_gauss = pow((1 - gain_K) * pow(step_gauss,2),0.5);
    //data output
    std::cout << "Kalman gain is : " << gain_K <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "prediction is : " << pre_data <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "new gauss deviation is : " << ori_gauss <<std::endl;
    //data renew
    pre_data = pre_data;//if have new pre then replace, or use old one but easier diffuse
    ob_data = ob_data;//new ob replace
    return 0;

I wrote a , Verified single frame advance , Specific iterations and requirements are based on your use Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V, Well understood. , Don't go into details .

If applied to multidimensional scenarios , For example, robot posture analysis , It involves more C++ application , Often use such as Eigen,Vector Such as the library , Follow up on specific applications SLAM analysis .

3、 Extended Kalman filter (Extended kalman Filter EKF)




4、 Unscented Kalman filter (Unscented Kalman Filter,UKF)




UKF summary

UKF The advantages of , lie in ① It does not have derivatives in analytical form and complex equations ;② Its solution uses basic linear algebra , We don't even need any closed-loop form of motion or observation models , It can be understood as black box operation .

And EKF Taylor's first-order expansion calculation is different from Jacobian calculation ,UKF The cost of computing to convergence depends on sigmapoint The selection and initial state of .

The above is about KF,EKF,UKF Theoretical explanation and partial geometric understanding of , And gives KF An application reference code of , When the system is complex , Introduce more constraints to participate in the operation , It works better , Relevant code can be written according to different needs .

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