img https://img mid.csdnimg.cn/release/static/image/mid/ask/688238975656114.png?x oss process=image/auto orient,1/resize,w 320,m lfit img https://img...
2022-07-07 09:37【CSDN问答】
img https://img mid.csdnimg.cn/release/static/image/mid/ask/415477285656119.jpg?x oss process=image/auto orient,1/resize,w 320,m lfit 我很想知道这么操作外键设置为什...
2022-07-07 09:38【CSDN问答】
阅读更多sink 消费 到 MySQL, 数据库表里面已经设置了 自增主键, flink 里面,如何 操作?
2022-07-07 09:42【阿里云问答】
阅读更多大佬们有没有人遇到过 flink oracle cdc,读取一个没有更新操作的表,隔十几秒就重复读取
大佬们有没有人遇到过 flink oracle cdc,读取一个没有更新操作的表,隔十几秒就重复读取全量数据是怎么回事呀
2022-07-07 09:42【阿里云问答】
问下flinkcdc2.2.0的版本,支持并发,这个并发是指多并行度吗,现在发现,mysqlcdc全量同步设置1个并行度ok, 全量数据同步完后,增量数据正常同步; 如果是设置多并行度的同步全量的话没问题,增量部分就会有问题
2022-07-07 09:42【阿里云问答】
阅读更多相机标定(2): 单目相机标定总结
1. 坐标系变换回顾 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/8c201231cad741999476e6b0f097e520.png pic center 首先世界坐标系通过旋转、平移矩阵变换为相机坐标系 相机坐标系通过相似三角形(小孔成像原理),将相机坐标系转换为图像坐标系,这...
2022-07-07 09:41【@BangBang】
阅读更多相机标定(1): 单目相机标定及张正友标定基本原理
为什么需要标定相机 相机的数学意义: 真实世界是三维的,拍摄照片是二维的 相机( 看成一个广义函数 ):输入三维场景,输出是二维图片(灰度值) 彩色图是 RGB 三通道,每个通道可以认为是一张灰度图 函数(映射关系)是不可逆的 ,也就是说我们无法从二维照片恢复出三维世界 二维照片没有深度信息 ht...
2022-07-07 09:41【@BangBang】
3d7f85dcc76e5ef7c114e88c35befba6.jpeg https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/img convert/3d7f85dcc76e5ef7c114e88c35befba6.jpeg 过去一段时间以来,脑极体围绕“女性科技”探讨了不少话题,结合一些反...
2022-07-07 09:42【脑极体】
****** 哈喽 大家好,我是【IT邦德】,江湖人称jeames007,10年DBA工作经验 中国DBA联盟成员,一位上进心十足的【大数据领域博主】 *** 中国DBA联盟 ACDU 成员,目前从事DBA及程序编程 擅长主流数据Oracle、MySQL、PG 运维开发,备份恢复,安装迁移,性能优化...
2022-07-07 09:44【IT邦德】
2022-07-07 09:44【fofo~】
阅读更多Internet Protocol
/ / Internet agreement – Generalization : From top to bottom , The closer you get to the user , The lower it goes, the closer it gets to the ha...
2022-07-07 11:31【Full stack programmer webmaster】
阅读更多Use references
/ / / Using a reference / / Scene one : Traverse an array to get a new data structure / / Maybe you'll write : “ // Declare a new array , Assembl...
2022-07-07 11:32【Full stack programmer webmaster】
阅读更多Software design - "high cohesion and low coupling"
Coupling degree One 、 What is coupling Software Design The degree of coupling and cohesion are usually used as the criteria to measure the ...
2022-07-07 11:32【Full stack programmer webmaster】
阅读更多What is high cohesion and low coupling?
cause : Module independence means that each module only completes the independent sub functions required by the system , And it has the least connect...
2022-07-07 11:32【Full stack programmer webmaster】
阅读更多Some opinions and code implementation of Siou loss: more powerful learning for bounding box regression zhora gevorgyan
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2022-07-07 11:32【Optimistic, medium】
阅读更多About how to install mysql8.0 on the cloud server (Tencent cloud here) and enable local remote connection
Here we use the pagoda , First, find the installation method of pagoda suitable for personal environment on the pagoda official website and install i...
2022-07-07 11:32【Optimistic, medium】
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First, in the VSCode Use the shortcut key crtl+shift+p Open the command panel , Input json find open settings The option to https://img blog.csdni...
2022-07-07 11:32【Optimistic, medium】
阅读更多Various uses of vim are very practical. I learned and summarized them in my work
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2022-07-07 11:32【Full stack programmer webmaster】
阅读更多VIM command mode and input mode switching
vi Editor vi yes UNIX And the class UNIX Environment can be used to create a file screen editor .vi There are two working modes : Command mode and te...
2022-07-07 11:32【Full stack programmer webmaster】
阅读更多In SQL, I want to set foreign keys. Why is this problem
img https://img mid.csdnimg.cn/release/static/image/mid/ask/415477285656119.jpg?x oss process=image/auto orient,1/resize,w 320,m lfit I'd like to kn...
2022-07-07 11:33【CSDN Q & A】
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Catalog The harvest of reading %E8%AF%BB%E4%B9%A6%E7%9A%84%E6%94%B6%E8%8E%B7 plan %E8%AE%A1%E5%88%92 Mind mapping notes %E6%80%9D%E7%BB%B4%E5...
MongoDB How to create and delete a database 、 Create delete table 、 Data addition, deletion, modification and query This article mainly introduces ...
最长上升子序列模型 AcWing 1017. 怪盗基德的滑翔翼 原题链接 AcWing 1017. 怪盗基德的滑翔翼 算法标签 DP 线性DP 最长上升子序列 思路 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/1ef97ffe405c4d40a5b46aa3fbd49dc6.png...
Preface Manually set variables 3 Automatically get the value and fill it in dynamically 8 Pass on token token 9 Pass on Authorization Authori...
Talking about cloud computing , I believe we are all familiar , We can not only in the news media 、 I saw it in the Internet Report , In fact, clo...
*Auteur: Un gros chat 1201 63726869?spm=1000.2115.3001.5343 *Colonne:《STM32Apprendre》 *Devise:Tu n'as qu'à essayer.,Laisse le reste. Veuillez ajout...
Recently, a friend asked word2vec What's the matter , So I reviewed the relevant knowledge again , Record some of your thoughts , Prevent forgetting ...
The selector is as follows : https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/b3159d3c6f5d4cd1a9ea94d87c7b4e3d.png?x oss process=image/watermark,type d3F5LXplbmhlaQ,shado...
The first 9 section . Modifying data 1. insert sentence insert Statement to add a new row to the table , Here are insert The most basic form of a...
路由信息协议其中涉及一个重要的算法,贝尔曼 福特算法。 与选路有关的关键点是开销值,注意:不同路由协议之间比较开销值是没有意义的,这是因为不同协议的评判标准不一样。 RIP是以跳数(经过路由器转发数)作为开销的评判标准,RIP的工作半径为15跳,如果一条路由开销值达到16跳时,则将认定目标网段不可达...