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Interpreting the practical application of maker thinking and mathematics curriculum

2022-07-07 08:17:00 Gerwustan robot

Maker thinking is a kind of reverse thinking , Think about the solution to the problem in the opposite direction ; Maker thinking is a kind of differential thinking , Break the shackles of experience , A way of thinking that makes connections for things that are obviously different ; Think that maker thinking is centralized thinking and divergent thinking 、 Analytical thinking and intuitive thinking 、 Dialectical unity of vertical thinking and horizontal thinking ; Professor he Kekang believes that innovative thinking is based on intuitive thinking 、 Image thinking 、 Logical thinking 、 Dialectical thinking 、 Horizontal and vertical thinking and divergent thinking . From the analysis of scholars , Innovative thinking covers a wide range , After analysis and comparison , It is concluded that the key ability of innovative thinking is reverse thinking 、 Transformation thinking and game thinking are the three thinking abilities .

My research group has designed and developed mathematics innovative thinking courses to cultivate these three thinking abilities . There are similarities between mathematics innovative thinking curriculum and mathematics curriculum in primary and secondary schools , They are all courses related to mathematical logical thinking , It can cultivate students' mathematical logical thinking ability , It can also promote and improve students' ability to ask questions — Find out 、 To analyze problems — reflection 、 solve the problem — Ability to use, etc . But there are also great differences between them , This article mainly from the nature of the course 、 Course objectives 、 Course objects 、 Course content 、 Curriculum form and curriculum evaluation .

Course nature . Mathematics courses in primary and secondary schools are compulsory courses , It is to meet the needs of students' personal development and social progress , It is to meet the necessary mathematical preparation as a future citizen , Mathematics course is a course that only contains mathematical knowledge , Only study single subject content ; In order to meet students' interest in learning and further improve their mathematical logical thinking ability , As a comprehensive practical course, mathematics innovative thinking course 、 Elective practical courses came into being , It not only contains mathematical thoughts , It also includes science 、 technology 、 The integration of engineering and Art .
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Course objectives . Mathematics courses in primary and secondary schools are based on the popularization of new mathematical knowledge to students , Cultivate students' logical thinking ability , Ask questions mathematically 、 Ability to analyze and solve problems , Enhance students' rational thinking ability and innovative consciousness , Its focus is on imparting knowledge ; And the course of mathematical innovative thinking is not to teach students new mathematical knowledge , It is based on students' existing mathematical cognitive level , Put forward problems that can be solved with students' current knowledge level , It's not that you haven't mastered the knowledge content in this regard , It's the consequence of thinking defects , The key is to cultivate and improve thinking ability , And take this to break through the previous habitual thinking and obsolete thinking .

Course objects . Mathematics courses in primary and secondary schools are for all primary and secondary students , The mathematical creative thinking course is a comprehensive practical course for middle school students who are interested in logical thinking and creative thinking . Course content . The content of mathematics curriculum in primary and secondary schools is arranged according to the Curriculum Standards ; The content of mathematics creative thinking course is based on students' existing cognitive level and experience 、 Students' interests and habits to choose topics , It is influenced by school 、 Teachers, regions and other factors , It was finally determined after several rounds of screening by experts .

Course form . Mathematics courses in primary and secondary schools are mainly taught , The teacher finished talking about the content of mathematical knowledge , Students practice relevant knowledge points ; The mathematical innovative thinking course is mostly carried out in the form of discussion, exploration and hands-on practice , We should expand our thinking on a theme 、 Hands-on practice 、 Share experiences, etc . Course evaluation . The evaluation methods of mathematics courses in primary and secondary schools mostly take examinations as the main measurement standard ; And the mathematics creative thinking course focuses more on the learning process of students , Include : Student participation in the classroom 、 Learning attitude 、 The situation , Performance in the group and peer evaluation .

This course is taught through knowledge and skills 、 Process and method 、 The three dimensional goals of emotional attitude and values are implemented at the same time , In order to fully implement the three dimensional goals , It needs to be carried out from the following points : Understand the three thinking abilities contained in mathematical innovative thinking : Transforming thinking ability 、 Reverse transformation thinking ability and game thinking ability , According to examples, we can judge which category of thinking it belongs to , Can cite several corresponding cases and explain the ideas contained therein , Be able to consciously apply his thinking mode to solve problems in life and learning ; In the learning process of cases and knowledge , Cultivate and strengthen students' good sense of independent inquiry and teamwork , Strengthen logical thinking ability and innovative thinking ability , Let students learn from cases 、 Knowledge learning benefits from many aspects ; Let students realize that the relationship between learning and life of knowledge content is inseparable , Through life and learning , It can more effectively promote the absorption of knowledge 、 Apply and strengthen , Cultivate interdisciplinary problem-solving ability 、 Rigorous thinking habits and rational thinking 、 Innovative thinking and logical thinking , Improve students' ability to find problems 、 Ability to analyze and solve problems , Enhance students' awareness of applying knowledge in life , Expand students' horizons . The ultimate goal of this course is to cultivate and improve students' innovative thinking and logical thinking ability .

Through the teaching of this lesson , We are right. STEAM Education has explored , Integrate multiple disciplines , Good results have been achieved . in general , This class has the following characteristics : Situational teaching , Close to life . The whole activity is based on “ gold necklace ” The theme of , It not only includes training in thinking , You still need to do it by yourself . It fully stimulates students' learning passion , Reduce the time of boring study , The cases listed are also examples in daily life , Effectively guide students to generate awareness of applied knowledge , Experience the application value of knowledge ; With “ gold necklace ” The theme of , Let students learn by doing , Inspire and guide students to think actively , And let students discuss and communicate in groups , To improve yourself ; Show in groups , Evaluate the results of the team , Fully show your team and personal style , In order to respect students' labor achievements , Provide a platform for students to state and display excellent works ; Focus on feedback , Continuously improve , At the end of this class , Group discussion , Express your feelings after watching the results of other groups , Put forward the areas for improvement of the finished products of your group , And after the group discussion , Further improve the group work .

in summary , Mathematical maker thinking is based on STEAM The educational concept unfolds , Take mathematics as the main line , Interspersed with knowledge of different disciplines , Integrate subject content . Teachers as the leading , Play a guiding role , Help students complete the cultivation and improvement of their abilities . Students are the main body , So that students can fully mobilize their enthusiasm , Take the initiative to learn courses to enhance personal innovative thinking ability . This course divides the cultivation of innovative thinking into three parts , They are reverse thinking ability 、 Transformation thinking ability and game thinking ability . Improve students' interdisciplinary problem-solving ability through a variety of interdisciplinary ways , Training strengthens students' ability to improve four aspects , Four aspects are : Raise questions 、 Find the problem 、 Analyze and solve problems .


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