请问,PTS对数据库压测有好方案么? 采纳答案1: pts场景支持jdbc协议压测,添加节点时选择jdbc节点。 此答案来自钉钉群“PTS用户交流群”
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2022-07-07 14:02【Alibaba cloud Q & A】
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2022-07-07 14:02【Alibaba cloud Q & A】
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Here is the custom directory title Welcome to use Markdown Editor Markdown 2 New changes 33333 33333 6 Function shortcut 19 Create a reasonab...
1. Business module ''' file name :calc.py''' class Calc1: def init self, a, b : self.a = a self.b = b def multiply self : x = self.a / self.b return...
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