2022-07-06 23:42:00 【MonkeyKing_sunyuhua】
select julianday(b.UsageStartDate)-julianday(a.UsageStartDate),a.UsageStartDate,a.UsageEndDate from (
select * from (select Row_Number() over ( order by UsageStartDate ) as RN , * from "north1-nx-billing" where LinkedAccountId = '621933488636' and ResourceId = 'i-0f2bf6bb9eab43dd5' and UsageType like '%HeavyUsage:m5.large' ORDER BY UsageStartDate
) where rn%2=0 ) a
inner join
select * from (select Row_Number() over ( order by UsageStartDate ) as RN , * from "north1-nx-billing" where LinkedAccountId = '621933488636' and ResourceId = 'i-0f2bf6bb9eab43dd5' and UsageType like '%HeavyUsage:m5.large' ORDER BY UsageStartDate
) where rn%2<>0 ) b on a.rn=b.rn-1
知识点: 使用sqlite的窗口函数
select 自己要查询的字段 from (
select * from (select Row_Number() over ( order by UsageStartDate ) as RN , + 自己的查询sql
) where rn%2=0 ) a
inner join
select * from (select Row_Number() over ( order by UsageStartDate ) as RN , + 和上面一样的查询SQL
) where rn%2<>0 ) b on a.rn=b.rn-1
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