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STM32 and motor development (from stand-alone version to Networking)

2022-07-07 09:19:00 Embedded - old fee

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        As a stand-alone device , Whether used alone , It is also used together with the upper computer . In essence , Are isolated systems . On this basis , We can think about it , Can we build a networked system on a stand-alone system . By adding new variables , Stand in a higher dimension to find and solve problems . Here is just an exploration and analysis .

1、 Collect data from the stand-alone system

        Traditional stand-alone system , Data is isolated , Can you collect data from each single system , Predict faults in advance through centralized processing 、 Prevent failure .

2、 edition OTA upgrade

        At present, cars are used most in this field , For car manufacturers , Version upgrade can fix many bug, This must be a good thing . But what needs to be considered is , What can consumers get from it ?

3、 Public cloud service system

        Now many systems can be completed directly through web pages . for instance , Circuit board pcb The draw , Previously, these can only be completed on stand-alone software , Now you can complete it with a browser . Whether it's windows、linux still mac System , As long as there's a browser , You can draw a circuit diagram , It's very convenient . therefore , We can think about , For common services , Can it be transferred to ECS for processing 、 To complete .

        Of course, if the embedded system has real-time requirements , Then you can only transfer the non real-time part to the cloud server .

4、 Local cloud service system

        Except for gongyouyun , Another kind of system is local cloud service . For example, in a community camera monitor , The road gate system in a community, etc , These can be made into local LAN server systems . Of course , If the internal network of the community is arranged in advance , These can be made into private clouds ; If the network itself is not perfect , It is estimated that the public cloud is still needed . Of course , With the help of public cloud system , Security and privacy , This is very important .

5、 Expansion of derivative Services

        Traditional unmanned aerial vehicles , Or take photos , Or for entertainment . Few people will think of using it to make other kinds of patterns . There is now a form of commercial performance , Is to use the unified scheduling method , Let hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles build very complex shapes . News in this regard , You should always learn from the news media . So after embedded devices have Networks , It has the possibility to expand more businesses .

6、 Compatibility with existing devices

        Network on new devices 、 On the cloud , This is not a very complicated thing , Then for the stock equipment , Is it possible to use some kind of Technology , Let their data be displayed on the ECS . For businesses , It is impossible to abandon the old equipment that has been invested . So how to use new technology to digitally transform these old assets , This itself has a large market . Can do this , We need more than a single embedded system , But a comprehensive 、 comprehensive 、 Solutions that can be painlessly compatible with existing systems , Only in this way can we free ourselves from the mire of competition , Do something really meaningful .

        As a designer , Or architects , We should not only focus on technology itself , It should take technology as a means , Create greater value through system design and overall services . Compared with this , It's not so important to use what language to develop .


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