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WordPress collection plug-in automatically collects fake original free plug-ins

2022-07-06 00:54:00 147SEO

How to use free wordpress Collection plug-in Optimize the keywords of the website to the home page quickly , Contains all the SEO Optimize features , Support the use of all websites . Why do websites do SEO Optimize , Can't you do it ? Of course not . Today's development of the Internet , More and more people use search engines to understand a brand or product . If you only have a website without optimization , So users can't find your website , It doesn't make any sense to make a website .SEO Optimization is not only to optimize the website itself , And it can let more potential users know about our products , Can produce a range of benefits , At present, many enterprise websites have specially recruited people to do SEO Optimize , But most of the results are not ideal , Traffic and ranking are very few . In fact, the general enterprise website competition itself is very low , As long as you know the basic optimization steps , So getting a good ranking will only be a matter of time .


1、  The initial content of the website must be original , Because one of the criteria of search engine's initial audit of the website is to observe whether the content of your website is the original content , And regularly update the content of the website . These are the reasons why websites become search engines . Operate in consideration of relatively high-quality website images , This will lay a solid foundation for future optimization .


Today, let's share a way to quickly create original and high-quality articles wordpress Collection plug-in This kind of wordpress Collection plug-in No need to learn more expertise , Content data can be easily collected in a few simple steps , Users only need to be in wordpress Collection plug-in Make simple settings on , After completion wordpress Collection plug-in The accuracy of keyword matching will be set according to the user's content , You can choose to save locally or publish after pseudo original , It provides convenient and fast content collection, pseudo original publishing website push service !!


Relative to others wordpress Collection plug-in This kind of wordpress Collection plug-in There is basically no threshold , It doesn't take a lot of time to learn regular expressions or html label , You can get started in one minute. You only need to input keywords to realize collection (wordpress Collection plug-in At the same time, it is also equipped with keyword acquisition function ). Hang up all the way ! Set the task to automatically execute the collection pseudo original publishing push task . Hundreds, thousands of different CMS All websites can realize unified management . It's not a problem for a person to maintain hundreds of website article updates .


This kind of wordpress Collection plug-in The tool is also configured with many SEO function , Through software collection, pseudo original release can also improve a lot SEO Optimization of aspects ,

such as : Set to automatically download pictures and save them locally or to a third party ( Let the content no longer have the other party's external chain )


Automatic inner chain ( Let the search engine crawl your links more deeply )、 Insert before and after content or title, and insert website content or random author 、 Random reading, etc , formation “ highly original ”.

Through these SEO Small functions not only improve the originality of the website page, but also indirectly increase the collection ranking of the website . Directly check the collection and release of articles through monitoring and management on software tools , No longer need to log in to the background of the website every day . At present, the blogger's personal testing software is free , You can download it directly !

Have this wordpress Collect plug-ins. What details do we need to pay attention to when we do website optimization ?

1、 Website positioning

The positioning of the website , It refers to the goal of the website , It's corporate propaganda 、 Brand promotion , Get more brand presentations , Or product promotion , Keyword ranking optimization , Clarify the positioning of the website , Do a good job in the optimization direction .

2、 Website planning

With website positioning , You have to start operating Website Planning , Think about website planning from the perspective of users , Focus on user experience , Reasonable website planning is good for the later optimization of the site .

3、 Keyword expansion

Key words sort out 、 Expand the long tail words , The premise of website optimization is to expand and sort out keywords , Specify the keywords to be optimized , Sorting out keywords is to lay a foundation for later optimization of Thesaurus .

4、 Keyword layout

Keywords want to participate in ranking , Need to be laid out in the website , The places where the website thesaurus can be arranged are , The title in the website 、 describe 、 key word , Column page title 、 Article page title 、 Text 、tag label 、 Breadcrumb navigation 、 Bottom column, etc .

5、 Content editing

Whether the website content is of high quality 、 rare 、 Value determines whether the later website has a good collection and ranking , Whether to participate in the ranking of the whole station rather than only the home page . Content optimization , Focus on content segmentation 、 Equinox 、 illustrated , Title Reliable , The content just meets the demand , solve the problem .

6、 Push submit

Updated content , If you want to include, you need to submit and push URL To Baidu webmaster .

7、 External chain construction

External chain construction , Help to increase domain name trust and keyword ranking , External chain selection high quality 、 Included fast website release chain , Pay attention to the quality of the external chain and don't release simple URL Outside the chain , Key words must be arranged around .


Enterprise website optimization pays more attention to the implementation of , As long as we do a good job in the basic optimization of a series of classes , Cooperate with wordpress Collection plug-in Update and external chain services . Whether it's the home page or the content page , The ranking will never be bad . After reading this article , If you think it's good , You might as well collect it or send it to your friends and colleagues who need it , Follow bloggers and take you to know all kinds of SEO Experience , Get through your two channels of appointment and supervision !

