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Google Earth engine (GEE) - globfire daily fire data set based on mcd64a1

2022-07-04 22:47:00 This star is bright

be based on MODIS Data sets MCD64A1 Fire boundary of . The data is calculated based on an algorithm , The algorithm relies on encoding the space-time relationship between patches of burned out regions in the graphic structure .

Each fire has a unique number to identify the event .

Dataset Availability


Dataset Provider

European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Global Wildfire Information System

The data call :


Code :

//  Call... Directly from the folder , Nothing here featurecollection.
var folder = 'JRC/GWIS/GlobFire/v2/DailyPerimeters';

//  Use... With asynchronous callbacks ee.data.listAssets List available tables .
function printAssetList(listAssetsOutput) {
  print('Asset list:', listAssetsOutput['assets']);
ee.data.listAssets(folder, {}, printAssetList);

//  Define a table name from the list of available tables ( surface ID).
var tableName = 'JRC/GWIS/GlobFire/v2/DailyPerimeters/2020';

var computeArea = function (f) {
  return f.set({'area': f.area()});
//  Import a selected table as a feature set .
var features = ee.FeatureCollection(tableName).map(computeArea);

//  Visual parameters of linear fire area gradient .
var visParams = {
  palette: ['f5ff64', 'b5ffb4', 'beeaff', 'ffc0e8', '8e8dff', 'adadad'],
  min: 0.0,
  max: 600000000.0,
  opacity: 0.8,

//  Use the calculated fire area as the numerical attribute , Draw the fire perimeter on the image .
var image = ee.Image().float().paint(features, 'area')

//  Display the image on the map ( Including features explored by inspectors ).
Map.addLayer(image, visParams, 'GlobFire 2020');
Map.addLayer(features, null, 'For Inspector', false);
Map.setCenter(-121.23, 39.7, 12);

Terms of Use

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  • Artés, T., Oom, D., De Rigo, D., Durrant, T. H., Maianti, P., Libertà, G., & San-Miguel-Ayanz, J. (2019). A global wildfire dataset for the analysis of fire regimes and fire behaviour. Scientific data, 6(1), 1-11. doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0312-2

result :


  Fire display of different levels :

  Click to view the corresponding information, fire area, etc



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